In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Bronzebeard in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Guess i’ll start!
Name: Shinehammer, Human Paladin.
Guild: Aurei Serpentis
Would be lovely to reconnect with anyone from the Guild! Duckmanrpw, Lailani, Lmarkss, Kostas, Xiratria, Dexter, Finarfin, Ivo etcetc.
I remember a great load of other names from the Server too - Some that spring to mind: Trebs, Candle, Leon (Eventually became Scarab Lord), Melian, Vuurtje & a load of others from Scholars of Light.
Other guilds I remember well: Driven, Chimera, The Irregulars, Angels from Hell.
Yavannie here - same name, server and guild as in 2006 
Bethesda here from “Angels from Hell”.
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Hey Shinehammer
name: Kovenant, Night elf priest
guild: Aurei Serpentis
Imagine you being the first poster. had to reply, considering doing classic and would be cool if the people that you mention from old AS were to see this post and play.
For me the same names as shinehammer posted here.
Hey Kovenant!
Extremely pleased to see another AS member popping up so soon - I hope you enjoy Classic!
My Guild is currently recruiting for Classic & i’m more than happy to welcome any and all former Bronzebeard vets, so please just message me if you’re interested. [Alliance, PvP]
Best guild at the time God mode rogue
Name - Monkfish (was actually monkfishy [nelf rogue] in vanilla)
Realm - Bronzebeard, duh
Guild Name - Almost Famous
I was the GM/RL of AF in vanilla and some other times, but mainly vanilla - looking to see if any1 remembers me/us and just a shout out to say that i and some long time wow friends will be playing classic on the realm - Pyrewood Village, as Alliance… and i’ll be recreating the vanilla guild to go raiding once again!
Feel free to hit me up if you remember me or are interested in joining with us and we can have a chat
Gianandrea Human paladin, I was playing in the guild called Italian knights.
One of mine pal was a human warrior Ettore, i still have the video where we charched ysondre in dusk wood as a lv18 paladin and hi lv36 warrior
Greetings, also same guild as in 2006 (The Irregulars) 
Stopped MoP, played some on unofficial servers, back for Classic with a Midcore guild along with some familiar names from back then 
Hey Driizt,
I remember you from my time in The Irregulars too - Nice to see more familiar names!
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Hesselink, played a human male mage on bronzebeard throughout vanilla and tbc.
My friend Zanz, a warlock - also on the server throughout vanilla and tbc.
Played in Shadows of Darkness, Chimera, Scholars of Light, Divined throughout these two xpacs. Familiar names to those of you who are bronzebeard vets?
Name: Isuldur Human Paladin
Guild: Under pressure
Would like to pick up with some old vets of bronzebeard.
And would be great if ill find a fun raiding guild for classic.
Name: Ivris, Gnome Rogue
Guild: Tartan Army
Would really love to meet some of the old gang that made WoW such a fun game.
Name: Nightblade, Night elf resto druid
Guild: Aurei Serpentis, Scholars of Light
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Name: Elridia, Nelf Boomkin
Guild: I didn’t play Vanilla, however my best memories was in a guild called Critical Mess that had been around since Vanilla. I truly had some amazing times in that guild during WotLK - our guild leader was Catori. Memorable people in the guild were Angelusq, Zunke, Ellesmera, Andastra, Laidback. I remember a lot more, however the names I can’t quite remember! Would love to play with these people again.
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I remember kov!! I was part of Entropy with hac, tibs and co… we are all coming back for classic on Shazz!!
Edea, paladin
Bronzebeard, Entropy
In from beginning till late 2009
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Hel, Night Elf druid, was in Dream Hunters.