Just because you’re oblivious to how some players like their games:
- customizations
- lots of customizations for their characters
- even more customizations
- visual customizations
- power customizations
- easily switchable makes the game more fun
- more choices = more fun
Now stop being dense and recognize the difference between CS:GO and WoW in terms of customization of the characters used by the player.
So that means that you’d be fine even if the powers were separate from the cosmetics of the covenant.
It LOCKS choice, idk how you can be so dense.
Yes Jito, at the same time, players who do multiple types of content don’t do one content per month. How can you be this oblivious?
Having spec talents locked for at least a reset and then you say “that is min/max” too.
It’s a MORE restrictive type of min/max than we had before this expac.
That is the issue.
What does this mean? I can’t min/max with the way things are now.
And these guys in this thread, are asking for the same thing?
Have you checked the linked threads above? You can see a lot of players asking to keep them locked, here: