Bug in undercity lifts that caused my HC chr to die. PLEASE BE CAREFUL

I got stuck in a lift bug today in the Undercity and died as a result.

What happened:
I entered the lift at the top and the lift went up….
I couldn’t get out of the lift.
Upon the lift reaching the top, you spawn on the lift at the bottom.
The lift immediately travels upwards again.
There were times where my character would fall a short distance until she fell a LONG way and subsequently died.

I’m happy to continue my journey on this character as a result of this bug but the HC addon states:
“Verification Status: FAIL (see Discord)
Deaths = 1 data_file=OK traced_time=95.1%

I’ve no idea what this means, nor do I know of the Discord I need to look at.
Any help would be appreciated. I’m a level 24 on my Warlock, so I’m happy to continue as I know my integrity isn’t in question regarding solo play, but I’m unsure how this would be viewed by others.

Has anyone else incurred anything like this? How did you proceed afterwards?

For addon support you can go to the addon page where you downloaded it at for contact info including discord link.

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Thank you, I’ve just joined Discord now and posted in the general chat. My appeal dissapeared as soon as I posted it. So hoping it’s pending approval, as it was my first post.

Ah, the infamous killer lifts. Sometimes it lags just as lift in Gnomeregan. Do not run after anyone. Wait for the lift to go up/down and when it reaches your entrance again step on it. Do not jump down on it, just wait for it to fully stop.

I think you should start anew as this wouldn’t count as a bug since laggy lifts been in Classic like forever. And if you are really concirned Undercity has second entrance from the sewers.


Thanks, I’ll find the sewer entrance. I’ve played for 18yrs and never heard of these lifts playing up, like they did. It wasn’t lag, they only traveled up and when reaching the top, the lift and I spawned at the bottom and went up again around 5x. I didn’t do anything whilst on the lift at the time I died. It was very weird and I’m not sure I can fully explain what was happening, it was very trippy!
I’m continuing my character and will not be deleting it until I either die properly or the new servers get released, whichever comes first.
I’ve deleted 2 characters to my own errors and 6 to bugs and disconnects. There comes a time when you have to use your own integrity imho. I’m ok continuing under these circumstances and that’s what matters. :slight_smile:

I don’t know about that. The more you invest into this character the more you will regret she will be treated by everyone as softcore and achievement of reaching 60 would feel hollow because of that. This need to appeal attitude will ruin many player’s will to play on Official HC realms as Blizzard would accept none after that realm release.

It is better to start a new even if it was only partially your fault for not knowing poorly coded game mechanics like lifts, endless summons in STV eastern coast or others and how to handle em, than keeping playing with excuses, especially since first 10 levels are so easy to get and lvl 24 is not far away.

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I’m happy with my decision as I’m not trying to make other people happy, I’m here to play a game. I play this game for me! Yesterday I had a very nice group in WC that understood my position and a couple of them even suggested that they hate the add-on because of how strangulating it is and how much fun it can detract from the game when you die to bugs and disconnects and having to video your whole game to pass if y the add-on police. To be honest, I’m enjoying using my own integrity as a measurement of my own success. If I’m alone when I ding 60 and I’ve only died to bugs/dc errors, I’ll be happy with that. They can call me soft core all they want, I’ll be happy with that too, as I’ll know what I’ve achieved and that’s why I play. Happiness is about making your own goals and doing the things that you love, even if other people don’t approve. Many people would see online gaming as soft core in real life, but here we all are. I set my own boundaries and find happiness in doing so. Why do I need to value thousands of other peoples judgement, as long as I’m being respectful and happy? Answer: I don’t. :hugs:
Playing Valheim taught me a new way of enjoying games and I’ve been a lot happier since apply a more relaxed standard of playing.

With regards to your comment about poorly coded lifts etc. I’ve played on and off for since the game launched and this is the first time I’ve had a lift issue, let alone a death in a lift. I’ve deleted 2 chrs to real deaths because I was stupid and made an error. Fall damage off a mountain and pulling 3 healers I couldn’t burn down fast enough and i lost the battle of attrition. I’ve also deleted 6 chrs due to bugs/dc errors. Since I’ve deleted the add-on, I’ve not had and dc’s and my game has been acting normally…… make of that what you will, but I think the add-on isn’t as good as people say. That’s my view and it’s for other people to make theirs and be happy with their decision.

