Bring the nerfhammer to MT again(a history lesson)

I didn’t say we should wait, I said that in April the 9.2 sets will work and it will be easier. That’s not a solution though.

It is though.
It was the same issue in legion, only the so called “mythic raiders” completed it day 1 while everyone else did it after they farmed some gear/systems.


I have been doing it, my best attempt is 2% at Kruul. It feels absolutely awful to in current expac gear, I have a WoD trinket that does 25% of my damage, it’s stupid.

You are in literally the 0.1% of players with Cutting Edge, of course you think it’s easy. This isn’t advertised as a mythic raid, it wasn’t in Legion, it got progressively easier, but even before Antorus it wasn’t crazy like it is now.

I did a few of them in Legion, nowhere near as geared as I am now, and now it’s inexplicably at least 2x’s as hard.

We should be allowed to use some of our SL borrowed power OR be able to use legion borrowed power, like the fights were originally designed for.

As it is, it’s barely even fun, I can reliably do the 1st phase 99% of the time and get Kruul to like 30% HP, then I just get one-hit by the 3rd stack of anni unless the stars align. In Legion, you could get him down before that became an issue, even if you were relatively not as geared.

It’s badly implemented, that’s the reason literally everybody has the fury one, because it was badly scaled, but in favour of the player.

It was nowhere near as time-gated in Legion as it is now, the other key difference is, is that everyone else farmed CURRENT content, they didn’t have to jankily do Chromie TBC with a buddy to farm sockets to help it along.

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Frankly I wish you didn’t like my post Renataki, now people think I agree with you.

This is harder than it ever was in legion. It should have been ToS gear difficulty.


It should only become a problem at the 4th. First annihilate you should ironfur, next you ironfur + barkskin, next you ironfur + survival instincts and the 4th you need a survival instincts and something more. I live through the 4th with survival instincts + bloodscale, can’t live through a 5th though but I’ve never had a 5th happen.

It was far worse.
You had to grind little pearls from daily/weekly quests for an attempt and if I remember correctly you had to wait until your challenge was up, as it was a weekly rotation?

I killed him before the third stack on my tank… are you sure you’re doing your dps rotation correctly?

It was 250 shards a try, which was chump change, and the mage tower was a collaboratively made building by handing in resources, there was no fixed rotation. All the challenges were active as long as the tower was active, and the tuning even on day 1 of the tower when we had 880-905 ilvl average was still easier than it is now for most of the challenges.

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As a guardian druid?

It is now 1 month available. I think more than people from top guild should be able to do it in this month.
I also doubt tier sets will be working in the mage tower over 5 months. Everything is at the moment disabled. So should tier sets. And i doubt even more how a healing bonus is going to help in a dps race.

Tier sets now are only disabled because of the legacy content change which disabled old tier sets. Current expansion ones, by blizzards own logic, will work, and they do on ptr.

And yes, you’re right, the healing sets don’t help in the slightest :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I don’t play leather classes.

Then why make that comment at a guardian druid? Guardian druids damage is horrible.

Each of the challenges is tuned individually per spec, some of the tank ones are significantly easier than others. Same with some of the twins, xylems, healer challenges, and sigrin Agathas and tugars.

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This guy killed it 40 seconds quicker than me.
What’s your point?
I’m willing to share my weakaura if you think it will help you.

Oh man, if everything was enabled in mage tower; it would be so hilarious with old legendaries + shadowlands conduits. I could be like tasmanian devil in MT lol

I don’t know i’m only using legion legendary neck with hidden satyr and my DMG is fine
i’m always dying on knockback cause i can’t see it on the ground cause it’s hard to see :smiley: at least for me

I am not seeing why 9.2 tiersets would work, but our current SL gear with shard would not :thinking:

I am currently googling for non SL-gear to cheese it too, and go make a video how easy it is, and then post everywhere on the forums “git gud” to people who just try it with their current normal gear… That is currently the state of the MT unfortunately.

The fight isn’t 3 minutes unless you’re cheesing it with old stuff.

Then just cheese it with old stuff?
Can’t get across the river by swimming you say? Why not use the boat 5 meters away from you? Or is that cheating?