Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

The construction of the new Housing system in Azeroth is underway, and we’re taking you behind the scenes to give you an early look at what the Housing development team has been working on. Watch your step, and don’t mind the dust. Hard hats are not required.

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“smaller number of items in the cash shop as well.”

Its amazing how little faith i have in blizzard that this is a massive red flag.

  1. Having many housing zones conflicts with the second pillar of designing a feature that is “Deeply Social.” In a world where players can live in many different zones, they become increasingly spread out and even with aggressive sharding, the chance of seeing other players, much less interacting with them, drops quickly.

You expect people to just invite random people to their player housing or something? Bit confused about this. Yeah I get not having housing in every zone but still this seems a bit disconnected from what people want. Private Neighborhoods for me! :laughing:

Now we’re getting Alliance = Human and Horde = Orc once again which is what people strongly disliked about garrisons as well. But it does say “with more possible places to live in the future” but we’ve heard that before. Hopefully more locations will be added without much delay after these.


It’s kind of what I expected in terms of scope and design. A personal Garrison Hall, but with more customization.

It doesn’t touch upon functionality, which is my biggest question about Housing.

What is it for?

I didn’t get an answer to that.


Most likely RP. And to give collectors more to collect.


I don’t want a house anymore. I HATE the human and orc theme, and just as I was about to accept the human part of the alliance again(because there has been a bit less focus on them for a little bit). I read this, and I am just soooo disappointed. I’m really disappointed.


They are talking about adding more later but it’s a bit disappointing this is where they’re starting again yeah. We’ve already had this before so why not pick another race first I wonder.


They definitely seem to indicate that there’s a social aspect to it, and roleplaying is a form of social gameplay, so that certainly makes sense.
And the collection gameplay as well – rewarding players with sofas instead of mounts – also makes sense.
But none of that really adds anything to WoW that wasn’t there already.
I mean, players can already roleplay. Yes, this gives a fancier setting to do so in, but it’s not exactly new.
Likewise with the collection gameplay – we already have that! Yeah it’ll be something else to collect, but the gameplay of collecting is essentially the same. If they had introduced Woodworking or Carpenting or something, then that would be new gameplay, but this isn’t that (from what I can tell).


The toolset should be easy enough for someone with no 3D experience to be comfortable with and use successfully, but it should also be powerful enough that players can surprise us with their creations

While players can enjoy housing purely on their own, its systems are designed at a fundamental level to encourage interacting, playing, and progressing with friends, neighbors, guilds, and the wider community in a meaningful way

Before we go, we want to mention the concept of Neighborhoods as a small tease… Houses are organized into roughly fifty plot Neighborhoods, letting players live next to each other, work together, and share in the rewards of being part of the Neighborhood.

These things worry me. However, thankfully it has one saving grace:

  1. Private Neighborhoods created by groups of friends or guilds to inhabit, progress, and customize together.

I’ll make a neighbourhood with my own private guild, thanks. Don’t want anyone around me.


It will not happen. They have never been able to provide anything more than the bare minimum of any feature, so this will be no different. Especially not if they are going as big as they descibe here, because this sounds out of their character. That increases the chance they won’t make it to anything past orcs and humans.

Sure, even when they provide a bare minimum of features, they do it well enough. I just don’t want any boring and ugly human and orc themes tied to my characters, and that just makes me not want a house. I’m super disappointed. I don’t even like Elwynn, Westfall or Duskwood as zones. They are okay, but they have no spersonality to me, and they are just bland. I’m super disappointed. Can’t repeat it enough, sorry. Salty.


Cant wait all the memes when they implement this.

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I warned people not to get their hopes up. It was SO predictable that they’d start with the basics.
But more will come over time.

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I’m keeping far away from public neighbourhoods. The trolling is going to be off the scale.


Oh I never thought otherwise. I am just disappointed I was right again, but I guess that 18 years playing the same game I can manage to recognize patterns. Meh. Please prove me wrong for once(that was for the developers, not you btw).


So early look is ugly orc aesthetic as always so I guess I’ll be making mine Alliance.


Can’t wait for the inevitable neighborhood meta with players forming home owner associations, dictating what you can or cannot build on your own plot.


Yes sorry. You are an orc now.


I think that’s only the neighbourhood that has that aesthetic.
I think you can make different style homes.

The locations are split Horde and Alliance, this is garrison’s all over.