For me personally, from every perspective I have on it, it seems ridiculous. The price, I’d rather spend that on something I can actually do or give with/to my loved ones instead of some pixels I’m renting. The service itself when I’ve never minded going to a city for it, and also the fact that apparently it’d be real easy to just give us access to this convenience if that was the point of it all. The removal of the former one for… reasons which apparently don’t apply anymore… I guess? The fact it’s superior to the original one, I don’t have that one either but at least they should have updated that one with a mailbox too imho.
I dunno, guess I’m not the targeted demographic Obviously I wish anyone who felt differently and bought it much enjoyment and satisfaction!
Why let resources accumulate in the bags when you can sell them without returning to a major city to empty stuff?
It is less immersive, but immersion was thrown out of the window over a decade ago
This is just acceptance of how things changed.
The real question should be: why cant there be a permanent vendor for someone to farm the mount at their own pace with gold?
It is definitely a luxury and not a necessity.
Personally I held a grudge since TBC on Blizzards decision to not have AH in Shatrath to keep people returning to the old capitals, so when the first bruto came to exist, I decided it was worth the grind just to free myself from that AH related control.
Only after the city was no longer part of the current expansion.
Since Wrath they always did the same:
AH access just for engineers on the current expansion capital which magically become accessible to everyone one expansion later.