Bring back RPG to warcraft

Sure, but that’s a comparison that assumes that these were the only two options that there was ever going to be.

And I don’t think that’s the reality.

I mean, Blizzard had lots of ways they could have evolved WoW’s combat gameplay and the feeling of playing an RPG over the years. The fact that they’ve ended up where the game is today is not because there weren’t other paths they could have taken, but because they deliberately chose this path.

And they probably chose this path and direction because it’s the trend in gaming. It’s all very fast-paced these days, and in many ways the way WoW has maintained its modern relevance is by following the trends in gaming.

Yeah exactly, gamelay itself is like that, and also the gearing is not very rpg. Gearing is basically just 4 stats that almost don’t matter. Weapons are all just stat sticks

Honestly I should have said it like this from the start, so a lot of misunderstanding could have been avoided in this thread :joy:

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RP Servers are good choice if you like interacting with other people and do some role playing.
But otherwise, the game structure is way out of RPG model as it used to be in the past.

TWW Questing and Storylines are just not interesting that much. At least I have a feeling it kinda misses the factor of surprising turn of events or some mystery in exploring the expansion story lines.

Modern WoW (especially since BFA and RaiderIO implementation) is also build mostly for people who like pushing numbers and doing high end content.

For me, the only thing that brings back the feeling that I’m a fantasy adventurer are delves. Or just doing like my 1.000.000th alt and do questing in old zones (even questing in Westfall or Duskwood is more interesting than TWW).

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I agree, wow has had a bad story for a while, hope that changes once we reach the content that metzen was involved in, but who knows.

I’m not sure how that is possible. Warcraft 3 is known to have one among the best stories in all of gaming pretty much, so how come the same company can’t make the story at least very interesting. The world building is at least nice, but it has been built a long time ago, so not really a current accomplishment.

I’m rooting for their goblin patch, let’s see

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