Bump this if you want frost dk to get a fair buff!

FDK needs a decent baseline AOE runic power spender. Unholy has one, why can’t FDK too?

Also, DnD has no use. Why not make Frost Strike to cleave inside of DnD?

2H is still a questionable choice at the moment.

A lot of unused runes. You get your razorice and fallen crusader, and that’s about it. What the others are for?

Pillar of Frost is too short for Obliteration to beat BoS. Icecap gives no value whatsoever. This talent is so bad, that players just pretend it’s not even there. Same with Horn of Winter. I just realized it’s there, because someone mentioned it here :smiley:

Unbearably low dps between burst windows due to very few Killing Machine procs. Koltira’s Favor could offer a KM proc chance bonus or something, it’d fit there perfectly.

Been playing Unholy for the whole tier and have just started messing around on Frost for reclears. I think adding Chill Streak to the PVE kit might be a nice idea to give a small boost to single target and really help with cleave and aoe. I also agree with the idea that Soul Reaper could be made baseline.

Also as an aside - I’ve been playing 2h Obliteration build purely because I don’t have 2 1h of the same ilvl. It feels fun but there are some horrible moments of downtime and also there are moments where I’m capped on runic power and runes. It just seems super swingy and no real consistency.

Also the opener right now is ridiculous. RW, Summon Ghoul, ERW, POF, Trinket, Strength Pot, Covenant Ability. It’s so much to press before you even start playing the rotation. 7 BUTTONS!

you can macro all that crap into 1 button. chillstreak is garbage on single target, you need atleast 2 targets.

dual wield is only better vs 2h because you can use 2 runes. 2h only 1 rune

killing mashine procs are bad because befor release they nerfed base crit chance, also damage for oblit cut in half.

glacial advance is bad the base damage is to low and cant even compete with rem winter stacking. the only good thing about this ability is that it adds razorice stacks on the targets, also it has a cooldown depends on your haste, its not like you can just spam it to apply razor.

You could in theory macro them all into 1 button but they all have different cooldowns and are on the gcd so you’re still having to wait for all to be pressed…

Also I’m well aware of how chillstreak works but if we are being reasonable we should expect marginal increases in the spec’s power. So chillstreak baseline will help to provide more aoe and a marginal increase in single target.

Also dual wield is not only better than 2h because of 2 runes; it allows you to play a completely different playstyle with BoS instead of Obliteration.

nobody talks about breath. breath is fine for those 200 dks who enjoy it. 2h vs 1 h problem are in the runes, 2 runes do better dps then 1 rune. that 30% dmg on oblit for 2h cant compete.

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Never forget for a second that they murdered us 1 day before prepatch by hard nerfing pillar in two critical ways aswell as lowering the damage bonus of MotFW and obliterates scaling itself as a final nerf to it, before that nerf BoS was below obliteration and maybe even icecap (lol i know)… but alas, devs are clueless and spiteful/evil, and made sure to “balance” it, because nothing can ever be better than breath because “insert same old arguments here about active/passive playstyles etc etc”, Blizz dont want breath to be below anything ever again, and i will never forgive them for that.

Well, it’s still worth using ERW and PoF together when they’re both off CD. I’ve made a macro where I use PoF, ERW and DPS PvP Trinket at the same time, as they are all off the GCD.

Nice to see so many players be passionate about a spec because they love playing it. That’s what an MMO should be all about.

But the reality, like most people here are feeling, is that the spec has gotten mismanaged hard. It’s clear that Blizzard wanted to do something with the spec but couldn’t get the spices right before launch. Now we have this gimped version of the spec instead of what could have been.

I don’t think i’m the only one who have felt the issues when playing an obliteration build, specifically how it’s almost unavoidable to cap on resources. It doesn’t feel very good to play the way it’s currently tuned and designed.

Anyone who is familiar with the spec knows that if frost doesn’t get attention NOW it will suffer by the next patch. It’s scaling is terrible and if you look at logs, Frost is just going further and further down the ladder.

I’ve kind of lost hope that Blizzard would do something about the spec. Not even trying things on PTR. It’s very disheartening right now to feel so ignored when you can see these glaring holes in your favorite character. The damage buffs are nice but they aren’t really addressing the issue which mainly revolves around runic spenders. Comparing it to Unholy makes the spec feel significantly worse.

There are a lot of concerns for pvp as well, specifically durability. I agree with all of these concidering how little effect i’ve felt that Death Strike has in pvp. I wish I could comment more on pvp but I will leave that to the people who have more experience and knows the spec better.

When I see so many people rooting for the class I can’t help but feel a bit hopeful again. That feeling the class is fun but just needs that little extra oumph it had before launch.

There are great suggestions that everyone are making and I am so happy to be part of this community.
Blizzard has shown that they are listening this expansion, they have earned a bit of faith that our complaints won’t fall om deaf ears.
Let’s keep up the bumping and show that this thread comes from a place of caring for the class and we wish it to be the best it can be!

