Build the Ripcord


Hmm it’s seems mages still are viable and Ret pally got short end of the stick again.


Do read that sheet with a bit of caution:

There may be good intention behind it, but it seems the research on which the ranking is based is rather haphazard.


This is made even worse when you add PVP, because the choice of the PVP covenant nearly always contradicts the “maximum DPS” mantra from PVE.

In general, I think they will try to adjust the numbers and they will perhaps have some success with it, the differences will decrease somewhat. But very shortly they will add some new items / make some benign changes to the spells and the differences will increase again and will quite possibly become greater than they are now. I am absolutely sure they will not be able to win here. There are just too many moving parts and they cannot react fast enough.

The only real solution is to decouple player abilities from covenants. But we will likely have to wait until 9.3 for that…


I am not sure the comment you linked is all that valuable - it says that the data is bad, but contains no details as to why. I am not saying the data is good, it might be bad, but the comment you linked doesn’t shed any light onto how. (I am going to read the reddit thread now, I did see it before but it got a lot of new comments since that time, maybe there’s something valuable there.)


It’s not that bad for a ranking.

However for ret, he is quite biased. Necrolord is not as bas as this spreadsheet is showing, but it’s not super good neither.

This is again a Blizzardy fails. They try to implement stuff that was never in the game and they end up making a system that can’t work.


I mean they already are. They gave Venthyr, considered the PvP covenant, some damage, and they’re giving Night Fae, considered the M+ build, some nice round damage with one of the soulbinds where you get +10% to pretty much everything but no more to any of them - and although it lacks CC, it has a really good escape ability, which is critical for a good mage in PvP.

Necrolord seems to be getting the short end of the stick here. Personally OK with that but I know some people like Necrolord.

A question…

Would you mind someone in the same gear as you, as the same class doing 20% more damage than you just because of rng borrowed power?


Hey at least you don’t main BM… nothing is great for us - same with Demo Lock.

Poor Mistweaver Monk… this system is trash. Make it a cosmetic choice only.


The best is they promised us big monk changes a few weeks ago and we’ve gotten nothing but nerfs (granted, the BM nerfs were ok) since then. Meanwhile WW is still majorly bugged and no change in sight.

I think the only people still maining monk are those of us who love the gameplay so much we weather through all the bugs and nerfs and bottom of the list moments.


It’s weird to make such a statement when most specs don’t even have their damage modifier aura yet on beta.

People like to freelycraft but in reality we have no clue whatsoever which spec will be good and which one not in SL.

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I think they can pull covenant abilities out of covenants choice and bring them as second legendary power…but no idea about conduits.

The vid I linked goes into it… starts around 10.22 mark.

I’m not clicking that

It’s pretty sad to see that we will have to suffer again just because of Blizzard’s ego. It’s pretty mind numbing that they can’t balance anything to save their lives yet they believed they can balance the most complex system they’ve ever introduced to WoW.

Well, whatever, can’t wait for the next expansion after Shadowlands to be able to do my favourite covenant campaign without losing 30% dps in current content.


Welcome to the later half of the second decade’s AAA game development. Where almost every AAA dev team is far too much of an “eccentric artist” to admit their wrongs after the “uncultured masses” call their “masterpiece” a wall where paint was randomly splashed at.


I really thought they would have watched and listened to players… from BFA and Legion.

I had high hopes for good changes, but it feels like there are more systems than ever before.

I think legendary items on top of all the other systems will only make it worse, maybe they hope someone getting a good one will offset the negative in other areas of gear/borrowed power?

Covenants should be about aesthetics, and if power has to come into it give all players the same set of choices.

I’m guessing the expac after Shadowlands will be the one where they finally wake up.

One can hope.


It is the players that need start to waking up cause a significant number of people just accept getting shafted as a normal thing so they do not even perceive it. Some even defend it. (stockholm syndrome?)


I was going to blow £500 on a new card and my copies of Shadowlands, but it’s not enough for it to just look pretty for me. I can still enjoy previous content such as collections and so on.

I will go back to waiting for it to be in the sale. Or even grind the gold and buy that way.

I think with all the nerfing, patching and rebalancing - plus the catchup systems they always put in place, I am better off just playing the expansion nearer to the end of it’s time.

The SL beta runs fine on my 1050 ti here.

And yes, welcome to the second half of the lifetime of the expansion club. The first year is an extended open beta.

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