Bring the nerfhammer to MT again(a history lesson)

Yeah i actually feel pretty bad by pressing a BFA warscroll :frowning:
It should be 100% templated without consumables. This is not the way.

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I don’t have the gold to. I would have done it a long time ago If I had the gold for it.

Do it manually by grinding old raids on an alt to get enchants/sockets then, it will not take more than a day for a fully ready character.

While I do agree with that sentiment, if tuning was properly done without consumables/sockets in mind, 99% of the players would still not be able to complete it.

You have the option to go back into the old world, farm your enchants/crafts and come back to smash it.

The consumables is what costs gold, if you weren’t aware. Like, one of those old flasks cost like 5k gold. The pot? 1k gold per try just from the flask.

You’d be almost ready if you were farming them right now, instead of tagging me every minute.

I’m not going back to level professions from an old expansion just because Blizzard can’t do tuning right.

Tuning is fine, plenty of people have done it.
It only gets easier if you put old gear on.

No, it isn’t.

I did the priest challenge in Legion, they’re completely overtuned.

A lot of the MT challenges are just harder than others. I got over 10 hours now in while i also had done it during Legion ToS-times myself. I even still knew 95% of what i had to do, and still it is harder than back in legion. But the real thing is; why is it 5 times harder on a resto shaman than on a holy paladin? Why does a pro gamer who had done it early legion on his holy priest need more than 6 hours? It is bad tuned. It simply is. So people need to get old wacky scaling gear with sockets and outdated consumabled. It is just bad implemented.

I like the bit in the vid where they say BLizz can learn from this.

If only. They’ve had the better part of two decades to suss out what players want. I know its a broad game with many players but the main feature of this patch isn’t realistically achievable by the vast majority on their mains, let alone classes that they are less accomplished at.

I believe there is a place for really hard stuff in the game, but it shouldn’t be features like this. People had expectations of a certain level of difficulty here and they’ve tuned it way way harder than it used to be.
We don’t have many of the talents we used to have, we’re on a GCD now etc etc. Some challenges are taking objectively 2x as long as in Legion with vastly higher dps and healing checks.

Finally, the gearing / consumables are a joke. Cata gems, bfa pots / trink / food etc etc. It’s a hot mess and the difference is astonishing. Use a current flask and you’re losing out on 50% stats. Want to farm the old flasks yourself? Get bfa herbalism to 140 first
 It’s a joke.
Want a trink that does 12-15% of a bosses health? Need previous expac revered with rustbolt resistance.

They’ve screwed the pooch from every angle. I can’t even contemplate how they could have boned this up harder if they tried. And if this is the outcome they aimed for then holy crap, bosses fondling their employees is the least of the companies problems.


Apparently so did 30% of the players in the span of a year.
2 Days ago less than 2% had done it in the first week.
I say give it time, just like in legion.

Time isn’t going to make the mobs hit for less. They’re overtuned as hell. Their base damage is higher than it was in Legion. You could safely go to 3 stacks of the buff on the mages, now you can’t even go 2 safely.

Really? :open_mouth: Thanks for the tip
 i must have still some greater flasks flying around. I also still have hundreds of the flowers so i can make them myself if needed. Again; awesome me using shadowlands consumables :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Are you losing, because of a pure stat-check or because something goes horribly wrong ?
Can I get a video and check for myself?

well, after i looked ah, i gave up. The bis socket of the socket prices made my left eye twitched . they are like 27k each on my realm.
i guess i’ll wait a little. Im a druid, after all, hibernation is my patience nature :smiley:

Note: Warning this is not an gold investment advice :smiley: : MT specific bis socket prices are booming right now, spend or invest properly if you are gonna progress in MT. However; this can change completely within few patches or hotfixes.

Screw that. This is the feature of the patch. People have been gagging for stuff to do. The least blizz could do is not screw it up.

Are you not reading what I’m saying?

This isn’t what they were doing in Legion:

He shot the commander for 7.3k and then he shoots me for 4.4k when he’s gained a stack? Are you kidding me when you’re saying it’s tuned fine?

I am myself not needing bis trinket stuff on my holy paladin. I got to <15% and then again 1 shotted my group because i simply heal too much in a healing challenge (what a facepalming mechanic). I still had some space for a couple of jumps of the boss. But i really worry for my resto shaman. I know, got only ~20 tries in on it. But it felt not doable.

And they’ve given you extra time to complete it.

Have you tried purging the buff/cyclone/interrupt/shackle/stun on the caster? There’s always a single one that’s active and fighting.

Then you’re just trading GCDs with it and it hits like a truck without the buff because their base damage is higher. They nerfed the buff for some stupid reason instead of addressing the base damage.