Bump this if you want frost dk to get a fair buff!

less rng would be nice. right now every oblit needs to crit to keep the damage up until pillar is ready again, this is bull.

Bump !

Thank you Blizzard for making a step towards the frost DK community with this 5% buff to all damage.

Another feedback that was given a number of times is moving the covenant spells that do shadow damage to Shadowfrost damage so it can benefit from both specs mastery and not just unholy’s. It’s the very reason why you created the shadowfrost damage school in the first place, to solve these types of issues. Please make use of this tool and open better options for us in choosing our covenant.

Also hypothermic presence is quite a bad talent, perhaps remove it and give us back a fan favorite instead, those come to mind for example :
Soul reaper (also shadowfrost) / Necrotic plague (also shadowfrost) / Frostwhelp’s indignation (azerite trait)

Hope you’re reading and thanks in advance.


A little, however doing a Lichborne Combo with hypothermic presence can save you from death in PvP. Though it’s lack luster in PvE, yeah.

While I’m grateful for the 5% damage buff, it doesn’t solve the main issue we have in PvP, and that’s the poor state of Death Strike and our overal defenses, especially against physical damage. Hopefully we’ll see some tuning regarding that in the coming weeks.

It will hopefully come up in the PTR, since it counts as a major class balance change.

We will not see. These impenetrable capitalists never saw the main problem in 2 months

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Wait, what? I don’t see anything about that in hotfixes. Do you mean the 2% buff to 2H that happened a couple of weeks ago?

UPD: just saw the upcoming update. Wow.

if your dealing 4k dps in a single target fight

1 target 5 minutes. that 5% buff will give you 200 dps more so 4,200 k

and i wanted to say as a dk player nobody dont want to play with you in 3v3 no matter how much good you are how much exp or cr you got nobody dont like to play with dk right now in EU servers they only want mage boomy rogue warrior

The AoE runic power spender is such a good idea. Just like Epidemic for unholy which is very powerful.

The genius who said to make Frost strike cleave in DnD. So clever. Suddenly this dead spell for Frost DKs becomes a really useful tool that smoothes out your downtime in AoE without much rework at all.

We need an actual rework not ±%


Just make BoS baseline and a set cost and duration

Glacial Advance as a Baseline and the talent slot buffs it, like more damage, or a slow, or 2 stacks of Razorice etc

2 runes on 2h or razorice passive with 2h. fixed

you forget that 2H has 30% oblit damage bonus.
DW would become pointless

dw is for breath or do you think you can run breath with 2 h?

DW also uses obliteration build

Personally, I’d rework Frost Scythe. It’s such a cool spell, but it’s totally dead because it’s just not good.

I would make it baseline, and make it our AoE runic power spender. Have it be an AoE Froststrike. Maybe have it apply Razorice as well, Like Glacial Advance. That way, you can put like Fallen Crusader onto your 2h, and the tradeoff would be you gotta use Frost scythe a few times in single target (loosing damage in the short term but gaining it over the course of the fight once razorice is stacked up because you would only need to use it now and again to refresh the buff). I think this would go a long way to helping some, but not all of Frost DKs problems.

you want 2H to have 2 runes, and if that happens, there is no point in DW, because 2H has 30% oblit bonus. You only use DW so you can have 2 runes.

Bump !

Blizzard you’ve stated that there won’t be any heavy rework in 9.0.5 but only adjustments, well the slight buff to Death’s due that is coming is a good thing, stacking twice faster seems reasonable.

Another reasonable change that needs to happen on our covenant abilities is the damage still being shadow (except Kyrian that’s arcane), please make it shadowfrost so frost DK’s can apply their mastery to it. I’ll keep asking for it since we don’t get replies.

The night fae conduit that increases the damage of Death’s due is also very lackluster since the ability does very little damage to begin with.

A buff to horn of winter (2 charges or off GCD ?), icecap, a buff to hypothermic presence or moving it to pvp talents, a buff to froscythe are all possible in simple ways.

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