Bunny Ear Transmogs Year-Round?

I think you’re over thinking it. That’s what I’m telling you.

Calm down, I merely made a statement as to the likely reason why these transmogs have been kept to their particular holiday.

There was no need for all the drama stirred up in this thread.

There is no more reason used by you than your oposites though. Being well travelled doesn’t give you the general answer to how things should be done. Plenty of people are open minded about these things. We recently had a “debate” here in norway regarding our sami culture, which was both used in Frozen and in FF14. Some of the sami people demanded SquareEnix took out the details that they felt refered to them. Other sami were honored by it. Meanwhile someone in america was offended that Disney made the sami guy in Frozen white, because he was sami, so should be dark skinned…(?!).

My point is, everyone has their own opinion on it, regardless of their background, and we need to find a balance.


Fair enough.

as I pointed out. there’s no need for all the drama.

I agree. When I first started playing WoW I whas confused what this Thanksgiving eaven is.

Actually this year I realized after 15 years of WoW that Moon festival is actually a nod to chinese new year.

Btw Halloween is actually a celtian tradition believing that arround this time of the year the dead rise and wander.

They should honestly not be. At least not within the context of a videogame.
I am not talking about going irl and roasting an Easter lamb on a spit in the middle of a community undergoing Ramadan fasting, that would rightfully earn the ire of others.

If for example, I was playing a videogame that was made in India and was full of indian culture, I would never consider that it somehow clashes with my own celebrations in one way or another.

PS: Now that I think about it, it would had been really neat if we could have a game focusing on Indian mythology


A person would have to be incredibly self centered and naive to be offended that different countries and cultures can have festive activities at the same time as others. I have never heard of anything remotely close to this happening. Likely because no one even vaguely reasonable would be irritated by such a thing.


Sadly this is exactly the thought process that the USA Academia is propagating and seems to also be infecting Europe, starting from the western side first.

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If not outright trolling, all this twaddle about restricting holiday garb is just an excuse to justify their personal costume snobbery.


Everyone must look how I want them to look! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

There is so much gear in the game that I downright hate. I usually don’t like flashy gear and I honestly think some people who try to look as flashy as possible end up looking like an ill-conceived Xmas tree. But I recognise that this is but a difference of personal taste, that even if I dislike someone’s mog that player is just having fun with it. It’s harmless. So I don’t try to fight against seeing overly flashy mogs. At most I request more undersated gear for people like me to enjoy.

And then you have the sort of people who try to argue that rabbit ears belong to religion.

The satire writes itself.


most holiday event items should be avaible all year round. The only exception maybe being the santa outfit


I just do not understand the restriction.
If its to block “silly” transmogs - they’ve already failed.
Seen plenty of those, made a few myself.
Just let people have fun and be creative! :bear:

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We cannot let that happen. They need to follow your request. Here my vote xd

same here. I even would love to tame rabbits as my hunter pet, but we cannot even do that. i did request it tho and hope for the best.

i already have the pet battle rabbits

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You can have mechanical rabbit, right? :rabbit2:
Or is it just mechagnome thing? I’m rusty with collecting pets on my hunter… :frowning:

i think so. which makes the question as to why regular rabbits arent tamable.


I guess we need to find mechanical bunny ears then.



me: how much is this bunny ears?

vendor: 50 chocolate eggs

me: a bit expensive but ok, as long as i can look stylish

vendor: oh and you can only wear it for 7 days a year.

me: what?

vendor: i dont make the rules. im an NPC

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I’d love to stay a fancy princess all year around in this mog!