Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing

That’ll probably be added as one of the first alternatives.

It is:

Neighborhoods are instanced but crucially also persistent so your neighbors can be your neighbors for years to come

Have at it. I’ll be all alone in my private guild neighbourhood. :smiling_face:

Nope, because you’re never going to be part of my guild. :kissing_heart:

You can address people without having an tone towards them or calling them as anything. I have no reason to put tah on ignore, you I put on break in past after I told to not wish talk further of the matter and you kept pushing, this gave me a reason to use the ignore function provided to us on this forum. I dont have any issue with you or hold grudges.

Disagreeing with someones opinion is normal. If some wishes discuss topic with me its better not start it on personal level towards other person cause if I respond with same tone we cant continue too long because forum rules will ban one of us eventually if we continue arguing in that type of tone or calling each other of something.

Anyways, none of us work for blizzard so anything people have pictured of something before said otherwise is as much guesses as the other fellows, nobody knows better so nobody is right or wrong.

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Oh man, I’ll be roleplaying in WoW after all it seems. :heart_eyes:

Seriously though, I guess it still remains to be seen how you can interact with others in your neighborhood. If they’re there or if they just act as a background vista. I mean, the experience of a neighborhood would vary greatly depending on if your neighbors are players who engage with Housing a lot, or if it’s players who checked their house out once and never bothered with it again - let alone if they were jerks.

I just want to make clear: I wasn’t calling you personally anything.
I was speaking in general terms.

View it as calling someone standing on a street corner cawing like a bird ‘weird’.
To me that’s just a matter-of-fact statement, not meant as an insult.

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According blizz previous rulings we are not allowed to argue on the forum or call anyone anything on a personal level, that is why I dont wish be called anything or argue. We have had debates before and people have been actioned from mere talking, I do not wish to be baited into those in further so lets keep the conversation on the matter and not the other person. We can have different opinions on things thats normal, Ive not called you of anything however or shown you any disrespect here. I have nothing to add on this and I dont have anything against you.

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Oh I’m not flagging anyone. Getting a little passionate because this system might not be all you wanted it to be (or seems to be; since we know so little), is fine.

We often agree on plenty other things. It’s all good from my perspective.
If you felt insulted: I apologize, even though it wasn’t meant as an insult.

But yes, let’s drop it. :smiling_face:

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This is why I pointed it out, because you felt insulted. That is your impression. I did not intentionally insult you. I have been on these forums since 2007(They have gone through at least 3 major changes however), and you are the first one to ever tell me at least, that you put me on ignore. I generally behave quite well, I believe. I might be a bit whiny, but I have never been hostile on these, or any other forum.

You sounded like you were ready to ignore Tah too, and I knew there was a chance that ignore wasn’t active, so I figured I’d point this out. While delusional is a bit of an aggressive word, I thought you, with your post count, would know Tah well enough to not take a use of the word over one expectation, that personal. I am glad you skipped that ignore in general, but that is because I personally think the bar to put other people on ignore should be quite high. I appreciate some flavour in opinions. I adore some of these posters(like Tah and Puny actually… and Bukachu, for those who remember him), but we can sometimes disagree quite strongly with eachother and go at it. I kind of appreciate that approach, and hope you and I can find that tone too, instead.

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We have different opinions, this is not how I wish to have housing but its not too big of an issue for me to matter. I only stated that it reminded of allotment garden garrisons. I would rather chosen the location self than have blizz put me in some “neighbourhood” but it still wont likely ruin this thing for me personally, Ill find something from it that I can enjoy.


…even though I am Horde nowadays I spent the first 6 years or so as Alliance and Teldrassil has a special place for me - gets me in the feels when I go there ie last week with the Lunar event :heart:

… I would want there or Nagrand as my home. Hopefully in the future more areas appear or we can have a holiday or retirement 2nd home to stay at :thinking:


Sure. It also depends how big these zones/neighbourhoods will be. Are they going to be right next door or a little way down the road. Will they be able to walk onto your plot?
So many questions yet to be answered.

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I get that.

From the concept art, the horde neighbourhood looks quite large with very different places within the whole zone. I would hope that players can at least pick the one particular plot they want within that place. I’d hate for a plot to be automatically assigned to you.

The houses on top near those trees will have a very different aesthetic from the ones near that river or the coast. So yeah…

Of course it’s only concept art. But if this is a good indication of the size; it’s quite large.

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Do what FF14 did, limited amount of plots leaving many out resorting to instanced ‘apartments’.

But at least it keeps the ‘social’ aspect where strangers can come see your home! :crazy_face:

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We already know they won’t do that. There will be an infinite number of instanced neighbourhoods (in theory anyway), so you should be able to get the one particular plot you want.

And of course there’s the private neighbourhood. Getting the plot you want there is a given.


I imagine thats something what all dont wish, but I wouldnt mind if some pop by for coffee I guess but I imagine not everyone come with good intent either :sweat_smile:

Also that they allow some decoration inside the houses even if they dont let them choose location or the house itself, I imagine they will build content around the decoration options somehow. I see it all as good thing and something that adds to the game so I can see something good in this aswell.

…just a thought, every now and again we get the big bad boss wiping out areas … will the positioning of housing be safe in the future :thinking:
… will we have to pay for insurance or protection …

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The crucial question about neighbourhoods… will there be a HOA gold sink!?

Don’t think so. Since they mentioned not being subbed doesn’t make you lose your house. So that infers no recurring cost.

Ah it’s cool in FF14 where people can leave feedback in the visitor journal.

Just was universally hated how limited plots were, more so when people sat on land just to sell ot for extortionate prices.


It’ll probably come from many different sources, just like transmog.
I’d better start saving up tender! :stuck_out_tongue:

The big question is: Will it all be BoP (or warband bound), or will there be rare BoE stuff as well. Because then even people who don’t care about housing at all, can still get involved and make a lot of gold with it by selling on the AH.

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I see angle for goblin realtor here :joy: