Bronzebeard Alliance Reconnections


Name: Talyfox
Guild: The Pie Club, Scholars of Light

Where my pies at?



Name: Bunni - human rogue
Guild: can’t remember first but azeroth marauders.

Good times.

• Perish, Human Warrior.
• Oddballs.
• Looking for the wonderful folks I grew up playing with <3

(Danat is coming back also)

•Karasjok, Nightelf, Druid
•Saints of Komagvær, and Alliance of Norway
•Members from Saints, and a few oddballs like; Hårfagre, Månestråle

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Xeper, NE Hunter (later “Meatstew”.
Several guilds, but remember Under Pressure the most.

Did progression MC, ONY, BWL and a bit of AQ20/40. I remember we had a gnome warrior tank.

Would love to catch up.

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Sarielle, Night Elf, Hunter
Psycotic Warriors
Members from the same guild and all those who joined us on Death Friday :joy:

Hi all,

Finches - dwarf warrior

Didn’t do much in vanilla but I believe I levelled in a guild called Mystic and done a few raids in Twisted Gear.

Joined Judgement in TBC and then Cartoon Heroes through to WOTLK switching around Black Temple to Aurie - Draenei Shaman.

Came back for Cataclysm as Aurie in Cutting Edge, jumped on every expansion since but never for very long, longest was in Legion in Scholars of Light.

Recognise a few of your names and particularly the guilds, I’ll be joining the Shazzrah server for classic on the horde side. Feel free to add me to Battlenet Aurieus#2619

Hi Nars,
How can I forget Critical Mess! -Some of my best ever days and nights were spent with them in the Burning Crusade and WotLK.

As I can remember there were:
Zunke, Ellesmera, Wannabe, Gopresten, Mageulus, Andastra, Laidback, Arnor, Zirah, Eevii, Angelusq, Bifi, and of course Catori (as well as many many others).

I don’t think Catori, Arnor or Zirah play anymore, but I may well be wrong. If any of the old Critical Mess crowd are thinking of WoW Classic, I may be tempted.

Borisy - Night Elf Hunter + Jonesy (his cat)

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Shizuka, a night elf holy priest :slight_smile:

ooh wow, some names i remember in here from classic - and the guild names… oh maaaan!
the feels are real.

anyway, if any1 is rolling on Pyrewood Village, Alliance - and doesn’t already have guild plans, feel free to drop me a message if you’re interested in a chat - or if you just remember my name or guild for that matter from vanilla


Draiggoch & Teths

Divine Legacy

Happy days for us ~ any others out there?

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Hi Draig and Teths, long time ago now!

Roth, human warrior and Akilina, NE rogue here

Divine Legacy

Many different characters and servers since then but have never had as much fun as Vanilla and TBC with the DL crew - big shout out to Darllia, Hettany, Plundarr, Lachlan, Yoisim, Dizzard, Astorius, Marwindel, Sefana, Iznogood, Serendita, Kwobbel, Bosmuiz, Jicirilla, Berekeire, Bewitched, Cogman, Par, Zider, Combustion, Brisky, Neb, Greenika, Soulseekelf, Talisker, Skalli, Malva, Eccos, Kroox, Muradinx (sorry, just remembered your HS during a Garr wipe leading to a lengthy raiding ban and made me lol) and everyone else my hazy memory can’t recall!

Hope to see some of you in Classic - me and Aki rolling as Alliance on Pyrewood but I will be Rhoth as someone else bagged my name!

Roth! So great to hear from you. We’re on Pyrewood ~ fortunately same char names for us! We stuck with it most of the way apart from a couple of breaks, however Battle was the first expac we didn’t actually buy, but looking forward to Vanilla! Catch you there :wink:


The Scholars of Light

Trebs, Leon, Morten, Domine, Coerce, Orbax, Atilla, Melian, Talyfox,

Yoo It’s been long years my friends.

character: CLERK human mage (the guy always ask for duels.)

Guild: The Lost Souls

I still remember all my guild officers: Xzar, Darka, Fellsilent, Warlockone, Lovelyjuju, GRISSELDA and Blackheadiv.
GUYs i miss you all =’ )

Hey Monk, I played a dwarf tank called Tjapp in Almost Famous. Remember us clearing the content extremely fast but getting stuck on huhuran. Great times, thanks for that!

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oops … that’s the wrong avatar back there Roth!!

My name was Mealstrom, a Night Elf Druid.

I just can’t seem to remember the name of the guild I was in. I do remember the names of some of the fellow guildies I often raided with though.

Some of the best known members I remeber were Dumbro and Scipio. I’ll add some more names if more resurface.

Klariel - Human rogue

As i started WoW in TBC and didn’t know many people and was pretty much unknown, from all names listed here , only names i remember clearly for some reason were Warlockone and Darka.

Some people i played with and remember them fondly : Gloryheal, Rakax, Salvartore,Randy, Yodadamasta,Zyrana, Firimar,Zitto,…

Yea i forget the gnome tank his name…
But i remember Carson and Rumnus as GL of under pressure
nice to meet you again Xeper! Dont kno u if u remember me “Isuldur” Holy paladin?