Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

It is an opinion, just like anything what anyone have pictured of anything which isnt released yet in detail. All just guesses or wishes, none factual :dracthyr_shrug:

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You can apparently not see this, since you claimed in another thread you put me on ignore… but you know, you can just put Tah on ignore too, since that seems to be your solution to other people disagreeing with you. Okay, so Tah find you delusional for an expectation. If you disagree on that, just let it fly with the wind.


I will join some sort of private neighbourhood, either with guildies or friends. Not gonna risk neighbouring some special AD rp’ers :sweat_smile:


I am sure that people will build stuff that does NOT fit the setting. They’ll attempt to copy buildings from pop culture franchises. They’ll troll and make phallic buildings. They’ll make one big yard full of target dummies. Etc etc.

I don’t want to see that sort of nonsense. So I’m happy I have a choice to avoid that.

If you do like that sort of thing; great. There’s public neighbourhoods, so go enjoy them.

What kind of attitude is that?



Its good they add the private neighbourhood option for guilds and such, allotment garden version of garrisons in a blizz designated location doesnt sound tempting for me however but it can still have some fun.

Its also good that people can visit their friends cross faction if so wish and this warband thing adds bit twist to it.

Furthermore, it’s not just Warbands that cross factional lines but friendships as well, so you’ll be able to live in or visit your friends’ or guildmates’ houses and their neighborhoods with minimal restrictions regarding faction. For example, while it’s not possible for your Human character to buy a house in the Horde zone, your Troll character in the same Warband can, and then your Human can use it as if it were their own.

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Didn’t even think of THAT.

Yeah ‘The Adventurers Society’ will have its own neighbourhood. Nice and quiet. :smiling_face:

Hopefully /s only reach inside your own house :sweat_smile: and i do hope no one can just wander into my house without being invited. Looking forward to see more info about it all really. Maybe this will get me into collecting, gonna need all the decorations :joy:

Yeah they didn’t mention how the plots work.
I wouldn’t want anyone even standing outside my house. That’s just creepy. :sweat_smile:

Oh yes. Will probably have to start grinding old content again.


I was expecting this with fear, that as usual, you will take the easiest way with boring Stormwind vs. Orgrimmar huts. Was the garrison thing not enough already? Sadly, I am not interested.

Think about players who do not play such races. I want kaldorei and elven style. Why would I be interested in this if I hate humans/orcs?


Just not my cup of tea. I don’t want to live in either.

Imagine if it’s fixed placements and you’re just stuck with your random neighbor who’s a complete tosser. It would be awesome!

I would totally be a complete jerk to my neighbor if that neighbor was always the same person.

Just standing at the fence, yelling: “YOU’RE A LOSER!”

Invite the whole neighborhood over for a party at your house – everyone except your neighbor.

I could really get behind this Housing idea if it was implemented this way.

“Oh yeah, that’s Jerry who lives next door. His mom’s a tramp.”

I would actually have a loved the Azshara theme for my nightelf. Original aszhara ofc. If I could pick that I’d accept it. I just don’t want to pick a human or orc themed location.


My dream was Eversong. It’s so beautiful.


We need proper dens, and not silly houses.

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More like Neversong, am I right? :grin:


Me outside your house all day:


I can get behind that! I would have wanted that too, if I was a bloodelf. My pick would have been Ashenvale, with the orcs long gone obviously - but a lot of the elven inspired zones of Kalimdor would have been good enough for me.

I could also have accepted Bel’ameth, though no connection to that zone, they did at least try to give the nightelves a new home.

I don’t want my elf parked anywhere in eastern kingdoms overall though. I feel misplaced there.


Fair enough!

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I was hoping they’d start with two flavours per faction. I was expecting orc and human, and hoping they’d also create a night elf and blood elf version. These races are played by so many, and they don’t match the orc and human vibe at all. It sucks.

I’ll no doubt enjoy dabbling a bit in the human themed housing myself but I understand people not being happy with it.

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