Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

As a person from the UK West Country, it would have to be Boralus


Yeah, I think Blizzard is making a mistake with wanting to make this into a social thing.
I believe that the majority of people who wanted player housing want it to have a place for themselves.

Imo; Blizzard should have started with like 6 smaller starting locations - a house in/near Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Silvermoon, Bel’Ameth and 2 more neutral locations that are historically popular with people and provide a nice collection of different biomes in general.

And then if the system is up and running and looking like a success that’s when you bring in something more social; like guild halls.

But nope. That’s not what they want to do. They want to ‘soft force’ people into a social system.

There’s potential here, don’t get me wrong, but I’m a tad worried. I believe that Blizzard’s fear of inadvertently creating Garrisons 2.0 is making them course correct WAY too much to the other extreme.


Garrisons needed to be more than just Human and Orc and then allowed more customisation to make them actual homes.

I honestly do not understand the obsession with making it forced social. I can understand making neighbourhoods an option for those that want it but solo plots should have been a thing.


I’m sure that will be a thing in the not to far future

Someone on the german forum explained the why reason to me and whas also fircely convinced that there will be only be two houses.
Because from his understanding players where first falling in love with WoW also longing for Classic because with your server you had a reasonable number of repeating faces. But as emptier getting server forced them to make so much cross-realm and so making the other players interchangeable they tried and tried to make people have a need for interaction because then they would have reasons to stay if they are not playing the game for themselves.
First there whas guild levels which actually whas a shot in the foot because instead the players choose for anonymous mass guilds. Then MoP with Challenge Mode and WoD with Mythic needed Pre-Made Groups and Legion also having Mythic +.
Also with DF they revamped crafting so you are kinda requireing to interact with your players to get good stuff.
But there whas no such thing and they had to capitulate and give Soloplayers more option for Player Power with TWW and Delves.
So now as Housing should be a total optional and powerless content they instead try it from the different angle of making a content which is purely for the slow roleplayer community which is why there are only getting one house on Alliance and one on horde so that the house will be guarenteed to be lively because it is not the house of your character but that of your whole warband.

Though when I asked him how he can explain Blizzard saying that you can make permantly live one of your friends characters live in your house and making it treat it like his own, he had no answer.

Well seems like you are alone on this. On reddit the cheers about the sting at FF XIV whas extrem loud and everyone said that they are glad that Blizzard learned the right lessons because the FF XIV system is basically blackmailing players with either keep paying forever or stop with it forever.

And in Retrospective on why we need no housing, same together with that there is no need for Quel’dorei because everyone that want to play one of them can already with the Sin’dorei.

That is already possible without the Marriage because

I am one of them. I am not bothered from only Human and Orcs at the start, I am right now just happy to have finally housing in WoW and I can not wait for it to be there, functioning and also being expanded to my other RP Characters.

Well, I cannot disclaim that with 100% certainty. But I would be very surprised (and disappointed) if that’s the case. Because I for sure don’t want my pandaren to have the same house as my human or a blood elf or a gnome! To name just a few examples.

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They hinted of such with the trailer atleast, showcasing various trophies from the game in the house

The trailer shows a Human Warrior walking into a home adorned with various cosmetics, gear, toys, and trophies before settling down in front of a fire, sipping from a mug that says “Home Sweet Home.”

the best thing about player housing is to be able to do full Customization on it. in my opinion.
it has so much potential to create long life contents with it

I am with you on this. While I prepera for the second worst case of only having one house per zone I would be accepting it if we would then get also Ashenvale and Eversong because with the Quel’thalas revamp with Midnight I kind of seeing as guarenteed that the next zones will be elven zones.
But the Roleplayer in me would not be happy as my progress and immersion lives and thrives on giving each of my characters their own home.
Though I would also be surprised if they would go like this because as it whas stated here before, it is also advertised that your character can move into a friends house so I am also convinced that it is house per character and not house per zone.

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I totally agree with you here. As someone who played ESO the expectations are high.

Oh yes totally. I am so excited to finally get player housing. They were never going to meet everyone’s expectations and some were bound to be disappointed. That’s not to say we aren’t pleased to be getting it.

It’s early days so all this feedback is bound to be valuable.


I have no idea what ESO does for housing.

IIrc they sell you either for a high ingame or Real Life price some special instances where you have access to an already build house in a specific location.
Like for example you could get yourself for 1000 Gold the currently preview plot of land in elwynn with a farm while for 100€ you can by yourself an instance for single peak in Pandaria with a house on top of it.

I would like housing where look like style from troll’s area.


Also would real house this

If zandalari troll’s house… I Still dunno. Since “el dorado/golden city” is too huge. I dont see how normal Zandalari live small house.

Hop on to youtube and look for ESO housing vids. Will give you and idea of what players are expecting in terms of functionality and grandeur.

I really hope they don’t go that route with the shop. I am expecting cosmetics but not actual plots.

Small to large houses with varying “outside space” that you can buy with gold or real money. You start with a free inn room.

A completely separate instance that allows you to set up visiting permissions. So you can be a complete loner to setting up a guild house and everyone has their room they can decorate.

Ability to place decorations almost anywhere, there is generally a limit on how many. Floating in the air? Sure. Sticking out the floor? No problem.

Some people even go to the extent of buying empty plots and building on them. You can get blank walls and the like but it’s a bit beyond my ability.

Furniture comes from most if not all game activities - achievements, drops, their version of archaeology, vendors, professions. There’s also a fair amount of the shop.

The only limit to how many houses you have is how many houses there are. All your characters can use them and teleport to them whenever they wish.


Well no worry. This can not happen in WoW because there is no seperate instance thanks to your despised neighbourhouds. So unlike TESO where every housing place is for each their own, in WoW this would be a first so at worst if housing regions and building style would be seperate you could expect free accessable Eversong and Ashenvale plots but Sin’dorei and Kaldorei Building Styles are part of Midnights Heroic or Epic Edition.