Well, maybe. But at least it’s much, much harder to enforce than if we can switch around all willynilly. Then that will become the ‘go to’ behaviour and I take issue with that.
Want to further iterate on that, bacause “Not in this case” equatest to “No U”.
They are not tiny, again you prove that you have no clue about what you are talking about.
Trash pulls ok i will give you that, only the WF guys do that and even the its a handfull of them. However most of us want to for example be able to switch from the ST target ability that we used for the raid o the AoE ability because we want to do a M+ and kick back with our lads (without it beeing locked for 2 weeks or a gold sink), or we would like to use an ability for one spec and another on a different spec, I am a warlock not a destruction or affliction or a demonology but a warlock i like all my specs and i would like to play them without beeing punished by systems for it. Also there is the factor that we would all like to pick a covenant that would suit our character, with the system however, if we do that we are getting some short term enjoyment but will ultimately hate the expirienc for the next 2 years because of perfomance issues. Doing your best only to be outperformed by a guy with the same spec and class but a better covenant is not fun, look at corruption i really had tons of fun when people with IS 3 where wiping the floor with me because i had vers procs.
Again you explained nothing.
Pulling your own wait is what i call contributing, your character does not pull its own weight, you may or may not think that your rotation and mechanic mastery is flawless but when you do not pull the required numbers you are getting carried, fill a heroic raid (you should be in that range with 460 ilvl) with only character that do your dps and you will hit the enrage timer every single time.
Agree and you refuse to see and/or connot undestand the point of view from my phylosophy, which I can do from your. Thats why i say you cannot look at it objectively.
Because in the end they will, be it 9.1,9.2,9.3 . The issue is why do we need to have this “experiment” every single expansion, the system can be fun, if it was pure Lore/Cosmetic i would support the covenant lock 100% but with player power tied there really isnt a choice. We want a good system for once, you can agree that corruptions and azerite are bad, however this is worse for us but because it has some flavour you more casual players are defending it. Again there are things to like about the system but if handled the way are now its going to be a disaster and push even more people away from the game.
Just because we are talking about the negatives, does not mean we are not looking at it objectively. Like I said a solo player or an RP-er will not have an issue, so why should we coment on this,however us “toxic and obsessive” players do have a huge issue, thats why we are talking about it and trying to convince Blizzard to change it.
I am not a videogame dev, however one must not be chef to know that a dish is bad. Do you need to be Gordon Ramsey to know that McDonalds is s^^t.
No it does not, if other players refuse to follow the meta it is expected to be refused for groups, are there idiots that will decline you for a +5 because you dont have TD 3- yes but covenants will not fix that, even on the Beta we are seeing people asking for specific covenants for groups, this does not fix this issue. This is a player driven issue and there is nothing Blizzard can do to fix that. Again proof of 0 knowledge of what actually is happening.
Actually what you do can directly influence me. If i que for LFR Nzoth and you end up in the same group, you are directly influencing me with low dps by either making the fight last longer or wiping us (i know it that this cant happen on LFR but you get the point). Yet again solo player mentality demonstrated.
IT has been, It is and it will be. Are you seriously that clueless , time after time i have given you examples of it. Furthermore prooves that you do not know how this works. No one cares about your personal RP, people care about are you able to do the job. If you were an employer would you take an unqualified person just because you like their shirt ?
But beta is not for testing or fixing things unles it littarly 100% breaks the game.
Its for PR/buiilding hype and advertisement,if systsem gets to alpha let alone beta it basicly means itd doen and wotn be removed even if evry tester is against it.
Sub rogues were good and they got nerfed into oblivion, warlocks have been smashing and the only thing they got was a mana cost DECREASE so they can keep spamming with expedient, fire mages needed a whole item to be viable and the current difference between circle of power and mirror image is more than 1/3 in terms of opener DPS (360k+ vs 220k+), my experience with shamans has only taught me to never invite shamans (and I doubt its just due to the players I’ve come across). And these are just some of the most recent examples.
Its not the gameplay that is hurting the game its blizzard refusing to address actual issues in the game and trying to cover them up with 4 new systems. Want your choices to matter? Want them to have consequence? Want to bring back player and class identity? - burn down LFR and the LFG tool as a whole along with covenants. Being a Necrolord Paladin doesn’t in any way shape or form help me be a Paladin. Here is a choice that matters - join a guild. You’re choosing to have interactions with a group of people and explore the world in a way you all see fit. And the only restriction to swapping those is the attachments you’ve formed to the players there. “See that guy? - thats our healing officer. He solo healed Sindragossa on 25hc back in WotLK and it was awesome. Best friends ever since.” Oh wow that kind of looks like ACTUAL IDENTITY!
The player base SHOULD be divided and the only problem with that division is that Blizzard through these tools and systems has to some extent torn down the barriers to entry for the content players take part in. If you care about a certain type of content what prevents you from taking part in it should only be your own skill and dedication. If you want to do mythic raids its YOUR responsibility to get the right gear and be skilled enough to begin with. That comes with some dedication and determination, not with “Well I don’t want to be Groot so I guess I’m either not gonna like where I spend my next 2 years in the expansion OR take part in the content I like”.
It would also force interaction with each type of content’s relative community. Remember that? Community! Its an MMORPG! Player interaction is something you’re SUPPOSED to have and supposed to incentivize, not just forget after every dungeon where you leave the group because you’re topping the dmg meter as a TANK and you don’t want to deal with people who CBAd.
If you really think Blizzard in its current state can do this right, then you’ve definitely missed a decimal point when you stated your IQ earlier. We’ve literally come to a point where people aren’t even asking for something good but rather something not completely bad so that we have a decent game to play until something actually good comes out.
Someone seems to be trolling HARD. Or just being stubborn beyond reasoning.
This someone seems to be unable to understand any point of view other than theirs.
This someone seems to be fixated on certain topics and not caring much for all others.
You know the English saying that If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck? In all likelihood it’s just a troll, or hopelessly in love with Blizzard PR dept, or both. Just that there MIGHT be another underlying cause for this observed behavior that also fits.
About Stalin
Think about Stalin like about a mafia boss, cuz that’s who he really was. Bank robbery, extortions, “protecting” businesses in Georgia, that sort of thing, before the previous boss died, he offed all other mob figureheads and became the one and only boss. And things he was doing later were quite similar: find how to do something, like eliminate person X, and THEN find a plausible enough reason for it. Psychiatric prisons were just another element of this strategy - you didn’t get to be political prisoner or even criminal one who just MIGHT have some connections or get to appeal to someone or just bribe the guards to look the other way, but “it’s for your own health” and can’t argue with the doctors’ opinions, so easier for Western public to swallow that someone had issues than that someone was a rival of someone else and one of them managed to put the other in windowless room. Just my 2 cents as history of Soviet Union is a hobby of mine. /offtop
And for the record I’d find a person being mentally not at 100% preferable to being an inveterate liar/bootlicker.
Indeed. But then you know that, I know that, but Tahra does not know that, or is not aware, or just doesn’t care…
I’m sorry to break it to you, but they don’t save per spec… you can have different soulbinds and switch between them for your specs, or switch paths.
But the conduits are across all of your specs as you placed them…
Yeah… amazing ik.
Wait till the masses see that they are locked from having proper builds for their specs.
Wtf Blizz i put in dps conduits and now i change to my heal/tank spec and i can’t switch to healing/mitigation ones???
Blizzard: We don’t want players to stack cooldowns.
Also Blizzard: Here Arcane Mages have 6 cooldowns that for some reason stack with each other, what can go wrong?
So why should I care about their said “intent” when it’s just words and their actual deeds show something completely different?
Im pretty sure Blizzard devs dont play casters, by the looks of things i would assume BM hunters and Demon Hunters, honorable mentions to Ions grey parcing resto shaman ofc.
Yeah… as a ret pally if i chose Night Fae i’ll have to: Seraphim + Summer Season + Execution Sentence(and Wings off gcd) + Final Reckoning, so 4 gcd’s…
And Seraphim and Execution Sentence both cost 3 HP each, so i’ll have to use a filler as well, so that’s 5 GCD’s to stack everything, presuming i get 5 HP before i start this combo.
Like really?