Burn HIllsbrad canceled

Yes, but as those teachers there said, students can sometimes bring new innovations that the teachers had never even considered, despite some of them havind decades of experience, so it’s situational. New viewson things that have been certain way for literally hundreds of years :grin: Tho one reason for this is that goldsmiths carry their sercrets to the grave, because they don’t wanna give any edge to their competitors :sweat_smile:

But while that analogy is fitting for some situations, doesn’t it suggest that you consider yourself to have much more experience? I’m not saying who has more experience, it’s not that, because I wouldn’t know.

I’m not trying to debate about who’s more experienced here tho, but since none of us knows actually the experience “level” of each person here, I don’t think that analogy works in this situation :thinking:

But that being said, while I enjoy discussing about sematics at times, I’ll try to restrain myself from writing these long and boring essays… :sweat_smile:

Ah, the real vanilla flavour, just how I remembered it. Thanks for taking me back <3

Who will take the record of leaving the server and comebacks this time, I wonder? I guess we’ll stay tuned to find out! And we know we can’t not to.


I agree with everyone on everything.

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I agree with you!

I disagree with everything and everyone.

I still love you


ooo this is still going nice nice

you are trying your best <3