Bring Wrath of the Lich King Classic Back – A Plea from a Longtime Fan

Dear Blizzard,

I’ve been playing World of Warcraft for many years, and like so many others, Wrath of the Lich King holds a special place in my heart. It wasn’t just an expansion—it was an era of unforgettable adventures, friendships, and late-night raids that defined what WoW meant to me.

I remember the excitement of stepping into Northrend for the first time, the sense of wonder as I explored Icecrown, and the chills I felt watching Arthas’ story unfold. The camaraderie of guilds, the intense battleground fights, and the thrill of downing the Lich King after countless wipes—these are memories I cherish to this day.

When Wrath of the Lich King Classic launched, it was a dream come true. But now, with its removal, that dream has been taken away. Many of us still want to experience this expansion without being forced into Cataclysm Classic or resorting to private servers.

I’m not alone in this. The demand for WotLK remains strong, and I truly believe Blizzard has the power to bring it back. We’re not asking for much—just a way to keep the experience alive. Here are a few possible solutions:

  1. Permanent WotLK Servers – Just like Classic Era for Vanilla, allow dedicated Wrath servers for those who want to stay in Northrend forever.
  2. Seasonal WotLK Servers – A fresh restart option for those who want to relive the journey again and again.
  3. Clear Communication – If WotLK can’t return, we’d love to understand why. Transparency helps us stay engaged as a community.

This game has shaped my life in ways I can’t fully put into words. It’s more than just content—it’s nostalgia, it’s friendships, it’s a part of who I am as a gamer. Please, give us a way to continue our journey in the world we love.

Danni Gårdred

Is it not obvious its supposed to be “reused” after anniversary TBC?

If everything was available all the time people would not be hyped for each anniversary of everything :wink:

Well either it’s TBC era or wrath era, maybe both but unlikely.

Level 70 chars will not have a home at the end of tbc anniversary so I would imagine we either get to stay in tbc land with an era server


We get wrath anniversary with a wrath era.

The worst outcome would be cycling back into Cata again

Cycling around is the outcome that is almost 100 % certain since it worked last time.

Ofc this time maybe the will add TBC era and Wotlk era servers. But most people me included enjoy the journey and not stay in one thing forever. But for sure there are people who will pay for an era version of their char in different expansions so its possible Blizzard will provide that.

I think leaving a classic era but then not leaving a wrath era was a mistake tbh and this is their approach to fixing that.