Brotherhood of Light PvE, Mirage Raceway, Alliance Dungeons+Raiding

Hi, I’m returning to WoW after some time off. Plaid classic but didn’t get into raiding until TBC - Human Protection Warrior - Name: Tanx

Frost Mage alt named Deeps

Got the next week off to play and level.

Looking for fun relaxed crew raiding late evenings and weekends UK time.

hi, I did send you friend request, thanks

Agamand - all accepted on site welcome :slight_smile:

Cry - not too sure we have a space for a prot warrior think I may have 2 more transferring from BfA, mage yes. You are more than welcome to join though :smiley:

Jenea - did accept it, thanks :slight_smile:

All up and running and feeling like home.
Can’t wait to try my tabard on.

Heya Brothers and Sisters im playing Holy Paladin and my best friend is a Dps/Offtank warri you think u got some space?

Oh completely oversaw this. Greetings from a former fellow ED player, better known as Shaerla (Exiles and Sanity). Teamed up with some of you yesterday and somehow didnt mess up to much ;). I’ll wave ingame!

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