Bring back RPG to warcraft

OP is basically saying they want modern/retail wow to be like classic again.

There is

classic hardcore
classic SoD

already for the RPG players that want the old feel.


Good morning, chief, I’m asking for more RPG-elements, not for retail to be like classic. Those are 2 different suggestions, don’t dismiss everything with trivialities like that

The only real rpg mechanics of wow right now are professions and the fact we have gear on a meta-level, but it’s all scaled and normalised to stats as you say.

Yeah, as said, it’s on another thread and I said as a joke that I’m done with modern times, no reason to bring that up


It’s an MMORPG not a multiplayer RPG. Quite a difference.

Ask yourself why did Blizzard make those changes. Feedback from players.

RPG elements like those in vanilla (note word choice) are grindy and add very little to gameplay.

Quite a good chunk of WoW’s player base have been playing since at the latest, Wrath. That’s 2008, i think, they’ve grown up and can no longer grind a zone for 2 rep per elite to get a shoulder enchant for days on end. Newer players, I’d wager, dont have the attention span to grind for that long!

Any time Blizzard have introduced such elements which effectively time gate content in modern WoW it’s met with up roar. The much requested talent points have taken some criticism for adding too many passives/ adding bloat - pretty much what it was always going to do.

You may feel that your ‘genius suggestion’ will save WoW but it’s all been done before and failed.


You said in a classic thread that you are done with retail and would wish to go back to 2014. It didnt look like joke to me but the forum is txt based so its hard to tell.

Of course there is a reason to bring it up if you are here on retail forum making wishes to turn retail into classic and making suggestions like adding arrows and pet foods back into retail. You were pointed out that there is classic which you can go play if you have clearly said to dislike retail and be done with modern wow, there is little no reason why wouldnt you play classic instead of retail then.

It clearly needed to be said and very much is related if you have said to dislike the modern version of game, then what are we still discussing here about.

Yes and as is said there is classic out there which one can play if they dislike retail. No reason to come asking in retail forum to turn retail into an classic version of wow.

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I meant it as a joke, that modern retail means hopefully nothing, because retail wow is not a modern game

Well, if you dislike modern wow and would like more rp elements in your wow then there is perfectly good solution out there by heading to rp realms or playing classic wow, Im not sure if there is rp realms on classic but if there is that would seem like what you are after here.

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Nooo, you don’t understand :man_facepalming: I mean that modern wow does not exist in general, because wow is an old game. I said it as a joke, can we stop fixating on a word play I made in a sentence in another thread without explanation? Thanks.

I am sorry I dont understand what you are saying, retail wow is a modern video game. World of warcraft the war within were released year 2024, the expansion which forum section we are using currently as this is the retail wow forum section. The expansion were released last year which would make it pretty modern in any standard.

The game does exist, I am literally inside the game playing it right now.

Anyway… Like have said and others have pointed out, there is alot variety in classics out there.

Now I would suggest to pick any number of these and give them a try, and if there were wishes for rp and there is rp server variations on these I would try it too judging the topic wishing more rp elements in the game which I would imagine are found more on the rp realms versus the non rp realms, atleast this would be my start anyway looking for more rp feeling in wow but in more classic setting of wow.

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Yeah, sir/miss, please, I don’t wanna argue about something so silly, I explain it one last time: I meant yesterday in another thread as a joke that wow is an old game and that it isn’t modern by definition. Also, "modern’ is such a non-sense word anyway, because it implies that something is progression just because it’s new. I even specified here that I don’t mean classic wow, so why do you insist that I wanna turn retail into classic?

Can we stop making this about classic, I gave a lot of suggestions for combat rpg mechanics, and believe it or not, I was thinking about Monster Hunter World, not classic

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This is an interesting point, what is a ‘modern game’ to you?

Yeah of course, Im just confused cause I see you saying that you are done with retail and then making these suggestions like bringing arrows and pet foods back which are very old concept from vanil, so I think everyone assume you are more keen on classic.

Anyways, you have all the right to display ideas and that is why the forum is here for and the other posters have equal right to respond to the ideas, I have said what I have to say about retail and classic and it would go in circles if I would say any of it again so I end here from my end unless there comes something new to comment on.

For the record you mentioned the smoothness of wows gameplay which I dont fully understand what you mean with it other than the animations in general I imagine, which regards blizzard did do their own engine for wow back in vanil and they had excellent team making the animations on it, personally Ive felt the combat mechanics and animations in general always feel smooth compared to any other mmo.

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Yeah, it’s hard to understand what I mean by “rpg mechanics”, if you only/mainly play wow. When I wrote this thread my mind was in witcher 3, monster hunter, and skyrim.

What I want to see is that specific builds become more important for encounters, rather than only doing arcade-style mechanics. I give you an example:

Let’s say Blizzard introduced a fight where the boss gets a stone crust periodically. What I would do is giving blunt weapons and special hunter piercing ammo a 50% damage increase to remove that stonewall as a RPG mechanic. You can say it’s bad for balance, fair, but I think this mindset limits the game way too much.

Or let’s say a boss is made out of ice: I would have it take more damage by fire. Elemental resistances might be a thing in classic, but it’s only a few raid fights, but I actually view it as a staple that most RPGs have. We should also have weapon oils for example that change our damage type. Think of a weapon oil that lits our sword on fire. For example in a scourge raid, we should wanna use a holy water imbuemebt/weapon oil to do more damage and hunters should wanna use holy silver ammo or something similar. Makes sense? This is way beyond the scope of classic wow

Well I am sorry it didnt read like joke to me but forum is txt based so it can be hard to tell too, I were in the impression that you were done with retail based on that comment but if that is not the case then I have been simply mistaken.

Ah I see, something like that could be implemented I guess. In pvp I guess closest that come to this is magic absorbs and physical reduction through armor, related the rpg mechanics, and parrys and dodges and blocks.

I think sub find weakness is fitting mechanic on the rogue fantasy and fitting related rpg. But Im happy they removed the expose armor finisher aswell.

Im excited on the mm rework currently too, there is alot synergy with the new companion and it acting as spotter and adding conditions to enemies from sky, I think its really cool concept and has potential.

Hey chief 2014 called and wanted to tell you tbere was no arrows or pet system and the game was very much like today in many ways.

It woud benefit some clases more then others and woud increase meta even .ire, some clases woud be essential while othwra wous be pickws or avoiding (or just meme picks)

Like remeber thw slime boss in AQ 40who only get damaged by frsot damage, so either you pull frost mage or shaman (frost shock) or you have to the only weapson which deal frost dmg (the was a crafable 1hand sword which make frot dmg) while the rest sit threi and watch.
Or paladin were massive op agienst undead, remember when exorcism ALWAYS hit critical agibst undead, it was such op even blizzard had stwp in and changed in pvp undead to humanoid that paladin stop rofstomp then.

Not every rp mechanics was great, like weapons profession and skill.
Or have you have as hunter you bag stuffed with ammo, which uses import space, since in classic bag space was more limited back then

It had good reason why those things vanished.
You can bring them fir a single player rpg- but nit an mmo(rpg)

That’s why I said “take more damage”, and not “take zero damage”. Also, I as said, I wouldn’t do this isolated, I would also adjust gear and consumables to give more people the opportunity to adjust their build. An example: Let’s say Hunters used ammo again, and could buy fire arrows from auction house. However, I think it’s also fine if some classes are weaker for some bosses. This idea that every class needs to always be good is restricting this game way too much

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It’s not about every class always being good but about every class always being decent.

If the is a boss that for example just gets less DMG from a warlock why should any group take a warlock there?

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It would simply reinforce meta picks all the more.

Some classes would be a must have, others would see no land.

That’s why I would be against the proposal.

You can do something like that in a single player game where you don’t have much balance crap and it only affects the player, on a mmorpg with many players something like that just doesn’t work

So players through no fault of there own playing there fav char for years suddenly get benched because you think its a great idea they do zero dps to a boss because the boss is immune to there spec/spells never going to happen thankfully.


Like mentiond, there was to my knowlage one instace of such a boss.
The slime boss in AQ40 who only get dmg by frost, so either your a Frost mage or have a weapon with frost dmg (and far i know there was only one)
and i dont know if enchantments with frost damage already existed or were a thing back then.

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