Brotherhood of Light PvE, Mirage Raceway, Alliance Dungeons+Raiding

Made my character, reserved my name, joined the website. Just waiting for the 27th so I can get my shiny new tabard now!

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Well as you know your beloved wants to change it to a pink fluffy one now :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey, Thanks for replying to my thread.

I am interested in joing your guild when the day of the 27th comes. Are there any spots free for a Rogue? Raiding will be my main goal here and having fun (Obviously). Let me know if you have any spaces for a Rogue :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you have a discord?


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Discord and guild website are above mate, you are more than welcome to join us and our madness :slight_smile:

https:// brotherhoodoflight. shivtr. com/
https:// WrDzTFc

Take spaces out of both - although no one on discord currently and I’m still putting my Mike together :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn right!
We’ll certainly stand out with that tabard!

Outside IF because we’ll be banned ……. :smiley:

Any locks out there planning on playing because we have none atm - may be willing to add cookies for some :smiley:

I’ll be playing mage initially, if I do end up playing it!

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Recruitment now closed for rogues and priests, greatest need currently is druids and locks if anyone is interested let me know please.

Loads of priests and rogues and not enough druids and locks?..starting to feel like a proper vanilla guild then!

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Still looking for those warlocks and druids :smiley:

I have played on and off since the beginning and would like to aply for a spot in your guild.
I would like play a druid. Was the first char I made and even if I changed main many times over the years, I always come back to it. Not quite sure what spec I will end up with, but I was resto in vanilla, and might end up as that again.

Mostly I just want to play and have fun with likeminded people :slight_smile:

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Woohoo a Druid :smiley:

You are more than welcome Aloeth, if you need any more information or want to get to know everyone feel free to apply on the guild website and find out.

Ok just over one day to go before launch - we are still looking for:

Warrior - 1 MT and 1 DPS
Druid - 1 Resto and 1 OT
Hunter - 1
Mage - 1 Frost pref to begin with
Paladin - 2 Holy
Priest/Rogue - Closed
Warlock - 1/2 Affliction

If you need any more information feel free to grab me here, on our forums/website or discord. Happy gaming to you all and remember it’s only a game have fun :smiley:

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hi, what is your discord name?

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My personal one is Refardem, the guild one is @ https:// WrDzTFc

can’t find… I delete the spaces and still…
your nick name on discord?

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Last bump before we head into launch day :smiley:

Hi, looks like you got a good crew forming here . If there’s still a spot open for a dps warrior i wouldn’t mind joining you guys . Have been playing since vanilla and currently raiding BFA . Character reserved ready to go and just applied on your site under the name Carnage .