Bring back PvP vendors OR

Each bg is different as well, since players dont act like npcs (most of the time). There can be huge difference in a single bg if done a few times ina row.

We do need some new bgs tho. and the ability to blacklist that absolutely horrible silvershard mines


Good to see your support in every PvP vendor post I visit!! :smiley: I hope with this community, we can make a difference…


No a pvp vendor isn’t enough anymore.

  1. pvp needs to have always higher GS items than pve ans easier to get

  2. BiS items can only drop in pvp

  3. Pve Gear drop rate needs to be reduced to 1 in 10 dungeons

This is how we get the pve player to feel like we feel now

Also no balance changes for PVE


I haven’t seen anyone that is a pvp centric player that doesn’t support that tbh. It simply was better when we had vendors and specific gear in MoP and WoD.


Is this the ‘Wow is a PvE game’ argument?

If so, help me understand why there have been pro Arena tournaments etc, at Blizzcon and stuff? For years?

If that’s not the argument, then sorry, no worries :pray: :smile:


Actually if you did PvP then you would get the best PvP gear by actually doing PvP.

Equally if you did PvE then you got the best PvE gear by doing PvE.

If like me you enjoyed doing both then you had two sets of gear. A PvP set and a PvE set.
It wasn’t a problem,

They got rid of PvP gear vendors to try and entice more people to take part in PvP making it more accessible to players who only had PvE gear.
Ironically it has had the opposite effect and there are less people doing PvP content now than ever before.

+1 vote to a return of resil/power gear and vendors.

Make PvP great again.


Let’s just say I haven’t seen such a bada$$ sneaky panda and I like it.

I don’t know if that was the reason for removing the pvp gearing system with vendors. My feeling is that they really wanted to push the shiny new mythic+ as the main source of gearing. And as a result, as you correctly pointed out, pvp participation seems to be extremely low since it feels unrewarding.


The funny thing is, I often see in game (in my guild for example), or here in the forum, that even a lot of PVE players despites this mythic system, for many reasons (forced to do it, sh*tty RIO system (this one is on players though), if you play a class that is not meta you’re not invited, ppl are toxic as hell, 50% of the groups leaves if there’s a wipe, etc etc…).

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unless you happened to get onetapped by someone in full pve gear on timeless isle farming coins :v

Yeah but someone did metntion in the comments that WoD PvP was better in WPvP because of nerfs… so maybe the WoD system was THE best PvP system ever existed in WoW’s history?


Aspects of it were stupid, like the Ashran RNG box, but the way pvp gear functioned I’d say was better than in MoP, since it ensured it’s viability in wpvp even as the gear from high-end pve got increasingly ridicilous in power.

Overall, not perfect, but yeah maybe the best of the bunch regardless.

Maybe getting fully decked in honor gear was a bit too effortless, but the pace at which you gear is something that’s gonna leave someone disgruntled no matter how it is, so maybe that part should be it’s own separate discussion point idk.


WPvP has always been trash, instanced PvP is the good PvP.
That and this isn’t… like… that true…
PvE players could have more gear ilvl, but they had 0 PvP Power and others had about 57% (66% if Human thanks to ‘‘free trinket’’). That was key stat to deal damage to players.

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They mentioned that they were looking into the rewarding system in PVP for Shadowlands, let’s hope and make our voice heard!


That’s what they said after Legion

MASSIVE AGREE with bringing PvP vendors back. Even PvP-specific gear like in MoP. If that came back with Shadowlands, lvl 60 cap, etc? oh my days. It would be perfect - I may even consider playing retail seriously again.

To be fair though, nothing wrong with farming random BGs for PvP gear also if the honor (or small amounts of conquest points) you gain goes towards unlocking a piece of decent PvP gear (or set, if they brought sets back… I wish.)

I used to do my weekly rated arena and some RBGs for conquest cap back in the day, then farm random BGs or random world PvP to… well, use my new pieces of gear. :slight_smile:


Let PvPrs get their gear from PvP ! This includes also trinkets and other fancy things. Let PvPrs focus on PvP and not RNG or whatever-it-is-now.


Why are you guys even trying to communicate with someone that lacks any form of PVP insight? This clueless mongoloid hasn’t even broken 1550, yet wants to chime in on how it should go.

He is legitmately one of the worst trolls I’ve ever seen that wastes his life reading the forums and making threads over petty things, but all in all you’re irrelevant, like the majority.

PVP gear should be vendor bought, end of discussion. No one wants to deal with BS RNG, especially when it comes to random forging proc’s, just no. Bring it back to a base-line vendor bought shop where you can actually buy whatever piece you want first, like it has been, like when it was good.

It’s actually unbalanced in terms of PVE terribads coming over into arena, winning games because they got carried by 24 other people to get some OP gear, I mean really? – Imagine if Rank 1 gear actually gave you BiS - How many back-pedalling scrubs and keyboard turning clickers would want it to be changed? Gurantee it will be forum worth reads for weeks.


Although I benefitted it was a bizarre change when suddenly my PvE gear was effective in PvP, I preferred the older systems with PvP vendors. I don’t PvP very much but we could still a basic PvP set with relative ease. I don’t really know why they decided to remove that kind of gear progression from PvP.


I didn’t play MoP but for all the expansions I have played WotLK made it perfect where you had your gear being purchased by honor points and arena points. They gave a valuable stat called resilience. Without it you were kind of paper in PvP. It also made BGs fun at least for me because they gave me valuable items outside of the pve content I was already doing on heroic.