Bunny Ear Transmogs Year-Round?

The Easter Bunny is hardly Christian, same as Santa.


You know most people think of magazines aimed at men with a particular taste when they think of bunny ears, not Easter.

Also the cross is the strongest Christian symbol and so many staves in the game have crosses. Blizzard have already demonstrated that they’re not trying to avoid having religious symbols at all times of the year.


What is it then?

Pretty sure Easter is the celebration of Death and rising of Jesus… or something like that, I don’t really pay attention to fiction.

The bunny is just the commercialisation of the holiday.

It’s taken from pagan beliefs where the bunny represents growth and fertility. (Spring).

I just wanna end by saying hardly anyone will be offended by bunny ears. If anything, the first thing they will think of is Anime bunny boys :rofl:

And possibly, the mean girls Halloween scene


So it’s a cross over of 2 religions then. that’s even worse.

I for one would rather not see Bunny ears in the game. Nor people running around in Xmas transmog.

the Yeti outfit is bad enough. Luckily that’s a rarely see that anymore.

Many of the fantasy stuff in video games is inspired by mythology, pagan religions, and real life cultures.

Up to you :person_shrugging:


Well, alot of the stuff in WoW is inspired by Western culture. just look at Stormwind for example.

However, that doesn’t mean that people from other cultures want these religious Icons all over the place when outside of their celebratory dates.

Whilst alot of people see easter as time off work, and a chance to scoff chocolate. There is a story behind why we celebrate it, whether you or I actually believe that story ourselves, by celebrating the holiday, you’re supporting it.

WoW is certainly gradually growing to be more universal with where it gets it’s inspiration from. But still has a long way to go. The importance is that when it brings elements of another culture into the game, it should be careful to bring the western view of that culture, but rather that cultures view of itself.

You do realize we are arguing about rabbit ears right? Just wanna make sure.


We have covered that already.

but still, there is no need to have those silly items outside of their holiday imo.

Cute fluffy ears are serious business, apparently.


Blizz has some weird stances on certain things. For instance, the game’s 20 years old, and we’re still not allowed a first and last name for our character. Has to be one name, no spaces. Interesting policy… even EQ let you have spaces in your name, I believe.


I imagine that is more likely a limitation far deeper in the code than what you think it might be on the surface.

With all the spaghetti code and things breaking, it’s probably better not to touch it, than potential risk breaking the game over such a unnecessary change.

Christian Easter does not involve a bunny giving people eggs just like Christian Christmas has nothing to do with Santa Clause climbing down your chimney to leave gifts under your tree.


Yet they’re commercialisations of a religious festival. Its away of spreading the message under a different guise.

AS I said, its not about what they are, its what they represent.

I don’t consider either to have any religion connotation but if you do that’s down to you :slight_smile:

Each to their own but they are not Christian.


As I said:

Whether you see it as Christian or not, it represents a Christian story. Its origins are from Christianity.

It has been commercialised to be more appealing to more people, especially so since Westerners are starting to drop their Christian beliefs.

but as long as it draws its origins from Christianity, it is a Christian icon. The message remains the same. Whether you choose to accept that or not.

Bunny ears are not a Christian invention rofl.


Easter is though. Don’t miss quote me. I know you just want bunny ears. but I don’t want religious festivals rammed in my face all year around.

Are you aware that rabbits exist outside of Easter?


Yes. But the bunny ear you’re talking about here are representing a religious festival.

Outside of Nobel Garden. It would just be a bit silly to have Bunny Ears in the game.