Bring the nerfhammer to MT again(a history lesson) these 2 guys discuss what i said this forum several times why most of new players dont know about.And they admit the issue that most people forget or dont know about that mage tower was nerfed for low geared/avage guys to complete challenge ; after the time close was drawing near the end of expansion.

Mage tower was a race; in a sense; but it wasnt a mythic raid level world first race; it was a race against time, and yourself.(farming mage tower keys was a thing back then)
Even though you could overpower the boss with your dps; 1 missed interrupt or knockback could cost you wipe easily.

Most of the people who completed mage tower challange; was decent players; some top end; some average gear dungeon players, and some competant new geared players. They all had 1 thing in common, they tried until the end of legion;

All had their advantages and disadvantages which helped their gameplay and challenge in the game;

Then in legion ;
**blizzard loved the participation of mage tower, it was quite a circus,new players were rushing like a river to login to game ; some people were so angry in forum back in then ! Ah, i wish i had the screenshot of forums back then. (especially non pve farmer; casual players ) **

Tanks were getting 1 shotted in p3 start lol. It was hilarously bad at start.
Later blizzard made cherished the enthusiasm and participation of the masses;Soothed it’s playerbase and easied the fight for the remaining of legion tweaks after tweaks and ıt became a ‘‘solo content for zealous people who race until legion end’’ lol.
I even remember it even get increased time for a month or 2 after legion end ; because most people still couldnt complete the fight after several ‘‘MAJOR’’ nerfs ;(not like cookie cutter small nerfs like we see now) and they were sad that they couldnt get the form.Even them. Got the form.

Cherish the passion of the masses, celebrate the love of content, and bring the nerf hammer.Let people run in their own pace against time, Like it used to be.

ty for reading.


I think the best way to bring the nerf hammer (as you put it) would be to set the difficulty for current gear and let it naturally be outgeared in the future as we gain levels and gear (maybe we’ll start getting stronger with levels and gear again, one can hope).
Have an achievement (like Ahead of the Curve type thing) for those who can do it in the current intended gear but leave the other rewards for those that need to extra power levels and gear bring.
Then those with the capability to do it now get the achievement and bragging rights and a sense of acomplishment. Others get it at their own pace.

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I know it’s not what you’re asking for but the 9.2 set bonuses work in this version of the mage tower on ptr.

So when April rolls around it will be easier, but that’s still not an appropriate answer.

I’m a bit stuck personally. I want solo content at this difficulty to be in the game, and I fear after the reaction this got they’ll never attempt it again.

BUT I don’t think that the mage tower should have been that content, it’s much to universally beloved and has a legacy of being something most people can accomplish. It should still be a challenge, and I’ll be sad if after whatever nerfs they concede to lead to me one shotting the rest of the challenges, but it’s definitely not where it should be in terms of difficulty right now.


ıf mage tower challenge was suppose to be like ahead of the curve;Blizzard would have never nerfed it at the first place; and never would not let it to lengthen the duration until the next few months of next expansion at the end of legion.

This rule applies for visions too. not all people manage to kill visions with all masks ; but most tenacious people managed to do it.Even though visions get nerfed few times too. But not all people managed to do it .

The current ‘‘intended’’ gear should be shadowlands gear as templates; and no one should be forced to grind old trinkets gems, or socket requiring gears for a timewalk challenge.

Those people who played at the end of legion didnt have a ‘‘ahead of curve’’ achievment.But a common achievement for defeating mage tower for it it before it got removed from that time period before expansion.The uniqueness of mage tower was it was time limited.

Those who participated and defeated and got at start(mythic raiders); some at mid(dungeon players), some at end(casuals); and some at the right at the starting spot of bfa.(fresh new players that rushed to earn rewards)

Those who managed to defeat mage tower when the new expansion launched are indeed that prolonged duration was limited and it wasnt gonna be increased again and everyone was happy.
So the main point was to do in time, just like participating trophy of m+ mount reward or arena mount rewards in a season.Limited time trophy at its best; call it if you will.But never close as difficulty to a mythic raid level ''curve ‘’ level difficulty it was.

Same, the vocal crowd on these forums simply cannot get over their own problems and blame it on tuning/blizzard.

They don’t realize while some top guilds do 100 pulls on end bosses, others end up doing 500 without a kill and that is okay.

Yeah but I also said the mage tower should not have been that content.

It’s just a sad affair all round. I’m enjoying the challenge of these for the most part, but I can also clearly see in their current state 95% of the people who could have completed the Legion version in Antorus gear don’t have a hope.

I did not use a single version of antorus gear during legion. Nor i needed. ı was struggling with bursting the boss at 3rd phase to kill boss because of my gear. Later hotfixed it and i managed to get it after few dozens of runs and i defeated it.

Actually i was amongst the 3rd wave lucky crowd during legion.

You are partially wrong about legion mt history, If a % 5 of players are only defeating thecurrent challenge ; ıt means it is actually 6 times harder it was ; you can check my math here

% 31 of all players actually got this.

because 3/1 of all people who participated have managed to succeed in original MT challenge ; got the achievement. And i didnt have any raid gear.

ı dont know the current MT achiev ratio ofBlizzard statistic ; but until it get ‘‘HOTFIXED’’ until this level ; i’ll just chillout.

Some other thread actually mentioned a nice idea: hand out determination (LFR wipe bonus) stacks AND a way to turn those off, together with an achievement to defeat stuff without stacks: enough for the pro players to brag and every “casual” can get the mogg they already payed for with their sub with some commitment. Even if the buff was 1% per wipe my priest would now be at 200% dmg bonus.

