Buffing warriors? rofl

pretty sure you have contributed nothing to any of my threads except crying and stalking me. Typical mount farmer with 0 knowledge of the game - literally so bored you come sit in forums to QQ in threads while waiting your mount drop npc to spawn

You clearly know nothing of the state of rogues

You seem to spend alot on time on the forums on multi alts …

Swearing is agaisnt forum coc btw and the buff is for pve which was needed .
You got any complaints post on pvp forum under the arena sub forum .

Nobody cares for your spam on alts and swearing and bad attitude when you do not get answers you like .
Atleast post on your high end main if so good.

I mean just look at him. You dont kick person whos already on the floor. I kinda feel sad for him. It must be hard being himself xd yOu DoNt KnOw AnYtHiNg AbOuT rOuGeS - said 40lvl warrior expert crying about warriors haha xd

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Its Nikkeh what you expect i actually pity him and his anger maybe he should focus it to get a better ranking :wink:


If you played rogue you would know they are very bad outside of their cd’s, so bad you cant even kill a seed. Backstab is actually useless, and its often more beneficial to use shuriken storm, but this has nothing to do with the topic. Rather just shows you are getting owned by one-shot talented rogues (who would be useless for a 1min after their shadow dance ends). Not as bad as DH’s though, i mean DH’s are so nerfed in SL that after darkness (automatic 35% for lulz) and ‘the hunt’ you are basically free meat.

He will after they nerf those “OP” warriors and buff rogues :slight_smile:

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nice counter argument, i am sure you are farming mounts with the other pve newbies, who dont see a difference in 2k or 20k or 200k, since all the mount farms are being critted 200k anyway. Also I have never asked to buff rogues, but to change the spec, but you and other shoe people dont see the difference, because you have nothing going on between your ears

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Im not even talking to you

Thata my only message to you noob. You said i dont know nothing about rogues but you are crying anyway about warriors even tho you dont know nothing about them, you fight your own “logic” and insult ppl just because they dont agree with you. Warriors are too OP, maybe they covenant ability is a bit too good but its nothing more than balance/rogues state from others ppl perspective. Neither of thwm ahouls be nerfed tho, buy other classes couls be buffed ao every1 would have fun. I wasnt talking to you cause there is no point, you wont understand it anyway. Its just sad but I wont arguee with a person like this. But I will stick around its funny in here.

congrats for ban

Come back he is crying even harder now xd its worth to see it

You ok man? Getting so angry over a game probably means you have some issues going on irl, this is like the… sixth?? topic in two weeks where you’re super angry over the game. It’s not healthy to get this angry over stuff like this.

Anyone who disagrees with you you call a mount farmer. I sense a bit of misguided envy here. You farming invincible and it wont drop? That’s ok dude, keep trying. It will drop eventually I promise.


did you really write 5min for this useless garbage?

Does this contribute to the topic? No it doesnt.
=> reported as spam: “It is not useful or relevant to the current topic.”

Being concerned for your wellbeing is relevant when you’re being angry though.

Pretty sure spamming reports also counts as spamming, just saying.

But you do you.

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Keep giving me reportable evidence. thanks <3

Hope you and other mindless attention seekers get what they deserve

Thats what you get when you try to help person with anger problems :stuck_out_tongue:

“help” :smiley:
You have not even contributed to the topic. You can leave the thread, spammer.

If you are not writing anything conserning the topic, you might as well go spam in another website.

I mean, read your posts back for “reportable evidence”. Using acronyms and hiding letters of swearwords, insulting people, now threatening people?

Hoping I “get what I deserve”? For asking if you’re ok?
For asking in a jokey manner if your thinly veiled insults are because you’re jealous.

Playing a game that gets you this emotionally invested in a negative way isn’t healthy. You call us attention seekers then post thread after thread like this and insult people repeatedly. I understand getting annoyed and letting off steam but that’s a worrying trend you’ve got going on there.

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Im more concerned of you considering you have read 132k posts here, and only contribute nothing to the topic, maybe you are getting unlucky on mount drops with daestra