Adelee! It’s Pela (if you remember me, haha)
Dwemer playing classic ? Paragon here
I finally remember the name of the guild. It was Defenders of The Light. Hope some old members see this!
Dredd the druid here.
The Pie Club, Almost Famous and Entropy!
Ive been converted to Horde though. 7 people on my workplace playing horde so I was outvoted.
So now I`m killing alliance, bringing them home to my basement. And when noone watching having a little party of my own, just to have some connection to my old self
Hi there,
Miholy here, NE priest from Under Pressure.
Currently rolling horde on pyrewood.
Hey Xeper, how are u man? Been a long time
Lots of familiar faces here.
Gune, Human warrior
I were in a lot of guilds in classic, the main one was probably The Pie Club, but I think I ended up raiding MC with Reincarnation or a similarly named guild. It’s been too long for the details to be as sharp as they used to be. Eventually I ended up in The Irregulars, but that was post-classic.
I’m currently horde on Razorgore, and I go by Rot these days. Feel free to hit me up… or not… it’s up to you, I ain’t the boss of you!
hi pies, taly(fox) still here
Tunus is the name you are looking for
I don’t know if you remember me but I sure do remember you!
Conano, Human Paladin
From 1 to 60 and ZG to BWL (and some AQ) in Under pressure!
I also used to hang outside IronForge and duel people. There was this one druid I used to duel all the time! Can’t remember the name tho
But anyway, so many familiar names! Hello Isuldur, Xeper, Miholy, Tunus, Rumnus, Anwar, Askor, Bolkie, Carson, Tp, Swyp and all the others whos names I’ve forgotten!
I changed servers when TBC came out and played regularly till WotLK. I “quit” in WotLK and only came back for couple months when ever a new expansion was released. Now I’m looking forward to the Classic Season of Mastery which seems interesting!
Oh Greater Silence! I was in the guild many many years ago on my old account. Oh my name was either Bellapriest or konijntje. I changed names at one point!
I was in The Pie Club and you made such an impression on me.
I remember being lvl 50-something and you gave me a Soulkeeper that was just the most awesome looking thing (who cares about stats right?). I have been playing on and off since classic but ended up with Druid as main for every X-pac and I’ve named them all Talyfox (it’s also my gamertag in every other game). I dont know why but hey, here we are!