I really have enough of this fight. I want to do something else, but need the mogg first. I’m getting tired of wiping over and over again, just because my random mind blast procs don’t come at the right time or similar silly stuff that consts you the try.

That’s a pretty drastic assumption, converting population data into difficulty like that. Either way I never said the current state of the mage tower is fine.

Just that I’d like solo content this difficult to exist, and be difficult for the right reasons.

Most of the mage tower challenges are too difficult compared to what the mage tower means to the players who wanted it, and they’re difficult for the wrong reasons.


I did the priest challenge in Legion. It’s tuning that’s the problem.

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Well, as far as i remember, i did not post a single topic about visions during bfa, but many people did. I popped this topic because mage tower has no LFR/HEROIC/MYTHIC difficulty; unlike people compare it to be with on par with raids.

Let me explain mage tower journey in legion with a metaphor as if it is a deerhunt;

your friend bangs first, you are amazed but a bit jealous ; those are the mythic raiders who defeat it first;
There is a average aged joe who are adept at hunting ; he shoots several times, misses then lands a great trophy; M+ players are these.
Then there is the weird sam, who always misses, gets angry but he is stubborn and tries until he gets tired or out of bullets ; those are casuals ;
Then there are newbies; who dont know not only dont know how to hunt, they dont know how to aim to target as well.


All those players who participated ; got their achievement with the % 31 ratio according to wowhead. Thats a fact.

Some people claim it is hard; some people claim it is easy; im saying no. it is none of them. I say nerf it because i just say it is not same as original ! !! we dont even have the same barrowed power or proper scaling compared to old ,Simple as that.

ıf most of the new tanks had the opportunity to play in legion ; they would be amazed by the juicy gameplay and big damages of legion artifact traits everyone would want to ‘‘BIG CLASS PRUNING’’ to be reverted.

We barely have any have barrowed power in shadowlands and most classes have lost their abilities and artifact powers in the long years.

Even after BFa i feel like a walking duck compared to the end of bfa; such a power monster our classes was.

With all its flaws and problems ; New Mage tower challenge proves us one thing. Barrowed powers are both a curse and a blessing in the long run.And it is very weird to balance it. Thats for sure.

I don’t understand why you’re quoting that part of what I said, and trying to explain to me that the mage tower is too hard, when on the very next line I say that the mage tower is too hard.

I did.

Not because it was hard.

But because it was rage inducing. Going into the cathedral square only to have the ring spawn there, most rage-inducing moment I’ve had in WoW ever I think. They were the sole reason I hated visions. Get that stupid affix away from me and throw it in some trash bin and set it on fire.

The only thing that even comes close is tanatophobia in torghast because it triggers before it’s supposed to.

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The thing about visions was that it spiraled, you let one thing go wrong and if you kept a level head you could recover, but most often than not you didn’t and it just became very rage inducing.

This from someone who completed it on 5 mask the first possible week as a shadow priest.

I wasn’t even doing 5 masks on my paladin. I couldn’t be bothered to do anything more than the bare minimum on it.

I did 5 masks on my hunter and it was nowhere as bad as playing melee, especially with the ring affix. I even carried others to 5 masks on it.

This isn’t a mythic raid, this is the ONE Thing in this entire patch that people have actually been looking forward to, stop using this BS “Mythic Raids have a low success raid” fallacy.

Blizzard also routinely nerfs mythic raids so more guilds can do them.


I really don’t think it is OK when only some top guild-players are able to do it.

Yea, but you said you like this difficult content to exist, meanwhile i explained how and why it should get nerfed.Historically.Because that is how it happened in past. We just dont need to wait for 3 months.

ıf you say we should wait historically the same way we did in legion to do the same process in same today; Well, that is debatable, but understandable also.

ıt was extremely hard, then went to very hard, then went to average difficulty in legion 

That is how those ratios appeared.

You may also say that you want it to stay ‘‘specifically at this difficulty’’ which you liked now ; to see in game ; which in current terms ; only % 5 can easily defeat; which in case historically not accurate; but reasonable as a player expectation i guess. But believe me , if the context was to be like this ; none of the posts about mt would ever exist and no one would ever talk about it.

ı for example ; dont even care a tiny bit of content in raids; never cared never popped a post about any of em.None.Didnt even care ever in my life either it is hard or not, it is certain from start; it is endgame content. I saw entire guilds collapsed or rage quit during my wow past because of a single raid fight in mythics. I did not care.

I also dont like this % 5 vs 95 or % 1 vs 99 anology in game. It is very disrupting. There should be wide bell curve in any type of challenge or content in any type of content. Call it pve,pvp or challenges. Any type of spikes on either ends results in a divided community, which i call ; is bad for the future of game .Too easy or too hard ; it shouldnt be either of them. That is why i wrote the legion statistics on this topic % 31 is a good ratio and devs should strive to meet that balance horizon. Also;new players are the most needed in game right now more then ever.

Not in the first week for sure, unless something is way out of hand. Also plenty of non-mythic raiders have done it, throwing a fit, because you cannot is pointless, instead of bickering on the forums - get a few extra attempts and try to learn something :slightly_smiling_face:

You will be able to outgear it with 9.2 tier sets [they worked on the ptr]

The 9.2 sets are absolutely horrendous for resto shamans and holy priests and will solve exactly nothing about the mobs base damage being too high compared to in Legion.