Buff mistweavers, balance druid, assa rogue, shadow priest etc

So, I came across this from reddit:

This discrepancy between the different specs is kind of ridiculous.

Especially seeing mistweaver being at the lowest of the healers, like what even is that? You play a legendary that is focused on doing damage to heal and still end up lowest and not by a small amount either.

Resto shamans are doing like more than double the dps of mistweavers, on average.

Then we look at balance druid, assa rogue and shadow priests, they’re doing on average like 6-7k less dps than a destruction warlock. Even at 95th percentile they don’t beat the average dps on warlocks.


Not going to lie, Holy Paladin needs a buff as well. I feel like they completely gutted the spec in 9.2. If you’re not Venthyr and running with a coordinated group, what is the point of even playing the spec anymore? Might as well just roll a Priest or Shaman and get it over with.


I’m honestly just surprised that we’re still not at 3 destro warlocks being the mainstay comp.

I think the specs at the bottom definitely need a buff, but as far as I’m concerned what really stands out on that thing is the absurdity of the top specs more so than the bottom ones. I mean you’ve literally got 3 specs pushing almost everything to D tier and below.

If you look at team compositions, beyond a certain key level (I don’t recall if it’s +20 or +25), 99.5% of the teams have a destruction warlock.

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I would rather from them to rework balance it’s boring :smiley:


Nah they will liekly BUFF fire mages do they can replace nerfed destro locks :slight_smile:

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Just for 3 more resets. Then IT will be unplayable again . Same suddenly all Hunters sił lswap back to MM when they NERF survival

Sad how far moonkin has fallen since the beginning of Shadowlands. I told everyone that the mandatory second legendary, the covenant one is trash for our spec, barely a buff, and can even be a nerf in some situations.


It is just unbelievable how stupid blizzard changed hpala. Giving a tier set that requires you to hit as many people (read; already max health players + pets) with a spell you do not want to use in M+ at all, to gain cooldown reduction (to have a chance… gambling) on wings. And then nerfing wings big time on top of it. Hpala is already terrible outside of wings, but now with wings you are also mediocre. And getting wings means you have to play completely obnoxious.

Sad times.

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Judging by what they’ve done this xpack? Doubt it.

balance druid needs a whole rework. this class is the most anti fun spec in m+. trash tier and doing less damage than tanks or a bit more than tanks. Remove the 3min cd from our class. it does nothing compared to other cds lol

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They’ll only listen if it’s affecting MDI or RWF. They don’t care about filthy casuals. I dumped my balance druid I mained for years m+ wise for my Warlock.

Not paying for a game to do almost as much dps as a tank and third wheeling my group.

Still does insane damage during cd uptime. Saw the kalamazi sims these days and destro will be far from unplayable. Not meta for sure, but still viable and above any druid spec in m+

When i saw this weeks list on wowhead i just laughed.

One of my specs, MM, is at the bottom with a nearly %20 DPS difference? Balance? Dont make me laugh.

When there is a %20 difference in DPS this is not balancing issues but more issues of the sort you cant discuss here. Such as blizzard actually making FOTM.

Mind you. These charts are following people who have metronome like fingers and have their classes down. These people play to perfection unlike me.

%20 difference. How do you account for that blizzard? %20

Blizz simply has no clue what they do when they implement (again) a whatever borrowed power. Survival for example was nowhere before this seasons tier set. Same for destro which has a loop with the tier set to create shards. Blizz even had to buff destro in the early weeks of this season when logs showed destro was not performing, till they had tier sets :sweat_smile:

Can you please give the original source of this picture, interesing to check out previous seasons

You will find this on wowheads . com its done weekly as well as per patch or season. I cant post links but you can just search on their website.

why do you want to buff HEALERS for a DPS chart ?
just in case you dont know, mistweaver is healer spec.

for the rest of the dps classes,
not every dps class is equal. and it is so by design.
every class in the game have its own pros and cons. warlock for example. is extremely powerful caster. but he is also extremely squishy and very hard to play with. but if you master warlock playstyle and learn how to CC well, you can become very powerful.

some classes like hunters are quick. some like paladins can survive anything. warriors are highly durable, but cant get even close to the dps output of others. monks are versatile and rogues might be the easiest class to play in the game.

its more important for all classes to be able to counter eachother if played well. PVP isnt pure dps. in pvp, these charts doesnt paint the full picture because it ignores the assist spells.

Because mistweaver is contributing way less damage to the group than other healers. And mistweaver is not really contributing more healing. It is also hard to find specific extra utility over other healers.

Fire Mages need a buff as well.

so buff their healing…