Bukachu has joined AD

Nice bait.

Welcome to the server. I know this is a troll thread, but still remember not to harass fellow players in-game. Be respectful of each other’s preferences, don’t be a jerk and don’t get caught up in others’s toxicity and you’ll enjoy the realm to a good degree. It’s a lovely place.

Even the PvE communities are very chill, I can assure you. Welcome.


thank uuuuuu

Hmm, something something, more adventurous/realistic RP, not the “hurdur Im slayer of 9 headed dragons” if it makes sense.

elaborate about your terminology

thank you!

I really did transfer here last week tho!

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Argent Dawn is literally the only realm where people still roleplay so yes you’re quite right: it is the last bastion of hope

There is no similar issue with PvE realms unless I’ve completely missed thousands of RPers suddenly taking over every realm from Ravencrest to Bloodhoof (in which case brb transferring to my homies)

Maybe on that character.

dont care didnt ask


There’s quite a lot of guilds that do that sort of thing I think, just have a browse here on the forums, there should be a bunch both Alliance and Horde side :slight_smile:

Character concepts as in, the type of character you’d like to roleplay! From human farmer to Westfall to slayer of nine-headed dragons… Just like how your role in gameplay might affect how you play (with which group and in what role for your dungeons/mythics/etc, for example!) coming up with a general concept for the character you want to roleplay and what you’re thinking of having them get up to in their life will help you find a group most suited to playing with! :slight_smile:

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Im already in a guild and wont be changing it, but thank you!

Ohh hmm, Ill be myself, sounds interesting enough :flushed:

my first character on AD

Don’t worry! Here’s a community (rather than guild) for you to check out that may align with your interests!


Last year you had 7m gold here so I just assumed. Maybe you were lying, you liar.

that’s draenor :joy: we’re on argent dawn!

on a level one character, for obvious reasons im not counting it as one of my “characters”. I have 20-25 characters on german realms too, and no I dont speak german nor do I play there.

if you’re trying to roleplay sherlock holmes, do it in game LOL

Bro, I ain’t trying to “gotcha” you here, I was just doubtful. I know you’re just a troll, but have fun here man.



Don’t you have an expensive-looking house you found off Google images to brag about?


Your terrible humor and unironic-ironic sense of ego fits terribly well into your average AD social circle.


OOCers :point_right: :door:


Yeah I’m a RPer, how could you tell? :sunglasses: Imagine using a server for what its intended for and participating in its very cool, non-OOCer community with like minded players…


But anyway, judging from your asinine childish posts you’ve about as much merit to yourself as all the others ‘‘harmless’’ OOCers that plague this realm.

haha lol RPers xddd :joy:
whoa this server feels very alive, can I get some welcomes plxxzz :joy:

:point_right: :door:

And judging from your guild name, previous Blizzard silences, almost 6000 posts on the forums, overall attitude… the pieces come together perfectly. Just another infantile le ebin troll face. Absolute cringe.


It’s not rocket science to work why these sorts of posts keep appearing on the forums.

A lot of roleplayers claim this passionless forum persona, but very rarely do the antagonising ingame.

I/E the automated reporting system, by sticking to the roleplay realm rules. (Which triggers after 10 or maybe less reports)

Edit: what you end up with is self assured remarks and mind boggling emojis that mean nothing lol.

man it’d be swell if this was actually true.

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welcome buka! ignore the weird rpérs here giving you the attitude.

This realm has so much more to offer than just plain RP.

It´s perfect for misfits as well as people like me who suffer from randomness. you be amazed with the population that doesn´t rp here.

Think of the realm as the crazy house of misfits. Yes, we do have hardcore roleplayers and you may join them if you´re a professional gramma spelling expert. really up to you dude, just don´t trigger them, it´s bad when you trigger these people.

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