can’t speak for everyone, but I personally don’t see the point of the mount.
If I want to access mail or the AH, I will just go to the AH and access it.
I don’t need a mount for that.
Idk, quite some Store Mounts are obtained by ± 15% of the accounts. Sure, those mounts are vastly cheaper (25 Eur average I think), and less special (no AH/Mailbox/…). So all with all 5% seems to be quite expected and realistic, and still easily earned really.
They got quite some direct money in, and the tokens spiked. And with the tokens, they earned even more than the direct way.
Just expect more to come in the future, more big ones.
I did wonder if it would be from Data for Azeroth. I use that to keep track of my collection total.
But there is just as little take up on Taivan mount (which is free) as there is the new Bruto. So I guess a lot of players just don’t care about mounts.
£60 is a big ask for some, particularly in the current climate and at this time of year. Then there will be many that had the OG Longboi and didn’t want the new one, and others that plan to get it but are still grinding gold.
Also this, we’re living in a time where some people spend upwards of 75% of their income on rent, paying the sub fee is their “treat” for the month, the mount is just not a good financial choice.
Thing is lots of other store mounts with smaller price tags also have equally low numbers. So even with the steep price tag it sold reasonably well compared to other store mounts.
I can’t filter out the promotional mounts so ignore those.
Just for comparison this is the top end of the same category (ignore the free ones)