Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10

I understand the frustration from ZT and Celebras players. But mostly I am happy that at least one RP server will survive.
And I can say that we will gladly welcome all RP refugees in our HW family.
I think problems can be solved. Although open wold PVP is something different, I am sure RP-PVP events can be organized. For the german speaking RP community there is the option of Subchannels in German language or special events.
Of course it would be better if all three realms stayed active but I have the hope that we can unite all willing RPers in one realm that would also be a little bigger then (to prevent it from being closed the next time blizz plans an action like this).


Thank you… :smiling_face: :heart:
But you deserve your realm just as much :heart:

Problem is, that there probably won`t be many willing from Celebras… :confused:

I doubt that this does happen again. I am rather sure, that the realm is still, even if all players from all realms would unite, way to tiny and would be usually closed.

They probably decided, to leave one realm for the roleplayers, and will stick with it :slight_smile:

There were a lot of players claiming that we can forget it and will loose our RP realm, because “Blizzard does not care what the players want”.
I told them, they do, we just might not always happy with it, but within reason, they problably reconsider their decision - if they realize, that there ARE actually players who prefer a smaller realm and would prefer to keep ther tiny RP community

And here we are, with Hydraxian Waterlords… :slight_smile:


Well said! You just opened a whole other can of worms! Devs, if you truly had the World of warcraft spirit you would understand that within RP servers, its a completely different game!
I beg of you to leave the RP alone

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Well said! You just opened a whole other can of worms! Devs, if you truly had the World of warcraft spirit you would understand that within RP servers, its a completely different game!
I beg of you to leave the RP alone

I have to retract my words. It is not funny. It is sad. Not really surprising but still sad.

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Yes we are. Because of Server Closure they will in WotLK remove like in Retail the Serverlimit for Characters so for me it would be dream as I would be able to RP 50 characters if just Celebras would survive.

That particular news came later than this post.:innocent:
I think two things about this change. First I think: I like it! Then my #NoChange heart screams: “But it was not in Wrath!” I would have meen happy with the number of slots being raised to 12 or 15. This “Retail measure” clashes with the Sporit of Classic :tm:

I think one reason was, that,players who played on several realms that are now deleted, can move all characters to one realm

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Oh, yes. I’m sure this is the reason. I see the logic, but still I don’t really like it. It’s not the true Classic way :wink:
But then - I know - I’m one of the very few persons being bothered by small changes and discrepancies like this. I really, really would like Classic - all 3 expansions - to be as close as humanly possible to how it was.

I am more bothered by the Barbershopextension then by the characterlimit. Because I personally do not see if someone has only 10 characters or 50 and so I can at least have enough characters for TBC and WotLK concepts. But with Barbershop they can maybe bring in styles that are not like the Classic world I used to know.

That and people being able to mount on board ships! are /will be some of the big visual immersion breakers :wink:
I get you, but the character select screen is also WOW :wink: I will get used to it.

i like that you even thought of opening up the character transfers back :slight_smile:

Let’s hope that the English RP community comes together again :slight_smile:

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But you can already mount on ships. The difference that WotLK made whas given ships people on it iirc.

Yes you can mount on ships and have been able to since day one in Classic which is wrong. For long … I’m not sure exactly how long, you could neither mount in Booty Bay, nor aboard ships (except for on those big boxes). Booty Bay was declared “outdoors” and thus mount-able with Wrath, and ships at a later date iirc.

Booty Bay is still declared indoors and historical it is considered Outdoors since Wrath.
Oh and you are kind of right with Ships. I think they changed it because it whas so arbitrary.
Source: _https://www.engadget.com/2008-08-12-mounts-now-welcome-in-booty-bay.html?guccounter=1

Hmm, I read it as they say that BB will be Outdoors in Wrath, but that ships strangely are still indoors - only not the crates, just as I remember it.

If you follow the link to “outdoors” https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Outdoors you’ll see the crates on transport ships being spoken of as a glitched area, where you can mount even if you were not supposed to. And they say that Entangling Roots can be used indoors as of patch 3.0.2, proving that mounting on ships came later than mounting in Booty Bay.

The transfer restriction, as well as the restriction on both factions on PvP realms, as well as the single-realm character limit have all now been lifted.


Please do something for Ashbringer.


Please post a list of PvE realms for free transfers as promised


When will the Free transfer TO Hydraxian Waterlords come out? It is not there yet.