Which server?
Hello everyone,
I played a rogue called Krabbtask on vanilla Bronzebeard.
I played in Driven & The Scholars of Light.
Those were some really cool years and I had alot of fun on this great realm.
If you are playing on Gehennas [PvP] in classic, please say hi! I will be called either Cnas or Hilmer there.
Hey Everyone!
I dont think anyone from the OG Guild is here but you never know
Name: Oulf
Race: Dwarf
Class: Priest
Guild Crimson Flame
Hello again,
I just checked my old screenshots from vanilla Bronzebeard and I just had to assemble a few of them into an imgur album is anyone is interested.
So many great people!
The images are low quality on mobile, but should be good on PC.
yes tjapp, i remember you man, good times!
feel free to hit me up if you’re considering classic, AF will make a comeback!
i found this earlier, coz i was chatting in my discord about classic - pretty sure you’re tanking in it, haha …
(yes its literally the worst quality known to man… you know… it was like 14 years ago, haha)
i didnt record it, but yeah - badass… wonder if any1 else in this vid see it here …
I don’t remember my name i think it was Snowy a human paladin lol but I am looking for Angel Crusaders guys…
The main man im looking for is FIREBLOOD human warrior… he was godlike… If anyone knows him please get in touch !!!
Was only thinking about these guys the other day. Always came across, and had a lot of fun with Rumnus, Tp and Swyp.
Any Greater Silence people here? Paladinjelly, Aradul, Ahmhot, Torson, etc. etc.
EDIT: Ollister here
Hey Blesser here from CM Bronzebeard.
Rolling Alliance on Mograine for classic, have a toon there called ‘Third’.
Was going to reply to this earlier, but needed to have a level 10 character to comment; easier said than done given the servers atm ><
Hows it going? do you know what happened to Bucksatan?
Sure, let’s try this.
Precaseptica, nelf hunter. I was the raid leader in the guild The Dream Hunters.
You’ll find me on my priest Superbia.
EDIT: I’m on Mograine-EU
Blesser! How’s it going Been living in London for a good few years now, lots of changes!
I’m yet to decide which server I’ll be going on - was thinking Gehennas but it seems everyone is so spread across.
Not seen Bucksatan around for ages, had him on BNet years ago but seems to have disappeared.
Hello Borisy!
I certainly remember you in the guild (and Jonesy!) - you are much better than I am at remembering names! I truly had my most fondest memories in CM, such an amazing bunch of people.
I recall seeing Ellesmera around Stormwind on Bronzebeard around 1-2 years ago whilst seeing how much the server has changed, so I imagine he will be playing! I also remember a Choccypuds… but I think at this point I’m getting mixed up with which guilds everyone came from!
Ah that’s cool, I left London and the UK a good few years ago. Living in Bogotá, Colombia now so I’m gonna be online at weird times. Needed to make sure I’m on somewhere with a decent population so I can find people to group with late night/early morning.
Seems that you kept going after Wotlk? I’ve been messing around on private servers here and there since then… Critical Mess was a good laugh, last time I was in a big socially active guild, would be nice to reconnect with more of them!
let’s see who’s about then
My Main was/is a lock named himotep.
Started wow in late vanilla. I can’t for the life of me remember the guild i joined at that time, i think it was the burning souls? As with most of us, a lot has happened since then so hard to remember (i am nearing 40 so the memory isn’t’ what it once was )
I started properly raiding in BC with ‘The nameless’ moving on to ‘Fake DC’ and eventually Scholars of light in LK, where you can still find me on regular retail wow.
While I am waiting for Pyrewood’s queue to go down… I think ppl can work out who I was back then - Adelee, formerly of Pie Club, Hedonistic Penguins, amongst others… not forgetting the mighty Almost Famous and Entropy, all of which I was a part of Will be on Pyrewood-Horde… unless I get my arm twisted to go alliance … Lots of names I can remember, some of you on here I remember… especially the Entropy/AF people ofc
Any more of us? I know theres quite a few people off on Firemaw last time I heard…
Pyrewood Alliance is where its at
Wow, so many names here I remember playing with
Treez/trees here (or some variation of it), mainly played a feral druid and still played till this day. Now playing classic and looking to reconnect with some old friends.
I was in Critical Mess and later had some hardcore raiding experience with Monkefish in Almost Famous!
Treez#2866 if anyone would like to reconnect!
So, I’m Polish and so is my friend I hope to find an old friend I was playing multiple games with. So, if you’re reading this:
you were the one who recommended WoW to me in the first place. I do not remember if TBC was already out or not tho. We were playing Jedi Academy in the same clan before playing WoW. Your nickname in most games was Raven. As I cannot post any IRL information, if you think it might be you - just contact me. We had contact for a while, but we have lost it somewhere. I tried multiple times to reconnect with you, but sadly I could not get my Skype account that we used to stay in contact ;/
Sadly, I do not remember my name in WoW. I remember tho that my first character was Dwarf Hunter, but I’ve changed it to Night Elf Druid soon.
I hope you will read this and we’ll reunite once again.
Aureogeneral - Human Holy Paladin
Can’t remember guild, I think I was in a spanish guild
I played mostly PvP but I did remember a Mage called Tiritas who raided AQ40, very helpful dude, met him while I was in Deadmines!
It’s Pela from the Pie Club, haha nice to find you here
How’ve you been? Your main is on AD now? My retail main is as well
I’ll complete the rest.
Char name: Pela / Pelama
Guilds: The Pie Club and Hedonistic Penguins
Anyone here from these guilds?