Play the game for you. Not others. The community that enjoy your company will trust you and know of your integrity. Those that don’t, well, that’s up to them. :slight_smile: Is this self governance open to being misused and’ people fake their own success? Absolutely!! But they will know that they didn’t achieve the goal, if they fake it to 60. Just like, how do we know that someone hasn’t switched their router off when they do a bad pull. Video or not wouldn’t prove that…… many ways to manipulate the situation but unless you govern it yourself you’ll never be happy and always frustrated at life and living it the way other people want you to. :hugs:

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Sadly I agree with Черница on his. I play IronMan for many years, and all those I played on - even if death was NOT my doing, I regret. Just roll again is best advice ever. Not for other, but for you.

Read of Elevator Bosses here:

You don’t have to be sad that you agreed with them. If it’s how you like to play, play like that. As the saying goes “You do you”.

Since deleting the add-on, my game has been a lot more stable and I’m enjoying it far far more! Not a single disconnect or weird game bugs like the one I incurred in the UC lift. As a result, I’m enjoying my journey far more knowing my integrity police’s my gameplay, my successes and my failures. :slight_smile:

Edit as a result of your link:
Thanks for the link, I had never heard of elevator bosses tbh. I think that we only hear about stuff that our immediate community experience. Thanks for the heads up. :hugs:

You do you is what I do, only I tell I could not live with knowing I had died on that one. No addon, only honour. I play IronMan long before addión even invented.
I tried addon, but I deleted fast as I could not do IronMan and game laggy.
Elevator is known bosses since forever :slight_smile:

I do not mind how you play. Only tell how I feel.

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Proof you can self govern and have fun!! I’ve only just finished watching this and this takes fun to a whole new level. Do you want to play like Frodo, Gimli, Legolas or Mithrandir?

I’ve never had the privilege of finding The One Ring in 18 years of gameplay so my /played time would likely be in thousands of hours. :joy:

Well in you defence I might say that Hardcore addon isn’t perfect as well. The community managing it will always have bias towards streamers, serving em ASAP, while having huge delays or even ignoring cases of common folk, when dealing with appeals. Addon has also been compromised by hackers, who could erase death log from it.

What I prepare you for is that Official HC that will be considered the sole true one out there and will have “No appeals” as one of the key rules. Ever since I lost Iron Soul buff on characters that died in SoM1 I had this no appeal mindset.

I do not favor deletion of the characters as I liked to keep em as bank alts or even level em to cap on softcore, but isolating them from living HC characters is a major feature I am looking forward to on official HC.

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Aye, I’m looking forward to it too. I’m not a fan of any add-ones tbh and I’d hope that WoW applied a policy of zero add one on official servers, much like FF14. When you see streamers playing classic hardcore and it looks like a Star Wars game with routes for quests, swing timers, threat meters, dps meters etc…… yeah… real “hardcore” :joy:
I play complete vanilla gameplay and may be starting the Lord of the Rings HC Human Warrior playthrough. :slight_smile:

If they do, I stop play. They made too many “QoL” changes, to be removed by addons. I play with only “Remowe newfangled “QoL” change” addons and Multishot - which make screenie when I level and suchlike. I often too busy to do manually. But please yes ban Questie and swingtimers addons and like, not fun ones like Speedy Gonzales and Multishot :wink:
I am going to first try to level IronMan finally to 60 - then I look for new Challenge - Maybe LotR one sounds fun - got to find somewhere to read of it, as I not watch vids.

He displays the rules on the screen, so read it on there and pause video. :slight_smile:

Oh, I found them in print somewhere :wink:
No views from me, no.



Glad you got him. Enjoy. :slight_smile:

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Seriously dude, u can edit the addon and make your death not count. Wow all these bots using hc addon !

Figure out yourself if these claims are true or not, but unnoficial addon is way easier to break and it has zero consequence. That’s why we need official HC realm.

Reddit post (remove space after the first dot)
reddit. com/r/classicwow/comments/135z9uo/easy_way_to_stop_hardcore_addon_tracking_deaths/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

Youtu. be/z-7ZXwh

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