Build the Ripcord

It cited that some changes were processed not all, and no further work for the week.

I could deal with Night Fae aesthetics, but the ability is mobility; which monks do not need. And thing is, I main healer; I deal with the life energy that is chi. What business do I have getting associated with Necrolords, or Venthyr for that matter? How many people honestly feel “ooh, building abominations, that ties with my class fantasy of mistweaving”?

If Blizz want me to choose based on identity and preference, that’s fine; but I can’t when the difference is too large and my guild has any ambition to ever run mythic raids. Blizz have to uphold their end of the bargain and balance this BS out, or the whole thing falls apart.

I just want to be free to earn my wings with the Kyrians, without that choice making me 10-20% worse than “optimal” mistweavers. It isn’t meaningful if I felt pressured into it because all my parses with the other choice were sub-par :sob: :angry:


There are entries next the different classes to say when they updated what and an general note at the top:-

(Updated 9/23/20) All of the preliminary spreadsheet updates based on the upcoming changes are finished. That said, there are MANY changes which do not have strict numerical values attached to them, so it was impossible for me to determine if a ranking change was warranted. As further testing is done this week, I implore anyone with updated information to message me (Harldan#2316 on Discord, Harldan#11303 on Bnet).

Huh? I am not pushing anything.

I think the systems are so terrible I won’t even be buying it at launch.

We’ve also seen some strong soulbinds get nerfed with the news yesterday, which did not come as a big surprise. Though some are disappointed.

I think Anna is just sharing info she’s found though.

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And if something is an issue for someone, doesn’t mean it’s ‘an actual problem’.

Sorry, but I’m really sick and tired of this ‘ripcord’ stuff.
Blizzard clearly stated what their intent is. They’re not changing it.
So why keep droning on and on about it?

For some.
Well… ‘tough’.
There’s other things in Shadowlands that are an issue for me. I’m not going on and on about how ‘my way should be the way the game is made’.

You are not the jury nor judge of that.


Well… ‘tough’, but I don’t like what they are doing with covenants and I will talk about it however many times I want.


I know. Neither are you.
None of us are. Blizzard is. And Blizzard ‘judged’.

When meditation goes wrong :joy:

Thing is, you can have a difference of 10-30% in DPS but with item level those abilities scale. So the difference that you may have found minimal will only increase over time.


Actually no, the players are the judge. Not you alone, not me alone, not the guy you are replying to alone, but players as a whole.


Nope. It’s Blizzard’s game.

You only get to tell Blizzard if you do or don’t like something they made/are making. Well, you did. They decided to go against it. End. Of. Story.

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Blizzard judged a lot and overturned a lot.

This happens when people raise their voice, not when they are diminished with “well it is not an issue”. Especially when the reason given is “I said so”.


As opposed to those voices? Yeah, sorry, but ‘I don’t like it’, is not any better reason than ‘I said so’.

Yep that’s why they went in panic mode during WoD. :slightly_smiling_face:

Players have an impact on their decisions especially from the suits.


Cant wait to say: I told you so

Blizzard is literally incapable of designing a good and enjoyable game at this point


Of course. So quit. Bye.
Maybe then they’ll act. Right now, it’s a non-issue.

You don’t understand how the world works.

There is no end of story here. Blizzard will eventually change covenants to be freely switchable like players want - or they will make them irrelevant by nerfing them or adding a superceding feature. Why? Because there’s money changing hands. And the direction is from players to Blizzard.

And that’s exactly how it should be. It’s just sad that Blizzard are so hell-bent on seeing it fail first, this will create a lot of frustration completely unnecessarily.


It’s honestly their designers that cause those issues to be honest, being stubborn with these borrowed powers nobody ever asked for.

Art team and creative direction was always on point, even for such an old game.


We shall see :slightly_smiling_face: