that’s assuming they ALL used 90$ and not wow tokens, right?
It covers both cases. If they used WoW tokens, it means that some other player somewhere in the world paid with real money to “create” the token.
The price bump of the token since then is evident of that. It was around 280k before the Brutosaur was added, now it’s still stuck at 360k? -=EDIT=- It’s 393k, wtf happened???
yes, but isn’t the ROI lower?
Cause if the Brutosaur is let’s say 75$ for easy calculations, that would be 1 player buying it directly.
If you do with gold/token, you would need 3 players spending 25$ for three tokens to cover the 75$.
So yes, the same money eventually ends up with Blizzard, but it does change the forecast, because if the average is now 75$/3 players instead of 75$/player spent on the cashshop.
The ROI is better, because the cost to create a new expansion to have the sales for it was quite an investment of millions on its own. So maybe the expansion cost, I don’t know, 1 million $ to create, and they earned 25 million $ from its sales. That’s a ROI of 25:1.
Meanwhile the Brutosaur cost what, 5k to make? 10k? And it returned 18 million (if the assumption was correct, I have used too many number from my behind). That’s a ROI of 1800:1.
If I would have been extremely content with the game maybe, I’m not sure but maybe I would have considered paying that much for a bunch of pixels because it’s convenient.
However all their actions show that Blizzard has become an extreme version of a cash grabbing company who are indifferent with the player community and their game has become an under the average quality game. So not a dime from me.
And yet…
I don’t know a single person who spent money on the mount. In game gold is easier than ever to aquire since players seem to get lazier by the day opening up new money making opportunities. This mount is also only 20% of the price of the BfA longboi which makes it a steal in my books.
EDIT: corrected “Long oi” into “Longboi”
I already have the best “convenient” mount, the Yak. It has repair, i can sell if my bags are full and transmog. Why would i buy something that’s just useless and unnecessary. Plus it’s fugly and way to big, so very unconvenient.
Perfect for when you forget that 1 thing and the nearest AH is like miles away.
Its not happening a lot but its happening frequently enough for me to make use of it
miles away?
The furthest they are away is the next building…
not if you’re out in any open world zones they’re not
I don’t need the AH/mail when I’m out questing.
I do that stuff when returning to the main hubs to hand in quests etc.
It is pretty useful for raiding, dont have to wait people to go back to the city to get something in case forgot something.
People have been using my brutosaur for years in raids/m plus or near those awkward vendors in DF who wanted other items instead of currency.
you’re all weird
Is there a problem, sir?
They made a model and added some stuff and made a few million…
And yet what?
I’m subbed yes, that wasn’t the point though. The point was if you ever wanted to consider buying the Brutosaur and I alrdy replied on that one.
Nope just laughing at your joke
No joke was made.