Build the Ripcord

considering blizzard has done major changes to some of the abilities ( especially the nightfae ones ) im pretty sure this table is outdated.

Regardless im likely going necrolords even though venthyr may be the best for arms

I miss the days where people picked something because it was fun for them, not because it yielded them 5% more damage compared to the other option.

If you are not raiding world first or trying to push 25+ keys all of this is so incredibly irrelevant.

It was updated 2 days ago.

ah my mistake then i didnt think it was being updated regularly

I agree with you 100% but what about those trying to do mythic+ keys that will end up declined because of a choice that was theirs to make?

It’s not just 5% - in some cases with everything included it can be 20% and up more damage.

Make your own group. Make a community, do guild runs, que with friends.

You arent forceed to LFG randoms. You just choose that way. If I dont get invited because I chose Convoke the Spirits (since its overall the best choice for my balance/feral/guardian choice and both PvP and PvE) then I dont care and search for the next group.

20% is still little in my eyes to be honest. If you are a decent player you will not have to rely on that to finish the key or kill the boss.

So this is okay then?

If only everyone thought like you - but they don’t.

I dont know what you want to show me in that video, so a tldr would be better, unless you mean the Conduit unbalance.

It also depends on where the 20% are. If the 20% is on just the ability, being 20% more efficient, then I hardly understand the issue. If its 20% overall more DPS by the end of the dungeon, that is something, yes, but nothing gamebreaking for people that would play their Class well in the first place.

Two warriors in the same gear swapping around their borrowed power resulting in 20% more damage on one of them.

So one is dealing 10 and the other 12k DPS?

It only went up when they tested higher gear.

25% became 35% of course it matters!

It’s 20% more dps overall. And the difference scales up with ilvl.

Thank god I dont care about this despite raiding mythic and playing somewhat high rated PvP.

I do feel pity for those that will be forced into Covenants or Abilities they dont like due to that cause of Guild or Mates.

My bigger problem with these Covenant Abilities is that some of them are just a huge let down (that Necrolord DH ability, for example)

But if I recall correctly arent they still in the tuning phase? I guess they could tweak it somewhat with numbers, although the min-maxers never will be happy nowadays.

Corruption would like a word with you

They are improving a lot compared to the past years though. I dont recall them ever being so open to feedback and changing classes or specs or abilities on player feedback that fast. (looking at Furious Gaze baseline for example for my main)

Meh. Just play the Game semi-hardcore and you’ll be fine. I dont see how they can fix this issue without making them talent choices, and that goes completly against the “Pledge your allegiance” to them.

Monks, survival hunter and paladin communities disagree.

The issue is that if your guild struggles on let’s say a gear check. If they could bench you and instead take a player that plays the same spec you’re raiding with because he deals 20% more damages than you, even if he is certainly not as good as you, does that feel good ? Nope, it does not, because you’re being benched because of a choice, not because of your skill.

I feel like the only solution would have been to disable those stuffs (Imo, legendaries are fine) in content where balance and skill matter.


I would say that that is unlucky then. But the same can be said about gear too.

I would also recommend you to swap your guilds then.

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A wretched hive of scum and villainy, no grey parsing freeloading BM hunters allowed? Would be my kind of scum! …IF it wasn’t in another faction on another realm. And French speaking one to boot. Sorry, not my thing :smiley:

That’s because it’s a compromise and like every compromise it’s rotten. Nobody is satisfied because neither side got what they wanted. And guys who developed all this “meaningful choice” thing should be reminded that WoW is MMO first and RPG second, if at all. Mechanical power trumps looks and story because you can do more things with mechanical power than just with looks and story.

Dude, look up posts of Amonet and Shihiroki in this thread. They already did more than enough arguing and every time they get dismissed with troll-like “it’s your opinion, I don’t agree cuz i say so, let’s disagree CUZ I SAY SO, I won’t explain because you don’t get it, I don’t care about your arguments cuz they’re your opinions but you HAVE to care about my opinions even if they aren’t arguments”.

Not sure about you, I don’t think such behavior deserves to be treated like sentient human being, fellow and equal to me. Because I’ve already got that reaction in another thread when the cute little troll “logic” wasn’t robust enough to endure more than 3 seconds of questioning and I’ve taken the kid gloves off. Here, look it up, Lakdro kept busting that one user for quite some time.

If you are a decent player you will be benched for that as someone else does everything you do and some more, because they got mechanically better covenant, thus making you taking a slot redundant when the group can do better. Unless you like being carried or ARE carried, and then you’re the deadweight…
And, y’know, all other factors being equal, do you take a DPS player who does 80k or the one who does 100k? Because this is what it boils down to. Do you LIKE handicapping yourself? Sure, some people go for challenges, but it’s just easier, faster, more efficient to go for 3x 100k instead of 3x 80k as you probably have some other things to do and your time in game is not unlimited.

And you do not play alone. If your performance is 20% worse than others’ because of a choice you made, well, you get the consequences of that choice. I.e. not being taken bloody anywhere because you’re the deadweight that others have to make up for. This might not matter in environment like current BFA - end of expansion, people are overgeared & know everything by heart already, so activities are relatively easier than in beginning of expack - but it WILL matter in Shadowlands.

People like you are part of the problem. You think 20% is not big? It’s 1/4 of 80%. This means 4 “optimal” players = 5 “meaningful choice” players. You need 1 more player for every 4 in a group where number of players is limited. And this doesn’t include that “interesting RPG-wise” guys are likely not “obsessed” with playing even in decent way. Because who cares, the boss is gonna die, the optimal guys will kill it anyway! Right? Right?.. WELL HOW ABOUT NO, because the damned deadweights weren’t dealing enough DPS to beat the enrage timer lol!

And then SOMEONE is getting benched/kicked and is going to cry how TOXIC those obsessed evil no-lives are. If only they were having fun wiping & wasting their time! And the time of 9-24 other players! What joy, they’ve for all practical intents and purposes done nothing for hell knows how long!

Dude, you talk to Arcane Mage. There is a good reason why you don’t see us in Mythic+ or Mythic raids and why I couldn’t be arsed to “find a guild or make my own group” in this failure of expansion. It’s called “ST Turret Syndrome” in a game where you need mobility and cleave without ST dps loss. NO amount of “playing your class well” can fix your DPS if you simply do not have abilities like Multishot and are capped on 5 targets while others have no such limitations. And don’t forget how SOME people just get massively better DPS in AoE situations and others have to choose sucking at AoE, sucking at ST, or sucking at both. You think that’s how it goes in BFA? It’s that “playing the class well” never makes up for sheer numbers and raw numbers are the most annoying part of Covenants. You can lie to others and you can lie to yourself but you cannot lie to math. So stop deluding yourself it’s not going to matter. Of course it will, and you shall see the results first-hand if you go for not “optimal” Covenant.

Notice I’m not even touching the topic of PvP. This is a whole another can of worms, but essentially the player with more mechanical power has advantage over the player who has less of that power. And THIS is what matters, not how the power looks or feels or what some silly people would like to believe.

No sane guild will take you into raid when struggling to make DPS checks and you do 80% DPS of someone else. Because why the f should they do that? Encourages slacking, if one guy gets carried, why not everyone else? They would like to go AFK too! And then the boss wipes the floor with you. Time wasted. Nothing gets done except your gold goes to repair vendors.


Then pick the BiS choice. Wheres the problem buddy?

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They can’t tune them properly, because they are shared by all the specs. They might make them balanced for warriors, but then they become totally unbalanced for locks for example.