Bronzebeard Alliance Reconnections

Adelee! It’s Pela (if you remember me, haha)

Dwemer :wink: playing classic ? Paragon here

I finally remember the name of the guild. It was Defenders of The Light. Hope some old members see this!

Hi :slight_smile:

Dredd the druid here.

The Pie Club, Almost Famous and Entropy!

Ive been converted to Horde though. 7 people on my workplace playing horde so I was outvoted.

So now I`m killing alliance, bringing them home to my basement. And when noone watching having a little party of my own, just to have some connection to my old self :frowning:

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Hi there,

Miholy here, NE priest from Under Pressure.
Currently rolling horde on pyrewood.

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Hey Xeper, how are u man? Been a long time :wink:

Lots of familiar faces here. :slight_smile:

Gune, Human warrior

I were in a lot of guilds in classic, the main one was probably The Pie Club, but I think I ended up raiding MC with Reincarnation or a similarly named guild. It’s been too long for the details to be as sharp as they used to be. :slight_smile: Eventually I ended up in The Irregulars, but that was post-classic.

I’m currently horde on Razorgore, and I go by Rot these days. Feel free to hit me up… or not… it’s up to you, I ain’t the boss of you! :stuck_out_tongue:

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hi pies, taly(fox) still here

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Tunus is the name you are looking for :slight_smile:
I don’t know if you remember me but I sure do remember you!

Conano, Human Paladin
From 1 to 60 and ZG to BWL (and some AQ) in Under pressure!
I also used to hang outside IronForge and duel people. There was this one druid I used to duel all the time! Can’t remember the name tho :frowning:

But anyway, so many familiar names! Hello Isuldur, Xeper, Miholy, Tunus, Rumnus, Anwar, Askor, Bolkie, Carson, Tp, Swyp and all the others whos names I’ve forgotten!

I changed servers when TBC came out and played regularly till WotLK. I “quit” in WotLK and only came back for couple months when ever a new expansion was released. Now I’m looking forward to the Classic Season of Mastery which seems interesting!

Oh Greater Silence! I was in the guild many many years ago on my old account. Oh my name was either Bellapriest or konijntje. I changed names at one point!

I was in The Pie Club and you made such an impression on me.
I remember being lvl 50-something and you gave me a Soulkeeper that was just the most awesome looking thing (who cares about stats right?). I have been playing on and off since classic but ended up with Druid as main for every X-pac and I’ve named them all Talyfox (it’s also my gamertag in every other game). I dont know why but hey, here we are!