Bring back PvP vendors OR

Same here, i didn’t mind doing some random battlegrounds and get the pvp gear. The only reason that made sense was the fact that you had to keep whole sets for pvp only and this became even more complicated when you played different specs.
For me the best solution would have been, keep the pve gear but add the extra stat (like resilience) which would turn you gear strong in pvp. In order to get this stat you should farm some sort of pvp currency that would allow you to enchant every item of your gear with this pvp stat. Best pvp trinkets should come from pvp only as well.

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Despite pvp participation dropping like a rock in water this expansion, Ion was pretty clear that they want you to farm every aspect of the game even if you don’t like it.

They will rather have pvp die completely than admit their plan didn’t work.


I don’t know how far this plan is going to take them. BfA no matter if someone likes it or not hasn’t been a successful expansion, their players kept dropping even when there was a new patch out. Shadowlands will be a turning point for WoW or the future doesn’t look so bright.
Unless their plan is just to grab money from new expansion sales, then just use the revival of older successful expansions (BC, wrath) to keep the game alive.

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Then you went and pulled every single giant elite and rare elite to them and watched them all burn. And that is why i loved MoP pvp was awesome and timeless isle was the best zone ever created for trolling people.


Yeah but I mean if they keep the content for pve like this, wow won’t die, pvp will. So many players left pvp including like 5 friends I know irl who just said they left because blizzard messed up pvp rewards and that they couldn’t enjoy the game anymore.


At this point every loss of player counts then it’s only a matter of time until the rest give up as well. PvP getting no attention is only a part of the problem, there are other aspects of the game seriously neglected, practically everything besides dungeons and raids. I don’t know how long this can keep the game going.

It takes them between 4 and 6 years before they backtrack on really dumb changes. Let’s hope they backtrack on this one sooner rather than later, because the game without a proper pvp gearing system is actually not worth playing for pvp players.


I find Timeless isle one of the worst concepts in-game - it had no content, just some 5 man parties trying to be funny and then those 5 man heroes run away soon as PvE people with raid gear appeared. 2 PvE raid geared people vs 5 PvP “heroes” and guess who won, not the “heroes”

Could’ve been because pve gear in wpvp was outclassing pvp gear by a huge margin, especially before s15, when you had to go up against heroic soo stuff with s14 gear.

SOO gear and its sockets, trinkets and stuff were pretty fluff. I do not remember what season that Timeless isle was, but I remember that my blood death knight was eventually left alone as I often appeared with a paladin healer, and the isle itself annoyed me beyond imagination. Not the PvP necessarily, but the actual lack of meaningful content and more it annoyed me later that Blizzard decided to put form of timeless Isle on every expansion since.

The item which allowed to attack own faction was a clever one though. I’ll give them that.

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Not sure what “fluff” in this context means, I admit.

I’d say the concept of Timeless goes back to TBC and IQD, rather than it coming out of MoP originally.

IQD in TBC, Tournament in Wrath, Tol Barad / Firelands in Cata, Timeless in MoP and Tanaan in WoD.
Details differ but I get the same “vibe” out of all of em. I’ve generally liked 'em, IQD in particular I have fond memories of, at least up until they redesigned the guard AI and I could no longer abuse/exploit them. =||

I do not see it directly from those times because the TBC and Cataclysm locations seemed to have some kind of story going on in there. Daily quests and least attempt to make me connected to the endeavours in those locations. Timeless for me was like : heres you 100 rares with random spawns, go kill them. Why, who knows… but go kill them.

No yeah, storywise Timeless was pretty meh in comparison, but functionally they’re pretty similar, daily chores you can do for catchup gear and/or gold income.

For me it is same - skip content and take break from game-kind of content. :ok_hand:

Shrug, IQD in particular was my gateway to epic flying, and all of them provided me with a lot of fun wpvp to engage in, so I’m a fan of the concept. 8)

IQD was not when I took break, that started with Timeless :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d love to have PvP vendors back.
I also think it would be cool if faction leaders like anduin/sylvanas dropped PvP gear when killed.

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Well MoP had quite crap pvp gear compared to raid gear that’s why when i attacked the pve “heroes” in timeless isle i brought some raid bosses to them with me in form of 5-10 yangol elites plus the rare one when i was ganked by the cinematic pve “hero” groups.

Hilarity and total chaos guaranteed.

Oh creative approach! I like you ! Now this is side of wPVP I admire, when players get artistic. I used to myself always aggro some pve mobs, when attacked in world - because it meant I had infinite heals as blood dk, and even better was when vengeance was in game. I let pve mob beat my vengeance up fast.

Use of world, terrain and mobs - bonus points for you! :+1:

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Timeless isle raid group wiping inspired by the scene from Serenity.