14$ skins on the shop
and 99$ for special houses.
125$ for the Silvermoon theme.
14$ skins on the shop
and 99$ for special houses.
125$ for the Silvermoon theme.
Every other MMO that offers housing has one or other exclusive housing system or deeds that you can buy from the cash shop. I don’t see why blizzard should be any different. It is entirely optional and not forced.
And then get scrapped
Like the Earthen or more like the OG Dwarves?
This! I’ve always loved their houses, and Dun Morogh has snow which I loooove, I hope they’ll get a snowy housing area Just something so homely and warm about it all.
Earthen have nice beds with coals under it for heating, get that nice toasty feeling for ones weary old back. OG dwarves have that cool ironforge and tolkien dwarven vibes working for them, they are both good themes.
Light knows I need that… creaky old fibro body lol.
I only hope they put some type of game there really, I want a chess board next to a fireplace or something or if they wish to bring hearthstone to wow somehow and let us play it from wow would also be cool I guess. Atleast the trophy system they hint on trailer looked interesting for decoration and the art of the building were cozy
Checkers is all I manage, chess is too many steps ahead for me but yeah, that’d be really fun. I’m curious about interactable objects now that you mention it.
They brought that plants vs zombies game in hillsbrad in wow as own mini version, I guess they could do something similar with hearthstone too. And hearthstone now having new modes like battlegrounds and whatnot, there could be something they could do out from it
Are you trying to keep me in my house 24/7?
garrisons but housing instead. Orc and human basic housing as expected. Womp womp. I hope i still can be wrong. Ion said they knew they where late to the game when it came to housing. And that they knew what they where up against compared to other mmo games that have had housing for a long time. They know where the player expectations lie.
So… Fingers crossed things can still change.
Will the houses be free or do you buy specific ones or build and decorate your own?
They won’t be free. They will probably cost gold. And there’s gonna be a monthly gold fee. Like rent, I guess.
Other that that, not much else is known.
There will be no rent and they will not cost an high summ of gold.
Everyone that wants a home can have one.
You can read all that in the very article at the start of this post
Pretty sure I heard them mention it during a vid. But I might be remembering it wrong.
That is possible.
If you go to the article and scroll down to “a home for everyone” there they say they don’t want any high coat or rent
^^ this
As a part of our focus on wide adoption, we wanted to ensure that Housing is available to everyone. If you want a house, you can have a house. No exorbitant requirements or high purchase costs, no lotteries, and no onerous upkeep (and if your subscription lapses, don’t worry, your house doesn’t get repossessed!). Your houses are also shared amongst your Warband with your different characters being able to come and go as you see fit (so your Orc character can hang out in your Alliance house without a problem). Housing rewards are also shared across your Warband, so you’ll be able to use your décor collection no matter which character earns it.
Which likely means there IS a purchase cost involved, it just won’t be high.
To me it implies there IS an upkeep, but it’ll be quick/easy/cheap though (depending on what this upkeep actually is). Rent seems out of the question because that goes against:
So many questions still left unanswered.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the basic house is free, as an introduction for everyone. And if they add extensions or bigger floorplans, those costing quite a bit. But yes, all speculation at this point