Buffs to Rdruid and Hpriest. Nerfs to Hpala

Maybe I was wrong:


This is Necro Pala build I mentioned before multiple times on PTR.

He didn’t even use Shadowbreaker but Shock Barrier if I’m right.

light of dawn had 40yards range there. so shadowbreaker was used.
but ye that seems to be busted. prob needed tho to keep up with buffed rdruids. we will see how much effect the mana has.

Necrolords H Pala is better mana wise since it barely casts and generates Holy Power with Vanquisher’s Hammers more. If you remember Borngood playing it in NA finals he did quite well mana wise. With set bonus and Shadowbreaker it might end being good actually.

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vanquishers hammers is 1hp every 15 sek. im pretty sure u will have to cast otherwise u will starve urself of hp. ofc nekro is way better mana wise but i dont know if it can keep up with rdruids and mw monk even close when u consider also the vers setbonus doesnt exist 9.2.
but ye maybe im wrong.

didnt watch that. when was it?

Well not necessarily since as Kyrian you play 2x Potency conduit - the one for more crit on Holy Shock and Ringing Clarity. As Necro you can afford playing Martyr one and it actually heals a lot if you stack it. Vanquisher’s Hammer also heals you so you can cover health lost with Martyr.

I’ll try to find vod for you. I was surprised how good he was doing mana wise yet they still lost. It was even pre 9.1.5 Vanquisher’s Hammer buff when it tickled. I saw the potential of it and tried to theorycraft and try it myself to have better view. I passed it to my friend and now he s 2200+ H Paladin as Necro/Kyrian. Necro in 2s and Kyrian in 3s.

ye that might be key with the conduit. normal martyr without stacks of the conduit is not rly manaefficient as far as i know.
doesnt bring value when hpal is the target unforch.

ty :slight_smile:

Btw if you get Mindgames Martyr tops both you and the target for some reason.

They still lost but it was pre 9.0.5 and he did very well mana wise.


This is just theory and I’m not sure how good it might end up being. Since you barely cast as Necrolords Pala maybe insteado of going Versa > Crit > Haste it’s worth going Versa > Haste > Mastery. Haste reduces cooldowns on many spells - Holy Shock and Hammer of Wrath included so you might end up generating more Holy Power with Instants and then you can make use of Mastery more thanks to Shadowbreaker.

Also why I mention Hammer of Wrath is because when you use cast WoG that automatically casts Light of Dawn it counts like 2 Holy Power spenders for Awakening so you have bigger chance for Wings proc. I’m not sure if there is limit of procs per minute but Borngood mentioned it once on his Twitch that’s why he has more wings proc and why it’s better mana wise.

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