Buff healers now, they feel weaker than ever

Because healthbars are also rising, heal throughput is a joke.
Especially for Hpals.

Remember when they were arguing to improve heals by buffing heals? Ye they then went to buff heals + health bars + damage input, so they didnt achieve anything with it. Like if 1 persons arguments got wrongly executed by another.

It is really not a big time investment for a dev that plays the game to make changes in a couple seconds.

If you wont change S4 it is easily foreseen that a lot of players wont have the patience anymore to stuck with you for another expansion where season to season you have to be the lucky, chosen class and know, that if not, you are gone out of existence of endgame.


Theres already a decent number of hpalas over 3k rating and considering its a season with some decent throughput checks that kind of makes a mockery of your argument.


yeah and now. there are 2 hpalas and 3k rating is nothing to be proud of. it is about having fun and you dont have fun with a hpal because you dont buff group, you lack dps, you lack healing for your whole group to have fun on the 99 percentil of keys


There is a difference between doable and fun.

The current dungeon pool with the healer nerfs at the start of the season was just not warranted at all, the role is already half-dead, now good luck finding healers mid-way through this season.


what are you talking about, everything is fine with healing

Its not the healthpools issue - its the dungeons being hard issue with very spiky DMG.

After break from heavy healing in S3 healers have to perform again.

Lets be honest this is rubbish. Healers have had it hardest every season this expansion.

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Not sure about holy paladin, but my holy priest feels fine now that I got 500+ ilvl and 4-set. The first week was very rough in M+ for me because I started off with 462, but that was acceptable because the new M+ difficulty and season is tuned for much higher ilvls.

The only thing that annoys me this week are mobs that randomly 1-shot people, but buffing healers won’t solve that.

Please stop… healers are crazy strong. All of them. That’s why damage from bosses is so crazy high as well.

Try looking at some SL footage and see how healers are struggling keeping everyone maxed as they slowly take more damage, leading them to hovering 40-70% most of the time and that being okay. Now, leaving someone at 70% can be outrageously dangerous.

Have you ever tried to kill a healer outside of dampening in PvP? It’s literally impossible. You can be 4v1 and they still can’t die. Makes BG’s really frustrating to play.

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I don’t agree at all.

I was playing solo shuffle yesterday.

I MC’d enemy healer to stop him from healing and he trinketed it or he would’ve lost the round.

He trinkets it and gets gripped by a DK, he gets silenced into stunned by hammer of justice into a chastise and dies without being able to cast. Dampening hadn’t even started ramping up. This was a 2.2k~ mmr healer.

That has the strongest Dampening in the game. It may not have ramped much yet, but it was probably still near cutting healing in 1/3rd or maybe even halved it very early on. What that means is that every single healer is running around with a permanent mortal strike on them. Plus the real mortal strike most likely. Clearly not what I was talking about.

Of they course they do feel weaker than ever. Of all the 3 roles, healers are the ones who whine and cry the most, doesn’t surprise me that they are wimps.

Dampening was at 10%, it hadn’t even started ramping.

He died before he could cast again.

I almost died the same, if I hadn’t specced into restitution because I saw that damage I would’ve died at 10% dampening too.

Is that Skill issue i hear

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So did he use any CD’s at all? Because obviously it requires that trade.

Like there’s no way you can be be killed through them because many of them are straight up immunities or 50% to even 70% damage reductions, and there’s no way to be out of them within the first minute unless you just don’t use your spells, in which case the fact that I’m telling you they’re unkillable because of their abilities a bit of a moot point.

He couldn’t use any CDs because he was silenced or stunned through it all.

Use the trinket. Also, many defensive CD’s can in fact be used while stunned or silenced.

He trinketed my mind control to not lose to not being able to heal…

I don’t even understand what’s happening here. The whole team must’ve had a drool in the keyboard moment. Like there’s no way. Nobody could interrupt it? The game is full to the rafters of micro-CC Nobody could use their own CD’s? Every 2.2k players should know how absurd the DK CD’s are and defend themselves appropriately. The thing is, if you do, when they come back it’s either in arena in which case there’s now dampening, as per my point, or it’s in BG’s in which case it probably doesn’t matter because it’ll be the same.

Try killing a healer on a mage in a BG. You’ll know what I mean then. Good luck. :crossed_fingers:

Solo shuffle zug zug happened.

DKs become immune to casters CCs when they press AMS, which he did.

The retri divine shielded because he thought he was going to die when I was MCing the enemy healer.

Then they just pressed buttons on the poor enemy healer when he trinketed my MC.

It was fine when they were on separate teams but I specced into restitution when I faced them because I saw the damage they do together. If I wasn’t specced into that, I would’ve died at 10% dampening too. They were both doing double the damage of the other DPS in the shuffle.

That retri is like rank 40 in EU now.

The DK is like rank 20 in EU now.