True right now they probably don’t have much to show.
Since housing Is a midnight feature does that mean we can’t test it cause it’s gonna be only in beta?
That would not be good I think housing needs as much testers and feedback as humanly possibly and in a beta most people only look for class changes and dungeons
It’s an evergreen feature so I’m not expecting it to require the purchase of the expansion, the two starting sites are located in the Classic world so to speak.
So you rather stare at your character on the screen, having an imaginary dinner. I’d buy a ticket for the weekend to see my friends in RL any time. The RP thing I understand, but come on, demanding ‘privacy’ for the pixels on your screen. Seriously.
I mean I have always been a Frostwolffan since I whas little so yeah being surrounded by snow in the home of the Frostwolfclan made WoD one of my favourite expansions.
Though the ORcs huds also kinda fit the Trolls and the Tauren as those three races learned to live interconnected with each other since the third war.
MEanwhile for humans the alliance home fit mostly just humans and kinda dwarfs and ironically the Blood Elves.
Eh as I said before with Durotar they at least covered the basic needs of the three Horde races. Also while I agree that Sin’dorei are very well played I think you may underestimate the human popularity. If we talk about the same article, the population of Kaldorei equals nearly the combined population of Humans and dwarfes and you may guess which one of those two is the lion share.
Also similar in the Horde, while yeah they are way more Bloodelves still the combined number of Orcs, Trolls and Tauren is equal to the Sin’dorei population.
So while I agree with you that it would have fit if for start they would have given Ashenvale and Quel’thalas or have started with four zones, you really should not underestimate the popularity of the faction mascots Orcs and Humans.
It’s not so much about actual privacy for me; it’s about not wanting to see other people’s ugly stuff ruining my view and immersion. And I definitely don’t want them to be able to come into my virtual home and troll or bother me in some other way while I’m trying to have fun.
Orcs maybe yeah, but humans would score well.
To each their own.
And I definitely understand why some people are disappointed with the initial neighbourhoods. Let’s just hope they’ll add more quite quickly after the system launches.
Wait I am confused. I thought housing was part of the prepatch for Midnight. So I figured that was when we were going to get to see the first part of it. Or at least human and orc versions.