Bring back resilience and pvp power

And how exactly do you think you can only play pvp and gear up when the entire expansion is about covenants, soulbinds and legendaries?

Add more stats to the mix and it’ll only make it much harder to gear up and when you do, you’ll be useless in PVE with that gear and vice versa. Not to mention the mess it’ll be for balancing. Even worse than what it is right now.

The solution is to make pvp gear as valuable as pve gear depending on the difficulty of the content. Not to replace it with pvp gear.

the blance is terrible even on current Bata even we have got ride of curraptions and other things .

This is the problem though. PvP is not difficulty correlated content. You have rated and unrated, and a ladder, but nothing about that specifically correlates to difficulty by design. You’re playing against people, not tuned NPC’s in scripted environments.

Casual PvP content, namely battlegrounds, is also such a different environment compared to queue-able PvE content that any comparison feels forced. Queued PvP content is a melting pot of all sorts of skill levels, item levels, classes, specs, motivations, and dispositions. You don’t move on from it, so to me the idea that anyone who does just battlegrounds is significantly worse off in battlegrounds than someone who does less of that content is ludicrous.


I like how people say “do difficult content for good gear, PvP doesn’t need its own gearing system” with a straight face after the recent revelation that doing exactly that is bad (see socketing fiasco).

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But, I personally think PvP should be more enjoyable if:

  • anyone could participate in it at any time
  • PvP was balanced, gear-wise and class/spec wise

So, removal of the importance of gear in PvP makes sense to me as a mean to make the game better.

Now you can disagree with these ideas, or how I imagine a possible implementation of them, of course.

more Comp Stomp BGs and pvp fixed

Why not? It’s easy to measure a certain threshold for different rewards.

For example, If mythic 15 is the highest reward level and approximately 5% of the players can clear it, then you give the same reward for whatever rank 5% of the playerbase reached. They have raw data for years and years of all that. They can come up with a system that isn’t just 2400,2000,1400 or whatever else it is.

As for casual content, you can’t expect them to reward you the same as ranked content. It’s like doing world quests and expecting mythic+ rewards. There’ll be a limit to how high of an item you can get or how much of the currency you’ll earn per casual runs.

Because what % of people do something and how hard something is are not the same thing. While you can say on average a 2400 3s match is ‘harder’ than a random BG, that is not a tuned situation, it is based on player factors and player factors alone, because it is players against players.

More importantly though, unlike in PvE content, where once you ‘outgear’ something or have experienced its scenario enough to no longer have a reward from it. You stop doing it. Battlegrounds you don’t which is not what leads to the melting pot I mentioned earlier.

I hate battlegrounds right now, and have done almost all of BFA, despite being one of the 1% of the 1% who is as geared as humanly possible. The reason for that? Because the difference between geared players and none geared players is to a point where comparatively they may as well not exist, which creates so many none games (Win or lose) that it’s just boring.

As long as blizzard continues to treat queueable pvp content the same as queueable pve content, that will continue to happen.

I want pvp gearing to be its own thing/reward but i do NOT want pvp only stats back at all. WoD did it the best pvp gear,own bonuses for pvp,scales up in pvp and disabled pve effects of pve gear


Dont bring any of that back. The game is more healthy if everyone is forced to play both pvp and pve

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Bring it back. Don’t listen to PvE degens.


They must have dropped it for a reason. The fact is I don’t much like the systems that put such a gap between player power that it becomes a joke, kinda like it is now. I honestly miss the Legion boosting system.

A PvP stat should not be making a comeback. It made PvP an absolute PITA for anyone who hasn’t yet spent a considerable amount of time farming PvP gear. It’s what made me not PvP in the first place, as I just couldn’t bring myself to get through what was the absolutely worst grind in the game to get basic PvP gear from BGs. Also I shouldn’t get absolutely dominated by a worse player just because they happen to be wearing the right gear.

Versatility already does a fine job of being a PvP stat without making PvP an absolute pain. Now all they need to get right is gearing through PvP as well and all will be fine.

They won’t do that. It makes the PVE hypocrites angry. They are fine with having you slay + dragons for loot, but when they are forced to come into your world to get their gear, it’s not right. And Blizzard listens to them.

That’s quite right pay for mythic raid boosts and m+ boosts so you can play at a fair playing field in pvp right.

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If you say pvp stat should not make a comebackcos u wouldnt be competitve or it would push u away from pvp u are clueless and u dont know whatu talking about. Check Wotlk. i played wotlk prservers and i was competitive with furious glad gear vs ppl with wrathfull. Bk in WOTLK/MOP/cata etc it was about the skill. Now it’s about who farms more legendary powersi n a clownpve fiesta. PVP Resilience and pvp stats is the solution im tellin ya


WoD didn’t have pvp stats and pvp gear was still better than pve gear in PvP. It’s not the only way to do it.

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Yeah you might’ve been competitive with a Furious gear vs Wrathful… because Furious gear has resilience. Try being competitive with a PvE gear. But I only spent 10 years playing WoTLK, so what would I know.

Exactly why we need PVP gear for PVP . I dont wanna do HC raids and m+ to be competitive in PVP. noty. i wanna do pvp arena bgs rbgs wpvp get my pvpstats and gear and rock on.

The same way u would be frustrated if u was told to get 2k rating in order to enter mythic pve content or if 1800 rating gear was alooot better for pve than mythic raid gear


Great. You don’t need resilience for that.


I wouldn’t. It was normal to see people farm PvP weapons to use in PvE. I still did that with fresh characters in BFA and I see no issue with that.