Bring back RPG to warcraft

Right now it does feel very arcade-y and not very RPG-y. That’s also, I think, why I don’t care about gear on my characters, which is not a good thing I’d say.


Try some of the servers marked as rp. You’ll find more rp than arcade than from non-rp servers.

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I agree with Alythene or try classic.

Wow is only 3 or 4 steps away from a mobile game at worst or diablo at best.


It sort of depends on you. You might not care because you’ve been playing for so long that you just care about everything other than the gearing. Or you’re tired of wow. I’m not saying it’s perfect, it’s not, but your mindset is an important factor. It’s something to consider.

I’d agree it needs some improvement, but I’m not sure what to make it more fun, not worse for most. Perhaps we could use more fun trinket effects for everyone, maybe a better gearing path pre-raid/m+.

That also being said, I want more RPG in wow in the form of choices, interactions and so on and they’ve sort of improved in TWW but it’s still just ant steps.

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Diablo 4 does feel way more RPG than WoW, and I would also complain that D4 is too arcade-y

Definitely doesn’t, I play lots of different games.
I think Blizzard needs to put out wow 2

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I would be happy to see return of socketing all items enchanting.

The problem just now is that a true RPG have very different builds / classes. The point is that the players builds the character they want to play.
But the players want to min/max optimise meta-game the system. So only a few specs get played.
The result is they try to balance the game by homogenising all the classes and remove unique feel from the classes / specs.

They also have to make all dungeons basically the same now. They can’t have longer dungeons or ones with unique layouts as they all have to be roughly th esame for M+.

The gear treadmill goes so fast now you can’t have any attachment to any items (maybe some trinkets are different). Used to be you knew the name of a cool sword from some boss that you’d try to get and be very happy when you did get it then you’d keep it for the rest of the expansion probably.
Just now I couldn’t name a single piece of gear that I wear.

So goingback to having more RPG elements is very unlikely as the playerbase like that M+ dungeons are cookie cutter and gear is as disposable as a paper straw. You see complaints now that a season lasts soooo long (6 months) and they want to be moving on already.


Oh ok, I’ll just play the campaign then and move on after. Won’t play M+, if that’s the reason, so I’m not part of the problem. Don’t wanna feed into a system that is at fault for the game going into a direction I don’t enjoy

My POV on this topic is how the world interacts with us rather than endgame content.
I wouldn’t mind if quests were made for classes and races and not generally for everyone. For example it made no sense to me that I had to prove my hunting skills to the centaurs back in DF as a mage or a priest… Probably this is why I feel leveling an extra chore that keeps me away from the actual content.

As for RP, we have option to create quests, items and stashes all around the WoW-world in the TRP3 addon, which, when used skillfully, is highly immersive.

It sounds cool on paper and we have all the technology we need…
There is very few RP people who is bother with TRP items and all this advanced stuff, usually people simply don’t want to learn and simply do every interaction by chat emotions, pretend that they have item and etc.
There is a way to do whole mechanic of upgrading your gear, doing small tasks, as well to find RP alongside when you in process of doing this tasks. But it requires you to do colossal work in understanding WoW-dev kit, which is basically what TRP addon uses in creating items and… even if you do that, very few people will want to bother with that if you offer them this.
Im always pro-TRP items enthusiast.

Trying RP is a good suggestion, but since RP is free to join for all kind of players and roleplayers, RP immersion can be vary.

To “Bring RPG” i think there is huge changes to overall WoW-system needed.
Current state is simply “Playing in the new locations, waiting to be teleported in the dungeon”, which is can be done without any player social interaction.


I think you all are way too fixated on WoW as a game, when I say RPG. I don’t mean RP-servers obviously. I mean the game is so smoothed out gameplay-wise that it feels too arcade-y.

For example, Elemental resistances should matter, it’s a RPG, we should want to gear and use consumables for specific encounters, not use the same trick for everything.

I think elemental damage should also matter sometimes.

Blizzard got rid of Pet food and arrows for hunters. I think it was a mistake. If I was them, I’d have doubled down on hunter ammo and added elemental imbuements and ammo types for newly added boss weaknesses as another rpg mechanic. I would have even doubled down on pet food and gave it different food buffs for the pet.