Frost dk forever.


After playing a lot of RBG’s and some Arena’s, i can say Frost DK damage is good and decent enough, Unholy needs to get bumped up a bit and they’ll be fine.

However as mentioned by many the biggest issue we got in PvP atm is the outdated nerfs from BFA to our toolkit while in BG/Arena. It’s something that is always worth, and should remain mentioned until they revert it.

What we do have is one of the best Anti-Caster CD in the game, which is AMZ. With PvP talent you got 80% Reduced Spell Damage taken to all in the zone, and a duration of 13 seconds with the conduit (213ilvl). Just sit in it and keep pressure up on their healers while the Fire Mages cry that it’s OP that they can’t kill you with a single Global. And on a side note, a legit CD to use against a Sub rogue because of their shadow damage.

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Bump !

Hello Blizzarinoo friends.

This be your daily reminder.

Don’t abandon this spec, many changes are simple and possible.

Buff to our talents, return of useful talents (for example Soul reaper with shadowfrost damage would give us single target damage and a way to execute, necrotic plague to go all out disease frost lord, etc…), buffing some legendaries, making some cool interactions.

Venthyr and necrolord covenant abilities need to be shadowfrost damage, Blizzard please answer us on this at least.

If you don’t wish to up abilities that cleave or hard to balance when because they are lessened when we cleave (buffing remorseless winter for single target could be too strong in cleave/aoe, but buffing frost strike would be too weak when taking Breath, or buffing obliterate would be too strong in pvp, etc…) then other temporary fixes can be done like in legion we had floating frost weapons that were regularly proccing and doing single target frost damage. It was a nice way to boost our single target damage.

A reply to this topic at least to say you acknowledge the existence of this conversation would be great Blizzard, we’d really appreciate it. I know you fear toxicity and unreasonable expectations when you answer, but never answering just pushes people towards toxicity in the first place. Feeling ignored is a rough feling that never brings the best in people.

Hoping for the best.

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Bumb because some people like to play this class

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i would love to se avalanche turned in to a 2 min cd button press it deals high single target damage and decent splash damage
side note it also gives you a passive that make you able to stack 2 rime proc and use up to 2 rime proc at once

“Good ideeas detected… redirecting dev time to fire mage and balance druid”

Bump !

Hey Blizzard. I don’t think the nerf to the stun of the ghoul in PVP was needed on PTR but ok, guess you’re looking at the spec at least.

Can we have covenant abiltes (Venthyr, Necrolord especially) deal shadowfrost damage or at least an answer of you guys on this so we don’t wait for it the entire expansion please ?

Can you bring back some flavourful abilities ? Maybe army of the dead for all three specs back for instance ? A taunting army for blood and a regular one for frost but less powerful than unholy since it won’t scale with mastery and you don’t get to reduce the 8 minutes cooldown. It used to be an iconic spell of the class, not the unholy spec.

Perhaps mass grip could come back to all three specs ? In the end restricting mass grip to only blood has led on occasions to 3 tanks strategies (like Agramar) which you stated multiple times in the past that you are very much against, so it didn’t bring a positive outcome.

Soul reaper as shadowfrost damage for frost would be great also.

Hope to see an answer someday Blizz.

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i think instead of army we should have a talent in our talent tree replacing raise dead to summon lich or something 3 min cd hit hard like a turret gg easy win stupid blizzard =)

Stop hating on us blizzard

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you guys probably think adding army of the dead would be good but i disagree, actualy i would like it removed from unholy.

the fact that army is such a powefull CD prevents from the core spells to be stronger, same line of though as chillstreak for frost.

altho a taunting army for blood would not be a bad idea, its noy like blood is doing great dmg anyway

Demonology tyrant says better not

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Bump !

So nothing really good for us coming in 9.0.5.

Let’s keep this thread alive so maybe we don’t get forgotten in 9.1.

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I feel frost dk is in a semi decent spot right now, but it seems to be underperforming slightly. My issues with frost dk are as followed:

Frost dk feels really underwhelming during downtime, it feels amazing inside your burst windows, it’s a high maintenance highly involved spec during pillars of frost for obliteration and BoS with BoS, but outside of that there are no big numbers, there is no flavour and there are no satisfying moments.

Spec feels rune starved in 2h build without the koltira legendary. Very often, during downtime especially, you’d get a KS proc only to be short on runes to actually use it. This is especially prevalent in aoe where you’re using obliterate to fish for rime procs.

In both builds getting mechanics is extremely punishing. Sometimes getting a mechanic isn’t something you can plan around and going an entire PoF with only one KS proc or losing your BoS is just an awful feeling. Especially since frost downtime is so lackluster.

So how would I fix frost? I would make KS proc more often or refund a rune when it does proc, or I would give rime a higher chance to proc KS. I think getting rime and KS procs is the bread and butter of the spec and the reason I really enjoy it so blizzard should probably do something with those to buff the spec.