Bring back resilience and pvp power

sorry, nothing personal.
i guess when the game director of a game you love says stuff like “reaching 2400 is as easy as mythic 15”, all the patience and good humor goes out the door and the saltiness settles in…

not only is it false, since PVE is way easier, but mythic also gives better gear!


This is a bit of a rabbit hole, and while I assume we’ll never agree, maybe it’s better to say that gear scales with pve content difficulty faster than it scales with PvP rating.


except you don’t know what gear and which sockets are an actual upgrade for you because of hidden scaling KEKW

the older system was way easier to understand and had a way more fulfilling progression, everyone who can’t see that has never experienced PvP from BC until Legion.


I’ve never really liked gearing in PvP because I think PvP is most fun when everyone is on equal footing. GW2 has a good system, but it probably wouldn’t work for World of Warcraft. I think the three tier system was a decent enough compromise. This system pretty much requires PvP stats to work, though, for reasons already highlighted in this thread.

This, for instance. Taking down a boss in a mythic raid is more challenging than playing a battleground x number of times, so should the gear reward really be on the same level?

PvP stats are a solution to this problem. It may not be the most elegant solution, but surely a solution is better than no solution.


Didn’t have them in WoD. We just had all PvP items go up 20 ilvl in PvP. (Which left conquest gear 5 ilvls above mythic) As a spec that thrived on specific stats I thoroughly enjoyed that more than losing my haste budget for resilience or similar.

It also meant if I wanted super specific stats that weren’t on PvP items, I could drop 5 ilvl and grab them in pve on things like bracers.

ok thats a better way to put it, agreed 100% with your post.

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I’ll take your word for it. I didn’t really play in WoD, so can’t comment on what PvP was like during that expansion. I did most PvP in Cataclysm and I thought the three tier system back then was pretty decent. You had the crafted gear and then you had two tiers from PvP. It didn’t take too long to get the best gear. Finally, if you were an arena god, you got a cool paintjob to show off your skills.

Bliz removed PvP stats from gear completely. The items were indistinguishable from PvE except they had their PvP set bonus (Usually not something relevant to DPS in the way a pve one was) and they were 15 ilvls lower (I think) than their respective pve difficulty item.

Then in PvP they went up 20, putting them 5 ilvls above instead.

The only issue this had, and I agree it was a problem, was that honour gear by default ended up just being better than any of the catch-up gear systems added in 6.2 for new players. Maybe this can be solved cleverly but I don’t think it was reason enough to scrap a whole system either.

Honestly I believe templates would have worked if they came with some sort of interface that allowed me to shuffle my stats around a bit and make different builds.


These are the same questions, tbh.
If you have templates, obviously your gear has no effect (or a very limited effect).

I don’t see how they are, because despite templates helping a tonne in pvp, having a character that actually functions in the game is good too.

While pvpers might not want to do dedicated pve content like mythic plus or raids, many still enjoy collecting / completing story content, farming gold, and other such things that a semi competent open world ilvl tends to help with.

If I put all my “competitive” time into PvP and all I get out of it is 400 ilvl blues, even if my gear basically doesn’t matter at all in the PvP, I’ve still put a tonne of time into something and would expect to get something competent out of it. That’s what the honour system did, and what I hope it’ll do again.

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Yea, but you don’t actually need that gear for pvp, at least with templates or anything achieving the same feature.

You don’t, no, but it doesn’t change the gear currently being awarded for PvP being an embarrassment

Because you’re crooked and can’t bend in your pve trash?


the thing i dont get is: why would you want your game to be worse, even if its content you never do?

PVE players SHOULD defend PVP players and PVP content as much as PVE! even if they dont do PVP, because you never know the day of tomorrow.

i never seen a PVP players asking for PVE to be nerfed, or to remove gear or whatever… yet PVE players ask for PVP nerfs all the time…

i dont get it…


OMG. All scaling system is awful trash. Staircase system the ideal option was, is and will be. Its when you step by step upgrade you gear in brave and honor fights on BG’s, Arenas, World PVP, earning honor points and arena points. This RPG! The weak player must be killed by the strong. No system to help should not be. PVE crabs must remove their pincers from the PVP direction. Bring back the PVP vendors, res, etc.

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Simple 3 step fix to everything:

    1. Remove PvE+PvP scaling
    1. PvE content rewards BIS PvE Gear
    1. PvP content rewards BIS PvP Gear



do u remeber first day of mop relaice when they added pvp power ?

level 3 druids with 99% pvp power and 99% pvp ress what ran around 1 shooting max levels ?

Remeber cape pvp power enchant and Pvp power herlooms ?

Make these claims to Blizzard. This is again a poor scaling system. Need to do: the higher the level of the enemy, the less chance to hit it. Damage is also reduced in progression.

Dumb scaling =/= dumb idea. Same as dodge cap on low lvl character.

They even forgot to make level request on the green gear the vendors sold in MOP.