Bring back resilience and pvp power

Don’t letp ve geared players thrive in pvp. Seperate the two things and let people play the way they want. Pve gear has a huge impact in PVP and it seems that’s the case in shadowlands. Please blizzard, let us do what we enjoy and reward us for that. As a pvpr i don’t wanna do torghast for the best legendary essences or PvE for the Best chest/shoulders/trinket/ tier set cos it’s better than the pvp vendor ones.And vice versa for pver’s i guess. They wouldn’t wanna get 2400 rating cos the X thing from that would be better than Mythic castle of nya rewards.

Please blizz take a look at this


Do not Bring back Resilience gear or PVP Power.
Keep it as it is, all the gear you need is in the game, you just have to pay the content you payed for


iam sure most of us pvp only fans don’t want to do pve content to be competitive. How would you feel if there wasnt any raid gear rewards ? How would you feel if u was forced to do ARENA and rated bgs/wpvp to get the besti n slot gear in the game?


Either templates, or pvp-stat, or wod scaling gear should be in the game


No, no, no.

2 gearing systems is an awful idea. And the solution isn’t to “force” pve’rs into pvp and vice versa, its to let you get what you need from the content you want to do.


iam Against templates and scaling. PVP specific stats would be IDEAL

So you would be ok having to get 2200 +rating to kill castle of nyaloah HC or mythic? Just cos the gear u’d get for arena would be alot better?

also PLS blizz everyone was so excited to get pvp vendors bk in game


I didn’t say that? I didn’t imply that? Do you just make stuff up based on what you imagined we said or do you actually read what I said?

missread what u said sorry. But you say people should get geared by the content they want to do .
Okay why do i have to do PVE to get best legendaries etc. to be competitive in Arena? IMO pvp gear with a Stat where if u dont have it u take lots of dmg like back in cata/wotlk/mop/wod days would be ideal. simple as that


It cant work like that, You would get raid quality gear from arena or battlegrounds, that would be insane. Imagine standing AFK in a BG losing 10 times because you are alliance and then presto here is your 480 Mythic Bis Ring

I dont know what the sollution is, it cant be two different sets of gear, that would make PVP too much of a grind and basicly kill PVP

We also dont need blizzard wasting hundreds of man hours for the 5 pvp players there are per server when they can better spend that time improving PVE content
I like BG like Ashran if it wasnt for the lagg, i do wish we had more like that :slight_smile:

I’m saying that shouldn’t be the case.

I’m ALSO saying that resilience isn’t the solution.

pvp power/defence is the solution. Or just give pvp power where ppl will pvp power will do 50% more dmg than ppl in raid gear.

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I think the biggest issue is that gear in pve scales with content difficult, and gear in PvP scales with ranked rating. While on the surface these appear to be comparable, they simply aren’t, and leave none rated PvP an utter cesspool of gear imbalance where the ones least effective in bgs are the ones who only do bgs.

The arena disparity due to specific high powered pve items is another issue.


No it isn’t the solution.

Could you articulate why you think it is instead of repeating it again and again?

If bliz brought back crafted starter sets for PvP and the general three tier system it probably would work. Crafted starter sets gave everyone the option of a competent baseline, though this could also be done by just saying every item under X ilvl in PvP is templated to X ilvl. A mix of both. A template to keep the minimum player power in PvP competent, and then a gearing system with a less egregious pve related top end.


notice how everyone whos against it is basically a PVE monkey, that thinks they’re good at PVP because they one shot new 120s in RBGs

i dont want to carry several gear sets

lamest excuse ever, bag slots are basically free now and like you dont carry several sets for PVE anyway…

you should just do all the content in the game!

these are the same people that immediately started crying when we found out like 3 days ago that some conduits would be sold by PVP vendors

i hate PVErs so much… they basically think its OK that PVP players have to get 95% of their gear from PVE and think thats fair. But when its the other way around, they immediately start crying, even if its just ONE piece.

damn i miss Holinka, never thought i would say this but at least he actually cared about the state of PVP in the game. Ion is just a stubborn idiot and pretty much the worst thing that ever happened to WoW.
I shouldn’t blame him too much though, hes just doing what his chinese overlords demanded of him.


Thanks for the generalisation. Really appreciate it :confused:

For what purpose do you need gear in pvp ?

If the question is “Why not go back to templates?” Build customisation / tinkering. Though some UI could be added to let people edit their template in the same way D&D players make character stats. Being stuck with what the game gave you in legion was pretty demoralising all things considered, especially for casters who just wished they had more haste.

If your question is “Why do pvpers need gear at all?” Then I hope you’re trolling.

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All they have to do is put a base PvP power/base Resilience for PvErs/Undergeared players, then attach extra PvP Power/Resilience to PvP gear that is obtained through PvP.

I don’t understand why Blizzard won’t just bite the bullet and do it.


Exactly. Reasonable baseline for all, then both time and rating based pvp progression systems for upgrades.