Bring back PvP vendors OR

It’s just so confusing to why they sat with this system since the beginning of Legion… and yeah they defineetly will lose the pvp side, it’s a matter of time since they are already in a big decline. Do they just not see that this is all just painful for pvpers?? Where is the pvp content in this game anymore? What other game can we possibly turn to for pvp??

You’re talking about before patch 5.4.8 right? Because I remember PvE geared people getting one shotted instead… lol absurd damage, yes. But still weak…

Don’t remember the patch number but it was fun until blizzard made mobs evade more easily before that you could drag half timeless isle to the boss ring and place where AFK heroes were.

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The patch numbers are a bit hazy to me, but specifically during SoO pve gear was insanely good in comparison to pvp gear in wpvp.

If you refer to pve gear’s performance in instanced pvp though then yes it was weak, because it was downscaled to lower ilevel. Rather “artificial”, but at least it kept the gear in check for arena/bgs.

I have a vivid memory of a fully heroic geared discpriest being like a raidboss.


Also because pve trinkets had their effects even further halved, even the downscaled versions.


YEAH! And that was a biiiiiig relief… BEST PVP IN WOW WITHOUT A DOUBT. patch 5.4.8 <3


Honestly, most final seasons were good imo. My favorite one was TBC S3, followed by S8 in Wrath, but the final seasons of MoP and WoD, Season 15 and WoD S3, were really cool too.

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I’m not a pvper I’ve dablled with it to earn the odd mark every now and then to spend at a vendor for transmog purposes but I don’t pvp professionally.

I miss the vendors it was a way for me to get ensembles with out having to play pvp all the time and I do miss the fact bfa doesn’t have them😢. I feel almost forced in to pvp to get the gear when I won’t use it all I want is the apperence not the gear itself so I’m with you I want pvp vendors back so I can get my ensembles.

Welp, that’s a unique way to look at it… But very true!

PVP has almost become a Meme at this point sad

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It’s not different. Mechanics are constantly being reused. It’s really only the sceneries that changes.


You have my vote for PvP vendors!

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Yeah they need to up their game and think of something actually unique… this goes for PvP as well!

People really couldn’t find the legion pvp vendor. I remember many times being asked where I got my gear. Even after giving directions, they still couldn’t find it, or understand how to get the currency. Was kinda funny at the time. But ye, in bfa or sl, a pvp vendor standing right beside the pvp chest, with ‘normal’ currency would be nice.

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I wish it was just rng, there are so many people on forums and all over internet saying that that won’t buy shadowlands if there is no pvp vendors.


Bring back PvP vendors, we don’t want to PvE to be able to PvP. take away all your boring PvE stuff.


That sounds pretty cool, they really can make something out of killing faction leaders other than an achievement, maybe make them A LOT harder like hardest raid out there so that would require like 40 man groups etc. and not be easily killed with 4-5 people. Buff Alliance and Horde players near their faction leaders. Bigger the group stronger they get buffed. Awesome idea, WOW needs these unique stuff and they need a lot of it for sure.

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Bumping this for the last time hoping someone else will take over the bump so we can get developers to see.

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I loved the pvp vendors, so you have my vote!

I spent the vast majority of my playtime in TBC, Wrath, Cata and MoP doing pvp content. After that, I just lost my ‘mojo’ for it with the requirement to do pve content for any form of decent gear. It just wasn’t for me. Pvp vendors would enable people to play the content they enjoy without being forced to play the content they don’t. The pve’ers would also then not have to contend with players who don’t really want to be there.