I think it should matter, if I use sharp damage or blunt damage against mobs/bosses as a warrior. I think using a hammer or a sword should also be a gameplay consideration.

Quests are way too smoothed out and all follow the same formula. There is no RPG in the quest design. Everything has a pointer on the map, you don’t have to pay attention to anything.

And I can add way more ideas, but the essence is though, that the game is too convenient and too smoothed out. There is no RPG in the MMORPG at all. I think if a game doesn’t need me to do anything, it becomes very dull, because essentially everything works and it’s not rewarding.

Telling me to play classic is advice, but I don’t really need that. I’m talking about retail.

And yes, I’m fully aware that wow won’t go in this direction any time soon, that’s why I think Blizzard should seriously consider making new game types in the warcraft universe altogether to go back to the basics.

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I have no idea what you are trying to say to me. Rp servers obviously contain more rp than arcade than non-rp servers though.

Gameplay feels smooth yeah and blizzard animation team has done splendid work with it and the game has felt responsive and smooth gameplay and animation wise since vanil cause of it. I think you want to play classic or try rp server to get more what you wish to have.

You have said day ago that you would wish wow to go back to year 2014 and that you are done with modern wow so what are you doing here in retail, I would suggest try classic if dont like retail.

I like it. You still find them in classic though, dont really want any of that in retail anymore.

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What is ‘RPG’ to you?

A few people have already hit the nail on the head, I’d like to add that little things that build up a world / your character are sorely missed.
Learning to subdue your voidwalker is a more invested experience than having the spell pop up on your spellbar.

The rate at which people consume content in WoW appears astonishing to me.

The world is way too noisy, with no space in between dots of interest.
Not every millimetre needs to be covered with mobs, to a point flying seems like the only logical next step in a way of escaping endless creatures there just so to keep you busy at all times.

Everything wants to fight you, all the time. Taking a walk from Ratchet to Crossroads is enjoyable journey, a breather.
Taking a walk from point A to B in any of the recent expansions feels like I’m in a swamp, without a mosquito repellent.

The game can be so much more than the fastest escalator to nowhere that it is now.


I think your looking for something like baulders gate mate rather than wow. Wow is more “relaxed” with RP elements such as say holy killing undead in one shot but arrows not working at all. I get ya but yeh this really isnt the game for that sadly.

Not really, baldurs gate 3 is also a TRPG, but I’m saying that wow has almost no RPG elements at all, not that I want them to go all-out on it. Got it? Or let’s put it in %:

If Skyrim is 100% a RPG, Monster Hunter 60%, and Diablo 4 7%, wow is at 5% for me. Does this make sense?

It feels more like an arcade game that you collect cosmetics for than a rpg in many ways

You said day ago that you are done with retail and modern wow in general. The game is optional, the ones who like classic can play classic and the ones who like retail can play retail. There is options. I dont see you having hunter but you asked get arrows and pet foods back, I have hunter and I dont want the arrows or pet food back, why come to retail forum trying take our way of playing the game how we want if there already is option to play the game how you want in classic.

I meant I’m done with modern in general jokingly. Was not wow related

You spoke related classic and said youre done with modern wow and wish go back 2014 on your words replying someone asking what is modern wow. Idk why dont play classic, blizz is providing us all these different versions of wow. And in general if the problem is related wishing more rpg elements then rp server definitely will provide it more than the non-rp. But anyway, you can of course ask and express your opinion on retail forum and wish it be more classic. I rather not have arrows or pet food back for my hunter though which you suggested.

Oh, i get it now.

Yes, i also want more of this stuff like ammunition for hunters, more variety of enchants, variety of gear itself.

I don’t like how blank current gear system is, i saw couple of WoW classic clips and there is Lionheart Helmet item, which is can be relevant through whole game.
Rare drop could be relevant too, its like “sword of thousand truths dropped for you and only you” type thing.
I never played Classic, but it would seems like it has good RPG elements with buffs, gearing and even by the fact that there is resist stats in the Classic.

Above that, to enhance RPG element, you can rework pot/food mechanic, make them not necessity, but pleasant variety.
OH! And scrolls! I constantly looting scroll-things by doing old content and i always wonder “What is this?” - which is simply relict of the old content.

As i can understand, current RPG mechanics of WoW is simply blank and artificially scaled to make it easy copy-paste for future content.