Buffing warriors? rofl

10% prot war damage increase plus another 10% for the clap :smiley:

it is time that prot war take over meta once again wait for it DH main to cry :rofl:


They proved they could in the first round of warrior buffs tbh

When they buffed mortal strike by 20% then released a PvP only nerf of 20% to mortal strike to prevent it getting stronger in PvP

The problem is this buffs to a legendary, which I don’t think is as easy to nerf seperately as it will kinda make things PvP or PvE exclusive.

But I’m sure they could PvP only nerf warriors to equalize it 🤷🤷

Blizzard don’t have the ***** to buff sub. Because they know the outcry their gonna get from the average players making the harder specc the optimal choice.

Sub is too difficult to play for the majority of players. So they won’t buff it because they know the outcome of it.

Outlaw is far simpler to play making it far more intuitive for players.

It doesn’t matter.
It’s absolutely not that hard to add a line in the patch note that says: “these changes won’t be enabled in PvP environments”.

But they didn’t. They’re buffing Arms for both.


Trueeeeeeeeee :o

Lol. yeah maybe you are right… I honestly think outlaw is much harder to play perfectly than sub… However, whereas sub is quite punishing if you are clueless, you can literally headbutt your keyboard as outlaw and still do decent damage.

If you talk about warriors, no they are not OP in PvP at all. I have yet to see a prot warrior in PvP and Fury is severely underrepresented. Just say what you mean: Arms warriors.

Ye but it goes both ways you know. The fact that you dont play or dont like pvp doesnt mean nobody does. Pvp is a big part of wow and devs are clearly capable of buffing or nerfing stuff specificaly for pvp and pve.

So yes you dont like getting nerfed because of some issue in pvp…and we dont like when developers hugely buffing a class thats is currently OP as hell in pvp…dont be selfish.

I’ve never claimed that other people don’t play or like PvP.

I should not suffer in PvE for PvP issues and vice versa.

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You did post this.

I posted that the world does not revolve around PvP. That is a statement of fact.

The game does not revolve around one aspect.

The buff is a result of underperformance elsewhere.

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And it destroys another part of the game.

So what? Does that make the latest patch notea for war leggos okay? Yes it revolves around both aspects…so both should be adressed equaly or there should be atleast some visible effort… You dont like pvp bevause youre getring destroyed i assume. No flame no blame…i do get destroyed too…everyone does…its tilting as hell…now imagine after getting slapped by warriors in arena all day long, you come to the forums or mmochamp and see that warrs getting buffed because of pve…what would be your reaction.
Its so simple to adjust or tune it for pvp …they just dont give a damn.

Which was EXACTLY the point I made about paladins.

Maybe if you’d taken then whole post into account that would have been clear

So you do agree that its an issue. even though its the other way around? Because thats the vibe i was getting from that post…

Its horrible getting nerfs/buffs in pve because of pvp

But its ok to get buffs/nerfs in pvp because of performance in pve

Oh I see you are making things up that I never said.

Maybe just read the actual words that I write and try not to interject your own agenda onto it.

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You never said that. I was just explaining how did it look to me. Stop beign dramatic please.


You guys probably dont understand that necro mastery buff.

Arms warrior are literally HITTING NON-CRIT 20k mortal strikes

Also they are making the executor lego 50% per stack insead of 25%
so as venthyr u condem 2 times and ur next ms is 100% more damage

Other Covenants getting buff too, so i see no reason why not.

you see no reason why warriors shouldnt hit 20k in arena? your iq as big as your shoe size.

even warrior main r1 mangus said its terrible, well his exact words after 20k non-crit was “this game is terrible”

Main rogue crying about warriors being too op on his warrior alt xD???

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He accuses others of low iq but if he wanted to be a decent troll he would post from a different server and change pets .
Pretty sad he has used 3 chars to spam the forum with insults and pvp inane rants .
Pretty cringe that he claims on a 2nd account he is multi glad which ofc is not connected and to scared to post on.