Bukachu has joined AD

It has happened.

I’ve finally transfered to ad and most likely ill be spending all of shadowlands here.

After a week of being here, I must admit server seems like fun so far, very alive.

Before you ask, no I don’t rp.

Can we get some warm welcomes in the comments now? Thank youuu :sparkling_heart:


The Role-Play Realm is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.

When you aren’t interested in Role-Play, picking a normal realm instead of a Role-Play one is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To not roll on a RP realm as a non-RPer is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire lack of knowledge in which a non-RPer rolls on a RP realm. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to roll on an RP realm as a Non-RPer. Therefore a role-play realm presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you as a non-RPer if you roll on an RP realm, no one will suspend or ban you if you keep playing on it without an interest in RP and you gain nothing from rerolling to another realm. You must not roll on an RP realm as a non-RPer out of the goodness of your own heart. You must not roll on an RP realm as a non-RPer because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.

A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with law and the force that stands behind it.

The Role-Play Realm is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


You hope not, what?

You don’t have a future as a commedian, either. Painfully unfunny post, I’ll give you a 2/10.


I did get warned about the likes of you :joy: so this is the natural habitus huh?

No its not, guild im joining is on AD and you’d be surprised but there’s just one AD available out here.

Also copying the shopping cart example and renaming words to roleplay won’t make you look smart, original, or intellectual.

Try harder

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The best parts of the server for a non-roleplayer are:

(1) the AH for transmog, margins are lower than on other servers but stuff moves faster,

(2) the 30% warmode buff for the Alliance with the same Alliance being the majority.

I take it you are aware of the forum shenanigans. I can’t stand it, but if that’s your thing, it might also be a pro rather than a con. Just be sure to come with your own gang for the report wars.

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I just took a look at your pet names.
“Account silenced”
“Cant Speak”
“Invite Me”

Care to explain what happened that forced Blizzard to mute you?


Clearly he failed the test.


Yikes. Imagine being proud of sending others to spam message someone else.

I’d commend your honesty if you weren’t completely reprehensible. I’ve nothing more to say.


wasnt Spamming we were very short and clear in fact. regardless, let us head back to the main topic shall we.

A bunch of toxics who pretend to be defending the shiny RP from the evil OOCers and spend their whole life on the forum.

Anyway, welcome.

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Another friendly AD forum section :smiley:

ah those. :joy:

yeah usually when Im walking down in the streets and I hear dogs barking I dont concern myself too much with it. what can i say

:heart: uwa

Out of all the things i could read this morning, this i didnt expect haha xD

Welcome Bukabae xD

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welcome Buka. :slight_smile:

Do us all (including future you) a favor and stop the incredibly embarrassing clown act. Transferring to the only remaining RP realm and gloating in your OP that you don’t roleplay is a dumb move by itself but then proceeding to act like the worst hyperbolic example of an OOCel is simply sad

I hope you will give RP a try and evolve from your “ecksdee RPers are fedora wearers” attitude to actually enjoying what Argent Dawn has to offer, and failing that will at least go back to any of the dozens of PVE realms that are more suited to what you’re after


This post radiates :clown_face: energy


:joy: whoa haha crazy :joy: welcome to AD!!! :joy: :ok_hand:

Just another literal who which probably had nothing to do and no companions on his previous realm so he came here for le funny RPers and ebin auction house xddddd

Next time make sure to visit an Italian restaurant, ask for some sushi, and then act weird when the Italian owner asks why you came to an Italian restaurant.



last bastion of hope! what would we do without you…

the irony here is, its comming from an RPer :joy:

“companions” calm down, we’re in 21th century we call those friends now.


Hey! Welcome to Argent Dawn. What are your RP interests? Do you have any character concepts you’d like to play? I’m sure we can point you in the right direction :slight_smile: