I had to kill him for something (probably an achiev or mog).
I got an Axe from Storm Peaks and a Trinket from somewhere in MOP I think (box of puppies or something). Was able to get the achievement done.
But I can imagine this being a pain for groups back in the day where half the raid had to either track down some specific gear or be benched for a fight.
I did really enjoy Plaguelands back in TBC on my Pally as we used to do double damage to Undead so that zone felt cool to be smahing up mobs.
But I can understand how balancing the game around this would be a nightmare. So I get why it had to end.
I think a great way to increase the RPG feel would be to make Dwarves run speed lower due to their ickle legs.
Those of us with longer legs and hooves should run faster.
This would really increase immersion in the game world.
You dont have to bench anyone because there are accessible source of frost damage for everyone.
With AV rep there is a wand that does frost damage.
For melee there is frost oil Made by alchemist and the weapon enchant from winters veil.
Also very important for that fight damage is secondary what is most important is being fast enough to freeze the boss (mage will use rank 1 frostbolt) so benching or going lower than 40 is counter produttive.
You’re right, WoW players think in extremes, namely “Optimal” and “Sucks”, in the mind of players, resistance and immunity are pretty much the same thing: You’re gimped if you use that element (Or in the case of weakness, gimped unless you use that element), especially if (Like, say, a mage) you use one element exclusively, like MC way back in Vanilla, mages either specced Frost, or they got booted.
I get the idea, make weapon types matter, make elements matter, very RPG-like, but in a min-maxing game like WoW, that’s doomed to have unfortunate side-effects, is a boss strong against Holy? Let’s bench the Paladins!
There is a degree to it for sure. I think the game needs more rpg combat mechanics, right now it’s almost some type of multiplayer arcade game in many ways. I give a lot of examples among the first comments in this thread. It’s nice that they bring things like player housing in the future though, but I’m talking about the gameplay particularly
Less systems and isolated gameplay activities, more adventure and open world exploration.
I mean, Elden Ring is more of an RPG than WoW because it’s just an open world filled with baddies that you get to adventure through. Same with Baldur’s Gate III.
WoW has entrenched itself in a design where you choose what specific activity you want to do, and where everything is its own thing that can be done independently and isolated from everything else. Arena versus Battlegrounds versus Dungeons versus Raids and so on.
I agree with everything else you said but it needs to be said that blizz made all rated pvp modes share ranks now so technically it killed arenas and took it out of the picture cause now people can just get the same ranks and rewards playing something like soloq battleground blitz when the mode gives same rewards and ranks as arena or shuffle.
Only thing thats left in arena is glad mounts and not enough ppl are trying get those in first place so arena just died cause this. I think it would been better if they kept pvp rewards and ranks separated from each modes instead of combine them, the rated system Imo being outdated as participation based, just kills the rest of the modes when one mode is more favored than others.
I like battleground type pvp in mmos but sometimes I would like to play arena with my friends and now it just feels unmotivating when they are practically dead modes now.
i know, but still if tehy got liek reststance and you make 5% less dmg becaude you have not the right element its drama because pople/ raids are so dmg oriantated.
wow…rep grind…for one item, great idead to lock the nessesary item behind that…
whch comes with huge coast and both earning a golden nose, and remember, gold was in classic less infatious, like 40 gold for the epic mound was back then a huge summ
This, eiter you gott booted or just drama in riad if you dont use the right element/ specc.
People got so tocic if you deall 5% less dmg.
In fairness, RPG is a confusing term these days, because it’s used as much to describe the journey, exploration, and adventure of a game like Elden Ring, as it is used to describe the character progression and power fantasy in a game like Path of Exile II.
“It has RPG elements! It has a talent tree!” “It’s an open world, therefore it’s an RPG!”
But yeah, WoW these days leans more toward the character progression and power side of “RPG” than the adventure and exploration side of it.
I remember some years ago Ion Hazzikostas (Game Director) talked about how they wanted to slow the combat down a bit and emphasize the decision-making of evaluating the situation and choosing what to do next – which is what you would associate with RPG combat – versus the trend of twitch-spamming abilities and constantly pressing buttons (which as you say, feels arcade-y. I certainly rely more on my Tekken 3 skills in WoW than my chess skills, so to speak).
But even though Ion said that, and thus perhaps made the observation that you did, the game design hasn’t really changed course. If anything the combat has only gotten more fast-paced and more reactionary and more consequence-driven.
I guess that regardless of design intent, then Blizzard have sort of created their own historic precedence for always introducing more abilities and talents and modifiers and mob packs and boss mechanics and so forth, that always just adds to the experience. WoW doesn’t have a design history of emphasizing lulls in combat, or create breathing room to observe or decide an action, or challenge players in other ways than combat prowess.
And they seem to struggle to change their own game direction, even a little bit.
And then remember how slow classic (combat) was, like mostly auto attack and as mage/warlock/ Prsit/Druid ect you have keep eye on mana because going OOM was a thing back then and happens frequently.
Tbh, i prefer the current sytsem fare more as the classic one since it give you more choice and is more fogiving if you press the wrong button