Bunny Ear Transmogs Year-Round?

I said the same :rofl:

Brigitte Jones and Legally Blonde also featured bunny outfits


I think neither Playboy or Playgirl exist anymore. The internet made that kind of thing obsolete.


I’m not remotely religious. I hold no religious affiliation, and I don’t even consider myself Atheist, because it is that much of a non-subject to me.

However, I understand and appreciate the role Religion plays in peoples lives.

I have had the privilege of travelling, working and living with people from all over the world. So have gained pretty good first hand experience of how other cultures interact.

Whilst I am not challenging your right to believe what you want, nor your right to disassociate the connections of multiple cultures intertwined. I support you in doing that.

I am just merely pointing out that those connections do exist, and are the likely reason why these particular Holiday Rewards are limited to their specific holiday.

This whole thread could have been left there. But apparently somebody using the power of Reasoning is enough for all hell to break loose and people throw their toys out of the pram.

Ignorance doesn’t mean it’s not there. That, as a White British male, is what I think is the biggest issue with Westerners these days.

Likewise, I think for a 13+ plus game, having imagery from an +18 Adult publication isn’t suitable. This is why we have fruit bowls.

You want to exclude transmog on the basis of religious reasons. I’m sorry I misunderstood your intention, you appeared offended by it.

I grew up moving around and have been to various international schools full of people from all over the world and as a result I love culture and the flavours it brings. So I welcome it all in WoW. It’s a mix of everything from all over the world with it’s own WoW interpretation ofc.

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I can only talk about my experiences in answering this question, but here goes:

I’ve been playing WoW since vanilla; most of that time spent was in guilds that were predominantly middle-eastern. The general consensus is if you’re playing a game made by western developers then you’re going to see a lot of things through western-eyes, and we accept that. We didn’t feel that the developers had a duty to represent our culture, mainly because we only cared about killing dragons for loot.

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I’m not remotely offended by it.

But I understand why someone might be, and they might not want to see items celebrating Easter during their own Cultural Celebrations.

Sure, but as I pointed out to another poster.

Warcraft Lore and the original races were written by Chris Metzen in an afternoon. A white Californian bloke in his 20’s. It stems from a very Western interpretation of those cultures.

Of course times have moved on since then, and I hope Blizzard are and will continue to grow the game taking influence form the cultures themselves, rather than the Western Interpretation they were based on.

And of course respecting all the boundaries.

The bunny ears are a silly item that have been added to the game as part of the games Easter celebration. But do we really need such silly items like this in WoW? It downgrades the image of the game.

You should just stop being outraged on others behalf, talking like you are the voice of the people :sweat_smile:


Yes, of course. I respect that completely.

However, how great would it be if the game was made from a universal vision?

I merely made a statement on the likely reason why these rewards are not all year long. and then others threw the fit because they can’t dress up like playboy bunnies.

I’m just putting a reason across. I’m not trying to be an authority on the subject at all.

As I said before, Ignorance doesn’t mean it’s not a thing.

I can be a yeti, all year round.

I can wear all sorts of silly items from other WoW events.

I can have a candle on my head or a party hat. It just doesn’t make sense to limit bunny ears.

I personally don’t agree with being offended on behalf of other people when those people are free to decide what may or may not offend them.


Yeh, that’s a real shame. That was a real low point in the game. But at least it was limited, and its not really around anymore.

I hope Blizz start to strive to stop making trashy items like that.

Because Bunny Ears are from the games Easter event. If Bunny Ears were from another event, I’m sure it would be different.

I’m not being offended for anyone.

All that has happened here is someone said “I want bunny ears”. And I merely pointed out the likely reason why they have been limited.

But apparently the use of reason on these forums is enough to cause the outrage this thread has become.

Eggsactly. Thing is that most christian holidays is actually appropriated from older holidays from an early religion. Easter comes from the old Babylonian celebration of Ishtar, god of fertility. One realizes that the fertility thing is why Bunnys and Eggs are an issue because the dont have anything to do with the death of christ… :smiley:


I’m not sure, to be honest. With WoW’s general tone, I don’t believe it would add a lot of value (talking about my own culture.)

That’s not to say that it wouldn’t be interesting if they do decide to take a deeper approach with the different influences. I do love how Dune handled it, but I don’t believe WoW can come anywhere near that amount of depth.

ff14 looks older than wow tbh , textures give cheap p2w asian mmo vibe that’s why i never played it , only till level 10 and then it starts to feel dated

Ofcourse all these holiday stem from influences even further back and well beyond our records of human history. Humans have been doing what they do for a long long time. And you’re right Christianity was the first religion to celebrate at this time of year.

However we’re not talking about the ancient past. We’re talking about the 21st Century and what these holidays represent today. Unfortunately Rabbits and Eggs have been tied to the Death and Rising of Christ. And although the stories (if you can call them that) that we hear are just the Easter bunny is bringing you Chocolate. The reason why we do that will forever be tied to Death and Rising of Christ… until the next big story happens.

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It was really painful to look at that screenshot tbh. It was far too bright. Looked horrible.

i always envy their class design but the whole ui design and textures in the starting zones feel like they’re from early 2000s… people say it has the best starter experience but it just pushes you away with those graphics.

It sounds like it’s 2 different games for 2 different types of players.

But yeh, the graphics were a killer for me. I didn’t make it past the first quest.

edit I should say the artistic style.

It wasn’t my cup of tea, I don’t even remember what level I got to. I didn’t like the combat. I joined friends and gave it a whirl. This was my second attempt.

Doesn’t help that I don’t qualify for their free trial because I played the game years ago.

The day night cycle is also constant and very short compared to WoW which works with real time, so you flit between night and day while playing.

Are you telling me I should be offended how Blizzard has included my viking heritage into the game through the Vrykul?

Come on. This is a game, we aren’t looking for a mirror of real cultures. We are looking for the inspiration they put together to make this world what it actually is.

Well, ofc, you might be looking for the real deal, but then I’d say there are other games that go less fantasy about it. Personally I prefer to not go further than inspiration.

So no, they should not ask the cultures they pick inspiration from, for their take on it. Imo. The west is also not just one culture. That’s even noticeable to me as a norwegian living with a dutch man.