Brotherhood of Light PvE, Mirage Raceway, Alliance Dungeons+Raiding

Btw my friend doesnt raid sorry for misconfusion

Doesn’t matter if they want to join for fun it’s np - plus I’ll make a bet with you that this list will be completely different by the time we’re all lvl 60 :smiley:

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Just created a new site if anyone wants to register there brotherhoodoflight. shivtr. com/ have fun :slight_smile: ignore the spaces


Looks awesome m8 i gotta work soon is there a way to register? Ill do it if i can when iam back
Btw i had to use normal version mobile version wasnt showing the skins

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I went to the site and aplied with my warr. She is called Anethma.

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Chuixie - all accepted :slight_smile:
Tsuyoshi just apply and I’ll get an e-mail immediately and will approve

applied thnx worked

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New discord up https:// WrDzTFc no one there atm but enjoy :slight_smile:

Loving the retro website… but what I really wanna know is do you have a tabard?


look at my character - you can see it there :slight_smile:

I’m sold. A tabard was what really did if for me back in the day.

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Stop trolling you! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have applyed to the guild as a dwarf hunter. Ingame name will be Holke. Name reserved.

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All approved mate - welcome

A little bump up :smiley:

I see you like getting drunk on discord. If you guys can use a hunter I’d like to join.

I have no experience with classic (only started playing WoW in Pandaria).
Used to be a raid teams resident off-tank mostly during Legion, so I do have some raiding exp, although I do not know how much will carry over to classic (next to dodge the red stuff).

IGN will be Hisaxelency (reserved).

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Can never have too many hunters - always someone to blame with the pull or the pet aggroing or just in general :smiley:

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Very well, I’ll try and get my Leroy game up to par :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just make sure someone is streaming or recording it first - we want to be be infamous too :smiley:

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Second bump :smiley: